


Dinamarca halla partidas de pepinos españoles contaminados
· Siete Daneses han resultado infectados por una cepa dañina de la bacteria "E.coli" , aunque todo apunta a que se contagiaron durante su estancia en Alemania
EFE - Copenhauge - 27/05/2011

Health alert in Europe Denmark is contaminated consignments of Spanish cucumbers Seven Danes have been infected by a harmful strain of the bacterium E. coli, "although everything seems to be infected during their stay in Germany EFE - Copenhagen - 27/05/2011
Two Danish companies have received Spanish cucumbers infected with the same variant of the intestinal bacterium Escherichia coli that has caused three deaths so far in Germany, announced today the Food in Denmark. In a statement, the organization urges consumers "do not eat raw cucumbers in Spain, and raw cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce in northern Germany, since the power [of transmission] was not fastened securely." In recent days, at least seven Danes have been affected by EHEC, mutation of harmful E. coli, although it appears to be infected during their stay in Germany. In Sweden, there are a dozen infected, even after traveling to Germany, and have not been detected so far cucumbers contaminated items. The last hour of 32 the total number of affected people in both countries.
And in Finland, the Finnish Food Safety Agency (Evira) today recommended not to use Spanish cucumbers to clarifying the origin and causes of the disease outbreak by intestinal bacteria "Escherichia coli" and urged the Finns who have recently traveled northern Germany and diarrhea have any symptoms to contact a doctor immediately
The Danish authorities have contacted two companies that have received infected Spanish cucumbers and ordered them to withdraw from circulation of contaminated items, "according to the reports coming out of German food authorities, who have sent through the alert system common European food. " The companies involved are in Grindsted and Kolind, two villages in the peninsula of Jutland, western Denmark.
German health authorities announced yesterday that the disease outbreak has its origins in cucumbers from Spain that were sold through the central market in Hamburg, following the results of the analysis conducted by the Institute of Hygiene of the city-state.

 ヨーロッパでの健康情報 デンマーク、スペインキュウリの積荷を汚染されている すべては、ドイツでの滞在中に感染したと思われるが、セブンデンマーク"は、菌、大腸菌の有害な株に感染している EFE通信 - コペンハーゲン - 27/05/2011
二つのデンマーク企業は、ドイツではこれまでに3名の死亡を起こしている腸内細菌の大腸菌と同じ亜種に感染してスペインのキュウリを受けている今日、デンマークの食品を発表した。声明の中で、組織は、消費者が"[は、伝送の]パワーしっかりと固定されていないため、ドイツ北部、スペインの生のキュウリ、生のキュウリ、トマト、レタスを食べていない。"要請それは、ドイツでの滞在中に感染していることが表示されますが、最近では、少なくとも7つのデンマークは、出血性、有害な大腸菌の変異の影響を受けている。スウェーデンでは、とでも、ドイツに旅行した後、ダース感染があるので、これまで汚染されたキュウリの項目は検出されていない。 32の最後の時間、両国の被災者の合計数。

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