

2011年01月31日月曜日13:25晴れ/曇り 最低気温;04ºC 最高気温;11ºC BARCELONA県から
アメリカ合衆国の2011年第03週に検査された5'823件の患者の試料のうち、30'1%の1'754件はインフルエンザ陽性反応だった。このうち、 インフルエンザB型は 20'6%の362件で、インフルエンザA型は 79'4%の1'392件で、このうち、42'0%の584件は 香港風邪のA(H3N2)で、23'9%の332件は 新型インフルエンザで、34'2%の476件は インフルエンザA型未分類だった。
03週のインフルエンザ風邪気味症状による医師への診察率は、3'6%で、風邪最低流行値んの2'5%を上回った。2010年第40週からの現在までの2011年01月22日の合計では、香港風邪のA(H3N2)は 5'316件で、新型インフルエンザは 1'534件で、インフルエンザA型未分類は 3'516件で、インフルエンザB型は 4'440件で、未成年の感染死亡者は 13人にのぼった。
2010/2011年の今までの感染確認入院患者は 0ー4歳は 161人で、人口100'000人につき 9'9で、05ー17歳は 68人で、1'7で、18ー49歳は 243人で、2'2件で、50ー64歳は 167人で、3'9件で、65歳以上は 294人で、0000011'0件で、全年齢層では 933人で、04'0件です。
入院患者の既成症状別では、喘息は、未成年は 20'6%で、成年は20'3%で、心臓病は、 未成年は 6'1%で、成人は 27'6%で、慢性肺病は 未成年は 6'1%で、成人は 18'6%で、免疫不全は 未成年は 3'8%で、成人は 16'5%で、新陳代謝不全は、 未成年は 6'1%で、成人は 32'2%で、神経症状は 未成年は 4'6%で、成人は 5'8%で、肥満は 未成年は 0'8%で、成人は 15'9%で、妊娠は 成人が 7'8%で、腎臓病は 未成年は0'6%で、成人は 16'5%で、不明は みせいねんが45'8%で、大人が 17'4%だった。
年齢層別の入院患者の統計では、0ー4歳は 18'4%の249人。05ー17歳は 7'5%の102人。18ー49歳は26'7%の362人。50ー64歳では、17'3%の234人。65歳以上では、29'9%の406人。
性別では、男性は 46'3%の628人。女性では 53'3%の723人。
。そのうち、香港風邪のA(H3N2)は 89'0%の162件。新型インフルエンザは 11'0%の20件。インフルエンザB型は20'2%の274件。集中治療室は、14'9%の71件。人工呼吸機は 3'8%の18件。肺炎は 24'2%の115件。
死亡は 1'5%の7件



Health Protection Agency of U. K.
What's New
>> Weely influenza report, 27 January 2011

HPA Wekly National Influenza Report
27 January 2011 - Week 4 published
week 3 , Jan. 17 - Jan. 23

HPA National Influenza Weekly Reports Archive

> 13 January 2011:publshed
Week 01 : Jan. 03 -Jan- 9
HPA Weekly National Influenza Report week 2 (2011)

> 06 January 2011 published
Week 52 DEC. 20 - Dec. 26 2010
HPA Weekly National Influenza Report week 01 (2011)

2011年01月31日月曜日晴れ/曇り 10:27 最高気温;11ºC 最低気温;04ºC BARCELONA県から


現在流行しているインフルエンザヴィールスの主流は、インフルエンザB型で、新型インフルエンザも検出され続けており、散発的な香港風邪A(H3N2)びーるすも検出されている。イギリスの20011年第03週01/17ー01/23の風邪気味症状による医師への診察率は、ENGLAND地方では、人口100'000人につき、40'7件(2011/02 : 01/10-01/16=66'5)で、WALES地方では、26'9件(2011/02 : 01/10-01/16=52)で、NORTHERN IRELAND地方では、126'2件(2011/02 : 01/10-01/16=190'6)で、減少しており、SCOTLAND地方では、ちょっと増加して、47'9件(2011/01/10-01/16=42'9)です。

イギリスでは、2011年第03週01/17ー01/23には、12件の急性呼吸器症状の集団発生が報告されて、2件は 養護施設で、2件は 刑務所で、8件は 学校だった。これで今風邪流行期間では、合計 165件のインフルエンザの集団発生の報告になる。
ENGLAND地方の見張り番一般医に報告された2011年03週01/17ー01/23の提出された186件の風邪気味症状の患者の試料のうちの、15'1%の28件に、インフルエンザの陽性反応がでた。ENGLAND地方のDATAMARTに報告された1942件の風邪気味症状の患者の試料のうち、13'5%の267件にインフルエンザ陽性反応がでて、先週より減少した。RSVと、RHINOVIRUSの検出率は、増加して、PARAINFLUENZA、ADENOVIRUS、 HMPVは、減少した。

2011年01月31日月曜日晴れ/曇り 10:27 最高気温;11ºC 最低気温;04ºC BARCELONA県から
イギ流行リスの2している0011インフルエンザ年第03ヴィールス週01/の17ー0主流は1/23、の風邪気インフルエンザ味症状にB型でよる医師、への診察率は、ENGLAND地方では、人口100'000人につき、40'7件で、WALES地方では、26'9件で、NORTHERN IRELAND地方では、126'2件で、減少しており、SCOTLAND地方では、ちょっと増加して、47'9件です。
イギリスでは、2011年第03週01/17ー01/23には、12件の急性呼吸器症状の集団発生が報告されて、2件は 養護施設で、そのうち 1件はインフルエンザB型で、もう1件は新型インフルエンザとインフルエンザB型の混合で、2件は 刑務所で、2件とも 新型インフルエンザで、8件は 学校だった。2件はインフルエンザA型未分類で、ほかは未確認だった。これで今風邪流行期間では、合計 165件のインフルエンザの集団発生の報告になる。このうち、77%の127件は、学校でのインフルエンザの集団発生だった。14件は 養護施設で、5件は 病院で、1件は 軍事基地で、1件は 保育所で、17件は 刑務所だった。
ENGLAND地方の見張り番一般医に報告された2011年03週01/17ー01/23の提出された186件の風邪気味症状の患者の試料のうちの、15'1%の28件に、インフルエンザの陽性反応がでた。そのうち、6件は 新型インフルエンザで、1件は 香港風邪のA(H3N2)で、18件は インフルエンザB型だった。
ENGLAND地方のDATAMARTヴィールス監視体制に報告された1942件の風邪気味症状の患者の試料のうち、13'5%の267件にインフルエンザ陽性反応がでて、先週の20'5%より減少した。そのうち、121件は 新型インフルエンザで、12件は インフルエンザA型未分類で、134件は インフルエンザB型だった。新型インフルエンザに検出率は、すべての年齢層で減少して、一番高い検出率は、5ー14歳で、7'8%だった。インフルエンザB型は、安定していて、10'1%で、一番高い検出率は、5ー14歳で、24'6%から 30%に増加した。RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUSは、ちょっと増加して、10'8%になり、一番高いRSVの検出率は、5歳以下の30'9%で、でも。一番大きな増加率は、5ー14歳の4'1%から 14'9%だった。RHINOVIRUSの検出率は、3'9%から 09%に増加して、PARAINFLUENZA、ADENOVIRUS、 HMPVは、減少して低い。
インフルエンザ感染患者のうちに、バクテリアによる二時感染がほうこくされている。監視体制の情報を分析した結果、2009年12月に比べると、2010年12月には、侵略的バクテリアの病理が増加している。これは、侵略的な S。PNEUMONISEの2009年の619件から、19%の増加の2010年12月の736件がふくまれる。
この増加では、15ー64歳の年齢層の患者で、2009年12月の234件から、2010年12月の391件への増加と、GROUP A STREPTOCOCCUS の103件から、61%の増加の166件にみられる。2011年01月にも増加は継続しており、2010年01月全部の97件と比べると、現在 全部で 136件の GROUP A STREPYOCOCCUS の検出の報告を受けている。2010年12月01日から 2011年01月21日までのあいだに、344件の脳膜炎(髄膜炎)が検出確認された。この数字は2009/2010年の同じ時期の165件より多いが、2008/2009の336件と同じくらいだ。
インフルエンザが、これらのバクテリアの二時感染の増加の原因になっているかは、現在 調査中です。CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER による2011年01月10日に現場の医者に警戒がだされた。詳しくは、2011年01月14日発表のHEALTH PROTECTION AGENCY のHEALTH PROTECTION REPORT を参照のこと。
イギリスでの インフルエンザによる入院患者や、集中治療室の入院患者については、
2010年第36週2010/09/06ー09/12から、いままでに、2011年01月26日まで、イギリスでは、338人のインフルエンザ感染死亡患者が報告された。ENGLAND地方では、237人がインフルエンザ感染死亡した。このうち、情報のある297件のうちの92%の273人の感染死亡患者は新型インフルエンザで、4件は インフルエンザ
A型未分類で、6%の19件はインフルエンザB型患者だった。報告されたインフルエンザ感染死者は、子供たちや若い大人で、306件の年齢の情報のある患者のうち、3%の10件は 5歳以下で、5%の14件は5ー14歳で、71%の217件 は 15ー64歳で、21%の65人は 64歳以上です。情報のある252人の感染死者のうち、73%の184人は予防注射対象者の既成症状持ちだった。このうちの感染重傷化危険対象者の主要な病気は、喘息の49人、免疫不全が43人。予防注射の情報のある108件の76%の82件は今年の2010/11年の3種混合ワクチンの予防接種を受けていなかった。情報のあるうち、41件 の95%の39件は去年の新型インフルエンザ1種ワクチンの予防接種を受けていなかった。
2011年第02週01/10ー01/16には、OFFICE FOR NATIONAL STATISTICS によると、ENGLANDとWALES地方では、推定 すべての原因の死亡者数は、13'133人で、これは、2011年01週の12'644人の死者登録から増加して、例年のこの時期の死亡予想値を大きく上回る。この過剰な死者数の原因は、最近の寒波と、伝染している呼吸器ヴィールスのせいだろう。
2011年03週01/17ー01/23では、ENGLANDとWALES地方では、急性気管支炎の診察率は、2011年第02週の01/10ー01/16の人口100'000人につき、139'1件から、2011年03週の94'7件に減少した。急性気管支炎は、1ー4歳と、5ー14歳では、増加して、他の年齢層では減少した。一番高い診察率は、1歳以下で、2011年02週の297'4件から、2011年03週の238'5件に減った。肺炎による診察率は2011年02週の人口100'000人につき 1'7件から、2011年03週の1'0件に減少した。

Influenza Specialist Web site: RECOMBINOMICS

Influenza Specialist Web Site ; RECOMBINOMICS

Archived Commentaries
Fixing H1N1 S188T In 2011 (01/26/11 17:30)

H1N1 Pennsylvania Deaths Raise Concerns (01/26/11 14:30)
H1N1 Now Killing Elderly In UK (01/20/11 21:00)
2011 Mongolia H1N1 Sequence Has S188T (01/20/11 15:00)

All Oct/Nov H1N1 US Sequences Have S186P or S188T (01/19/11 13:20)
All December H1N1 UK Sequences Have S188T (01/18/11 23:50)

All December H1N1 Iran Sequences Have S186P or S188T (01/18/11 18:20)

CDC Issues H1N1 Alert In the United States (01/18/11 14:10)
RBD Driven H1N1 Immunological Escape In UK (01/18/11 12:20)
Pennsylvania H1N1 S188P Death Cluster Matches UK Clade (01/14/11 11:00)

H1N1 D225G Transmission in the UK and US (01/13/11 23:30)

UK H1N1 Death Undercount Raises Pandemic Concerns (01/10/11 17:30)
Liverpool H1N1 Death Cluster Increases to Nine (01/10/11 13:15)

Withheld UK H1N1 Death Data Raises Pandemic Concerns (01/10/11/12:00)

Health Protection Agency Releases UK H1N1 Sequences (01/07/10 13:45)
Receptor Binding Domain Changes Drive H1N1 Spread in the UK (01/07/11 12:35)

S186P on 14/41 Recent H1N1 Sequences From England (01/07/11 05:35)

D225G H1N1 Recombination and Transmission In The UK (01/07/11 02:30)

S188T on 22/41 Recent H1N1 Sequences From England (01/06/11 23:55)

H1N1 Immunological Escape Signals Wave 3 (01/05/11 19:50)

H1N1 Death Cluster(s) In Pennsylvania Raise Concerns (01/05/11 12:30)
H1N1 Death Cluster In Montgomery County Pennsylvania (01/04/11 22:40)
H1N1 Dutch Death Cluster Raises Wave 3 Concerns (01/04/11 20:35)
H1N1 Death Cluster In Liverpool Increases Concerns (01/04/11 19:35)
H1N1 Vaccine Breakthrough In Sweden (01/03/11 20:25)

UK H1N1 Cases Raise ECMO Usage To 100% (01/03/11 17:25)

H1N1 Threatens Critical Health Care Delivery In UK (01/01/11 23:40)

UK H1N1 Children's Epidemic Predicted (01/01/11 21:40)

The 2011 H1N1 Pandemic Fiasco (01/01/11 15:00)

UK Vaccine Shortage Increases H1N1 Pandemic Concerns (01/01/11 07:00)
Severe H1N1 Cases Force UK Black Alerts (12/31/10 22:45)
Rising H1N1 Tamiflu Resistance In The UK (12/31/10 19:25)

H1N1 Death Cluster in Greater Manchester Increases To 12 (12/31/10 15:50)

H1N1 Deaths Of Healthy UK Adults Raise Pandemic Concerns (12/30/10 20:15)

UK ICU H1N1 Cases Spike to 738 (12/30/10 17:30)
Three Unsubtypable Influenza Reported In Pennsylvania (12/29/10 22:45)

Severe H1N1 Cases Threaten UK Health Care Delivery (12/29/10 19:30)

Japan and Taiwan H1N1 Sequences Match United Kingdom (12/27/10 16:15)

Iran December H1N1 Sequences Match United Kingdom (12/26/10 20:45)

Fatal H1N1 In Previously Healthy Young Adults In UK (12/25/10 01:10)

Low UK Vaccine Uptake Raises H1N1 Pandemic Concerns (12/24/10 20:05)
H1N1 Death Cluster in Leicestershire UK Raises Concerns (12/24/10 17:25)

UK H1N1 ICU Cases Spike To 460 (12/24/10 14:45)

Australia and trH1N1 Recombinant In United Kingdom (12/23/10 19:05)

Recombination Driving H1N1 Evolution In United Kingdom (12/23/10 16:45)

Minnesota trH3N2 Is A Reassortant With PB1 E618D (12/23/10 03:05)

Alarming Rate of Severe H1N1 Cases In the UK (12/22/10 16:05)
UK ECMO Shortfalls Raise H1N1 Concerns (12/22/10 07:20)

Spike In Young ICU H1N1 Cases In UK Raises Concerns (12/21/10 19:30)
H1N1 Death Cluster In Bury Near Manchester Raises Concerns (12/21/10 17:00)

Minnesota trH3N2 Matches Wisconsin and Pennsylvania (12/21/10 00:55)

H1N1 S188T Spread To Whitechapel United Kingdom (12/20/10 19:00)
H3N2 Swine Pandemic Surveillance Concerns (12/18/10 18:20)

The Emerging H3N2 Swine Pandemic (12/17/10 22:10)

A Second trH3N2 Case In Minnesota Raises Pandemic Concerns (12/17/10 16:50)

Severe and Fatal H1N1 In Previously Healthy Young Adults (12/16/10 22:00)

Increasing Low Reactors On Novel H1N1 Genetic Background (12/16/10 17:20)

Increased Frequency of Severe and Fatal H1N1 in England (12/16/10 05:20)
Critical Escalation of Severe and Fatal H1N1 In England (12/16/10 02:50)

Spread of H1N1 Immunological Escape Via S188T (12/14/10 18:00)

Fatal H1N1 In Young UK Adults Raise Pandemic Concerns (12/11/10 22:45)

Increasing Hospitalizations in Manitoba Raise trH3N2 Concerns (12/10/10 21:40)
2010 trH3N2 Recombinant Sequence In Cameroon (12/09/10 23:25)

2010 trH3N2 Recombinant Sequence In Argentina (12/09/10 17:25)

Young Adult Deaths At Garden Hill Raise trH3N2 Concerns (12/07/10 17:25)

Spike In Garden Hills Cases Raises trH3N2 Concerns (12/06/10 19:05)

Severe Young Adult Garden Hills Cases Raise trH3N2 Concerns (12/05/10 20:15)

H3N2 Death Cluster in Garden Hills Canada Grows (12/05/10 15:45)

Details on Manitoba Cluster Increase trH3N2 Concerns (12/04/10 22:35)

Is trH3N2 Linked to Death Cluster in Manitba Canada? (12/04/10 04:05)

H3N2 Death Cluster in Manitoba Canada (12/03/10 23:05)
Genetic Linkage Between Human trH1N1 trH1N2 trH3N2 12/01/10 22:05

High H1N1 Case Fatality Rate In Lehigh County Pennsylvania (12/01/10 14:30)

Pennsylvania H1N1 Death Cluster Confirmed (12/01/10 02:45)

Pennsylvania Issues H1N1 and H3N2 Health Advisory (11/24/10 15:45)

H1N1 Death Cluster In Pennsylvania Raises Concerns (11/24/10 14:12)

Human Transmission of trH1N1 trH1N2 trH3N2 (11/23/10 22:55)

PB1 E618D Signals Emerging trH3N2 Pandemic (11/18/10 13:35)

trH3N2 Matches For All Five Patients Signal Pandemic (11/18/10 01:40)
Novel Human trH3N2 Constellation Raises Concerns (11/17/10 14:40)

Human trH3N2 / trH1N1 Matches Raise Pandemic Concerns (11/15/10 21:10)
Human trH3N2 Matches Human trH1N1 from Huron Ohio Cluster (11/15/10 19:10)

Swine trH3N2 Phylogenetic Analysis Without Sequences (11/14/10 3:10)
PB1 E618D in pH1N1 and Human H3N2 Triple Reassortant KS13 (11/13/10 17:50)

Absence of Phylogenetic Analysis on Swine H3N2 Cases (11/13/10 06:20)

CDC Fails To Show Swine To Human H3N2 Transmission (11/13/10 05:20)

Withheld Sequences from H3N2 Swine Flu Cases Raise Concerns (11/12/10 22:30)
CDC Comments On Swine H3N2 Cases In the United States (11/12/10 21:05)

WHO Silence On Swine H3N2 Case In Illinois Raises Concerns (11/11/10 18:50)
CDC Silence On Swine H3N2 Case In Illinois Raises Concerns (11/11/10 14:30)

Challenge of Surveillance of Swine H3N2 In Human (11/11/10 04:30)

Human Swine Flu Axis Generates Rapid Evolution (11/11/10 00:35)

Novel H3N2 Cases in United States Raise Pandemic Concerns (11/10/10 22:50)
H3N2 Triple Reassortants in Pennsylvania and Illinois Patients (11/10/10 21:45)

H1N1 Evolution In Thailand Raises Pandemic Concerns (11/10/10 17:57)

H1N1 Recombination and Reassortment In Swine In Thailand (11/09/10 23:45)

H3N2 Death Cluster in Akita Hospital Increases To Eight (11/09/10 17:15)

Rapid H3N2 Spread In Japan Raises Concerns (11/08/10 14:15)

Vaccine Link to H3N2 Death Cluster in Japan Hospital? (11/07/10 13:22)
High H3N2 Death Rate in Akita Japan Hospital Raises Concerns (11/06/10 22:30)

H3N2 Kills Six In Hospital In Akita Japan (11/06/10 21:10)

Worldwide H3N2 Low Reactor Sub-clade Emerges (11/02/2010 12:15)


US  -- Centers for Disease Contrl and Prevention (CDC)
> http://www.cdc.gov/
> Morbidity and Mortality Weekl Report (MMWR)
> Weekly Repot
MMWR Weekly : Current Volume (2011)
January 28, 2011 / Vol. 60 / no. 3 / Pg. 65 - 92
> · Notifible Diseases and Mortality Tables
> Table III  Deaths in 122 U.S. cities, week ending (Jan. 16-) January 22, 2011 (3rd Week)
Pneumonia and influenza total daeths are 911.

第44週の10/31ー11/06の感 染死者は、736人。

2011/第01週の01/02ー01/08の感 染死者は、1025人。

 アメリカ合州国の122都市の肺炎·風邪インフルエンザの感染死者 の2010/10月03日から2011/01月15日までの合計は、12176人(12'176)になる.

報告漏れがあるので,アメリカ合州国の122都市の肺炎·風邪インフルエンザの感染死者 の2010/10月03日から2011/01月15日までの総計の実数は、12'000ー13'000くらいにはなるだろう。



2011年01月28日金曜日 13:02 曇り最低気温;06ºC 最高気温;10ºC BARCELONA県から
スペインん02011年第03週01/16ー01/22のインフルエンザ感染率は、人口100'000人につき、226'9件です。15歳ー64歳と、64歳以上のインフルエンザ感染患者の感染率は、減ってきているが、15歳以下の患者は、増えている。大部分の感染しているインフルエンザビールスは、インフルエンザA型の新型インフルエンザです。2011年第02週01/09ー01/15の検査された患者の試料のインフルエンザビールスの今までの最高の検出率の60%から、今週の2011年第03週01/16ー01/22のインフルエンザ検出率の48%と、インフルエンザヴィールスの検出率は、減少してきている。2010年/2011年の2010年第40週10/03ー10/09の風邪季節の始まりから、合計777件のいんふるえんざ感染重症確認入院患者が報告されて、そのうち、92%は、新型インフルエンザの感染重症入院患者です。30%の入院患者は、15ー44歳で、39%の入院患者は、45ー64歳です。14%の入院患者は 15歳以下で、17%の入院患者は、65歳以上です。26%の重症入院患者は、健康体です。79%の入院患者は、風邪感染重傷化危険対象者を含めて、2010年/2011年のインフルエンザの予防注射を受けていなかった。54人の感染重症入院患者が死亡した。80%の死亡患者は、風邪感染重症化危険対象者(既成症状持ち)だった。87%のインフルエンザ予防注射対象者の感染死亡患者は、予防注射を受けていなかった。
2010年/2011年のインフルエンザ流行季節が始まってから、全部で1750件のインフルエンザヴィールスの検出が報告されて、そのうち、インフルエンザA型は、87%の1526件で、12%の215件はインフルエンザB型で、0'5%の9件は インフルエンザC型だった。分類検査されたインフルエンザA型のうち、98%の1311件は、新型インフルエンザで、02%の9件はは 香港風邪のA(H3N2)だった。国立最近研究所の国立インフルエンザ研究所では、59件のインフルエンザヴィールスの遺伝子解析?をして、そのうち、新型インフルエンザは、45件、香港風邪のA(H3N2)は、4件で、インフルエンザB型は、10けんだった。新型インフルエンザヴィールスは、A/CALIFORNIA/07/2009(H1N1)となじで、で、4件の香港風邪のA(H3N2)うち、3件は A/HONGKONG/2121/2010(H3N2)の系統で、1件は A/VICTORIA/208/2009(H3N2)とおなじだった。
2010年第40週2010/10/03ー10/09から 1002件のSYNCICAL RESPITATORY vIRUSが検出報告されて、2010年第50週12/12ー12/18の最高値の49%から、5週間につずけて、減少して、2011年03週の検出率の17%にいたっている。
2010年/2011年インフルエンザ流行季節がはじまってから、インフルエンザ感染重症入院患者は、777件報告されて、59%は男性入院患者で、41%は女性入院患者だった。318人の女性入院患者のうち、34人は妊娠女性で、68%の23人は妊娠24週間以上だった。年齢層別では、1歳以下は、9%で、1ー4歳は 3%で、5ー14歳は 2%で、15ー44歳は 30%で、45ー64歳は 33%で、64歳以上は 17%だった。
インフルエンザ感染重症入院患者のうち、92%は、新型インフルエンザだった。入院患者のうち、情報のある536人の患者のうち、75%の397人は既成症状によるインフルエンザの複雑化で、26%の139人は健康体だった。758件のうち、74%の559件は肺炎になり、499件のうち、26%の129件は、バクテリア症状を併発して、697件のうちの。218件は重症呼吸器障害で、680件のうちの10%の70件は多臓器不全で、776人の入院患者のうち、36%の282人は、集中治療室に入院して、776件のうち、64%の494人は集中治療室に入院する必要はなかった。482人の患者のうち、インフルエンザ予防注射を受けたのは66人で、86%の416人はインフルエンザ予防駐車を受けなかった。745件のçうち、4%の29人は、新型インフルエンザ1種予防注射をうけて、79%の患者は予防注射をうけなかった。762人のうち、54人は感染死亡して、22%の12件は 15ー44歳で、52%の28件は 45ー64歳で、26%んの14人は65歳いzyぷだった。91%は新型インフルエンザで、9%はインフルエンザA型未分類だった。51人のうち80%の41人は、感染重傷化危険対象者で、20%は健康体だった。42人の感染死亡患者のうち、23人の感染重傷化対象者で、23人の予防注射の有無が分かるのでは、23人のうち、87%の20人が予防注射をうけなかった。

Faith, waiting for copiers and printers


Faith, waiting for copiers and printers J. P. - Valencia - 27/01/2011
A week after the end of the transfer of all hospital consultations Faith Campanar to its new location in Malilla and opening the doors of area of hospitalization and emergency services have not yet reached the health center the 400 printers and photocopiers should Brand hospital workers.
The problem is the competition to decide which company will buy office equipment. The opening of technical tender of the various companies who presented the award (valued at 1.2 billion euros) was last October. On December 21 financial bids were opened. Since then, there has been no movement on the part of Health, "although it is normal since the opening of bids, not later than two weeks, health officials suggest.
During this time, various departments are working with the teams that have moved from the hospital. And they can continue over several weeks this way, because once you decide the company responsible for providing equipment, complete installation can take two months.
The company that submitted the lowest bid was Canon, at a cost of 1.02 billion euros, representing a decrease on the maximum price set by the Ministry of Health, nearly 16%. Distance is Tissat RC, with a discount of 6.69%, Ricoh (from 6.26%), Minolta (3.64%) and Iecisa (2%).
Health reported yesterday that one of the companies vying for the contest has filed an appeal, which is why it is delaying the whole procedure. He also indicated that soon the hospital will receive 100 printers for another contest, in this case, computer, and awarded.
Transfer Health announced yesterday that the transfer of patients hospitalized in Campanar the new center located in the neighborhood of Malilla will be held on Sunday 6 and 13 February. The first Sunday will be held on changing the location of patients in the area of maternal and infant following the rest of adult patients. The reasons for the choice of these dates are due to currently is a peak epidemiological situation of influenza cases, mainly in children, caused by lower temperatures.

"What's the score?"


RECAP: TENNIS - Australia Open "What's the score?" Schiavone beat Kuznetsova in the longest match a 'big' women: 4h 44m J. J. M. - Melbourne - 24/01/2011
"What's the score? Who brings? Who is ahead? Does she or me?" Laughs Russian Svetlana Kuznetsova, who carries his cross well visible luck, fine silver beads, and I would prefer an attack of amnesia, a forgetting deep and healthy, after what has happened: lost (4-6, 6-1 and 14-16) the longest match (4h 44m) in the history of the great female against Italian Francesca Schiavone and after having six match points. "I'm frustrated," he says later, dead and a third set made of will, passion (twice took the Italian to win, twice broke the Russian) and minutes, many minutes (180, three hours, only this manga, as many as two football games in a row). "I forget about this in a few days," he adds.
"I hope one day to teach the game to my son," says Schiavone, who played with a bandaged leg. "Tomorrow is a new day," he continues, laughing even losing a break in the last race for touching the net after winning the point. "I told the umpire:" I need this. Give it to me, please! Refused "closes the new number four, will play the quarterfinals against Denmark's Caroline Wozniacki. It was a marathon match, even away from the Isner-Mahut of Wimbledon 2010: 11 hours and five minutes and a fifth set that ended 70-68.
While all this happens, say goodbye to Fernando Verdasco in the second round (4-6, 2-6 and 3-6 to Czech Tomas Berdych), Nicolas Almagro (3-6, 4-6 and 0-6 before the Serbian Novak Djokovic ) and Tommy Robredo (to Swiss Roger Federer) and Rafael Nadal is prepared to play today (9.30, Canal +) against Croatian Marin Cilic. Spanish, which would be measured in the quarterfinals to David Ferrer, Milos Raonic Canadian opponent if both win, you get tired more than ever. Sweat like crazy. No recovers well. He lost two kilos and a half in the second round. "It's a process of thermoregulation of the body," explains Dr. Cotorro, attentive to hydration of Mallorca, which came after a flu, "all the weight lost was fluid. It is his [about 83 kilos] ".


Mexico takes a pulse to the crisis


FEATURE: Companies & sectors Mexico takes a pulse to the crisis The tourism industry struggles to attract visitors from more diversified and profitable A. M. 23/01/2011
Mexico plays two oceans. Archaeology has, the Caribbean, a diet considered a World Heritage Site and a neighbor-USA, which is the world's largest consumer. But not enough. The tourism industry and the government have to work to diversify its revenue on several fronts: reducing dependence on U.S. market (70% of its visitors are from the U.S. and Canada), on the one hand, and secondly, promote lesser-known areas of the country, make it clear that the offer of this land is much more than the well-known Cancun.
Just passed the blow to business which saw the epimedium of influenza A in 2009 and the global economic crisis, industry employers try to regain the level of tariffs before the crisis, because the volume of visitors back to 2008 levels, but not the income they generate. At a breakfast symposium organized by the country, entrepreneurs discussed with Mexican Secretary of Tourism, Gloria Guevara Manzo, the advantages and the challenges ahead and addressed the debate of the country's security.
Simón Pedro Barceló, Barceló Hotels Group president, with 13 stores in the country, stressed the importance of the benefits versus the volume of visitors: "The number of visitors is not the proper indicator of success or failure of a tourist destination because they fill a hotel is very easy, how difficult is to charge for it, so you have to make an effort to improve the social returns and the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita generates, "said the executive.
Falling prices in the industry is a global concern in the industry. The latest report from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) revealed that while the global number of tourists has improved, the economic benefits generated in general has not regained pre-crisis levels. It is also something that shares Carmen Riu, Riu Hotels (string reach 18 hotels in the country this year), who noted at the roundtable that the reduction of prices-a joy for consumers, a problem for the employer- "is a problem that creeps from the flu."
Miguel Lopez Aguilar, Iberia's commercial director, warned that the pull of higher quality tourism is the engine of profitability for airlines, which they can sell more business-class fares, and therefore make more viable flight points Mexico.
Despite the challenges and the global crisis, executives agreed that 2011 will be presented better. Alfonso Rivero, Assistant to the President of Globalia, said that in Spain there is demand for Mexico at all levels "and advanced his" optimistic "about this year.
Sharing this optimism, Gabriel Escarrer, vice president and CEO of Sol Melia, was concerned about security: "The worst that could happen to us after the flu is to begin to talk about narco-terrorism. In the same vein, Fernando Conte, president of Orizonia and former president and Iberia said that "tourism is scary" and many stocks are affected by different psychosis.
Guevara admitted challenge, but stressed that the repetition rate, the tourists return, is 97%-to Emiliano Hernandez, Cathay Tours, "one of the highest returns of satisfaction" - and that tourists are not the target of violence that exists in some areas of the country. "It's a fight between groups. There are only 80 of the 2,500 municipalities in Mexico where this happens." The Secretary of Tourism asked for advice on communication effort must be made in addressing this issue.
The CEO of PRISA, group editor of El Pais, Juan Luis Cebrian, advised the maximum "transparency" in communicating the country's situation, not trying to downplay the violence and encourage the holding of events in areas where there is this perception of violence to combat that image. In the same vein, the director of El País, Javier Moreno, warned that changing perceptions about a country is a task that takes time, but stressed that transparency and credibility that this provides is the way to go.
Another task that Mexico has taken is to combine environmental sustainability with the promotion of tourism infrastructure. Tourism Secretary reiterated the commitment of his Government on this matter.
OHL president, Juan Miguel Villar Mir, said that respect for the environment and tourism development "are quite possible" and cited a resort developed by his group Mayakoba, Riviera Maya, built 500 meters from the sea, rather than the coastline. "Before working with engineers and architects on a site must be put to biologists, geologists and environmentalists and start building the conditions for the environment," said the businessman.
Within the strategy of diversification, Jordi Llorens, regional director of Viajes El Corte Ingles, encouraged the Government and businesses to encourage business travel, congresses and conventions, as a new source of income.
For his part, José Mínguez, muchoviaje.com general manager, recalled that the Internet and is the primary source of information on tourism "before, during and after the trip safely, so they stressed the need for Mexico to enhance its promotion through social networks. -


The flu this year will be less severe than the previous


The flu this year will be less severe than the previous Emergency demands will increase by 15% compared to 20% in 2010 EMILIO DE BENITO - Madrid - 17/01/2011
As winter progresses and spreads the flu, is expected to be a greater pressure sucks the emergency departments. In particular, the demand will rise about 15%, according to the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (Shemesh). Last year it was 20%. This year is also the H1N1 virus circulates the most (along with other AH3N2 and one B). "According to our calculations, based on the experience of many years, the increase in the hospitalization of the most serious cases will be around 5% or 7%, coinciding with the peaks of increased incidence of influenza," said Thomas Toranzo, president of Shemesh.
Therefore, Toranzo urges health authorities to "increase the human and material resources of the emergency services, as it seems to only remember them, as Santa Barbara, when it thunders."
Indeed, to analyze the current situation in the emergency department, Shemesh has organized a conference in Madrid on Tuesday 18 January. This is a meeting to be attended heads and coordinators of emergency and which will, by way of conclusion, a series of proposals to improve the quality of care in emergency departments in Spain and explore the viability of these services in the future.
In the last week of 2010, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, continued the ascent phase of the epidemic wave, with an incidence rate for the second straight week surpassed the threshold value (153.04 cases per 100,000 population). To date 94 cases have been reported serious flu confirmed hospitalized, of whom five have died. Of these, four had risk factors, and three were not vaccinated.

Influenza causes twice dead in UK


Influenza causes twice dead in UK Of the 112 deaths, 95 have been produced by the strain H1N1, which this year is expected to be the dominant flu in the winter season REUTERS - London - 13/01/2011
The flu epidemic has revived strongly in the UK, which together with the common cold, has doubled the number of deaths in recent days, according to the British Health Protection Agency. According to the government office, since October flu deaths totaling 112, but of this total only 62 occurred in late December and early January.
Of the 112 deaths, 95 have been produced by the strain H1N1, better known as influenza, epidemic that swept the world in 2009 and 2010. Most of the dead were over 65 years and nine were children under 14 years. Since October there have been six deaths of children under five years, according to health authorities.
"The flu is still circulating in the community and supports the idea that people in risk groups should be vaccinated as soon as possible, still the best way to protect against the flu this winter," said John Watson, head of department respiratory diseases for the agency.
The rise in flu cases has led to shortage of seasonal flu vaccines, but doctors have recommended that use the pandemic vaccine left over from last season when current stocks run out. The pandemic of 2009/2010 was less severe than feared and was a lot of unused pandemic vaccines.
British authorities usually do not provide information on seasonal flu deaths but have now decided to do since the H1N1 strain this year is expected to be dominant. The number of deaths related to influenza are usually placed between zero and 5,000, according to the agency, but it is dominated by people over 65 years instead of young people.

Broadcast dies singer, Trish Keenan


Broadcast dies singer, Trish Keenan A note from the Warp label reports that the death was caused by complications from pneumonia Iñigo López Palacios - Madrid - 14/01/2011
Trish Keenan, singer of the broadcast duo of Birmingham, died today of complications from pneumonia, which kept her hospitalized two weeks, as has been reported in a brief note their record label. According to some British media, the singer had contracted flu during a recent tour of Australia.
Keenan's death has been a shock, which revealed the influence of a group that started as a quartet in 1995. Since then had always maintained the status of cult band. Little was known of them ("There are few interviews with broadcast revealing something that goes beyond the serial numbers of equipment used," said the journalist James McMahon). Not even know the exact age of Keenan. Some media say that 35 years, others 42.
The same happened with their five albums. None entered the charts. But the last, Broadcast and The Focus Group Investigate Cults Witch of the Radio Age, 2009, was named best album of that year by the prestigious magazine The Wire. And the pain by the death of Keenan expanded Twitter yesterday, where fans from around the globe expressing their condolences and the news became one of the trending topics on the network. "Trish Keenan's voice was ghostly and beautiful. His letters, a modern ideal. We owe debt to Trish and his band. She injected intelligence, charm and color beats grim. Enriched and influenced catalyzed tastes and ideas," said Daniel Hunt yesterday, the electronic pop band Ladytron and devoted fan of Keenan, in an emotional context in which remembered c ow in the mid-nineties had gone behind the UK broadcast. "Making friends in other cities simply because we had this in common"
His music, dreamy electronic pop base, aroused such passions silent in a multitude of individuals. They seemed unfamiliar, but his performance of last year's Sonar filled and the announcement, just three days, that the band would perform at the Primavera Sound in the same city, in late May, was greeted with anticipation. As seal the statement concluded: "This is a tragic and untimely loss and cast deep low to Trish, a single voice, extraordinary talent and a wonderful human being. Rest in peace."
"With great sadness" the Primavera Sound Festival organizers have been informed of the death of Trish Keenan. The band was in the lineup of the festival, which takes place from 26 to 29 May in Barcelona.
A note from the Warp label, home of Broadcast, explains that the artist has died in hospital this morning, "after having battled the disease in intensive care for two weeks." The statement calls on supporters to respect the "desire for privacy at this time" family and friends of Keenan, who sends his condolences. The note concludes by reminding the singer: "This is a tragic loss and Trish will be missed deeply. A unique voice, an extraordinary talent and a wonderful human being. Rest in peace."
The thousands of condolence from users of Twitter have made the name of the singer in one of the themes of the time of the network. On Facebook there is already a group called Trish Keenan RIP (Rest in peace, in Spanish). The artist had been hospitalized last month after contracting the H1N1 flu in Australia during the tour the band.
Broadcast released his first single in 1995. Echo's answer is one of his best known songs.


Influenza tests the limits of the transfer of patients from La Fe


Influenza tests the limits of the transfer of patients from La Fe Health think ill caravan delay beyond January 30 JAIME PRATS - Valencia - 20/01/2011
With the cold comes the flu. And with the flu and cold, the complications of the chronically ill and hospitals saturation. Apparently, there is then a good time to undertake the complex operation to move nearly 400 inpatients.
With the cold comes the flu. And with the flu and cold, the complications of the chronically ill and hospitals saturation. Apparently, there is then a good time to undertake the complex operation to move nearly 400 patients hospitalized in a hospital on the edge of the city of Valencia (La Fe de Campanar) to another at the other end (The Faith of Malilla) by health caravan in two successive Sundays.
However, Health had planned to perform the operation on 30 January. Yesterday, the Minister Manuel Cervera said that, if sustained, the current epidemiological situation of spread of avian influenza "would advise against the transfer on schedule" for the first 150 patients, hospitalized children and maternal wards.
It is possible that 2011 was not an election year and if goes to the polls in May not the Consell have expected a warmer date to guarantee a more comfortable transport. Not so. And the dates chosen for starting the operation (16, 23 or 30 January with the first batch of patients) have coincided with the advance of flu in Valencia.
It is true that this circumstance is impossible to hit out months in advance and can be very variable. It is also true that it is normal that the flu hit harder in January or the first weeks of February, when it gets colder in Valencia, according to data from the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET). According to its records, the coldest day is January 5 (based on average of the last 35 years). And the two lower temperatures of the past 100 years have been the 11 and 12 February 1956 to -7.2 degrees. Indeed, early next month is when the planned transfer of patients hospitalized in the central hospital.
The latest data on HIV incidence is made public (for the second week of January) indicates that there are 148 infections per 100,000 inhabitants. Is 28.7% more than the previous week, indicating that the epidemic curve is still growing. "If we see, as is happening, which is increasing the flu, the same week you can take the decision to delay the operation [of transfer] a week because it is important to do well and is made one week before or after is less importance, "the adviser said yesterday.
In any case, said no decision has yet been taken and that the reference date remains 30 January, the last Sunday of the month. "So far we have not moved," he said.
Cervera said that a possible change of dates is not an issue because "the work is being done in an efficient manner," why there is "capacity to decide in the same week, four or five days before."
The comparison of the current epidemic of flu last year does not provide too much information due to the exceptional circumstances arising from the outbreak of influenza A. Then the epidemic peak occurred in November and came to exceed 600 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to 148 today. More normal was last season, when in January 2009 exceeded 200 cases, or 2007, which reached similar values in early February.

Saturated flu hospitals, health centers and emergency departments in Galicia


Saturated flu hospitals, health centers and emergency departments in Galicia The spread of the virus is similar to other years and symptoms, mild PAUL LINDE - Santiago - 15/01/2011
The flu has been saturated in recent weeks, hospitals, emergency and health centers in Galicia. Although the spread of the virus this year has been higher than in others, depending on Servizos Galego de Saúde (Sergas), several doctors confirmed that the influx of patients has left close to collapse some services.
The flu has been saturated in recent weeks, hospitals, emergency and health centers in Galicia. Although the spread of the virus this year has been higher than in others, depending on Servizos Galego de Saúde (Sergas), several doctors confirmed that the influx of patients has left close to collapse some services and some quotes delayed several days of care primary, which this newspaper has found.
Sergas eludes clear to what extent they have been saturated with some of their services and simply noted that the incidence of influenza was similar to that of other campaigns and their symptoms, mild. A spokeswoman acknowledged that during the first week of the year, the number of calls from this disease and acute respiratory infections suffered "a slight increase." "This effect can begin to drop next week," he added.
The truth is that the primary care appointment, which normally occurs for the same time calling or the next, you come to take for several days, although there are clinics that are functioning normally. According to Manuel Martin, spokesman for the Association for the Defense da Galega Public Sanidade, this delay means that patients decide to go to the hospital emergency, so you also become saturated, because there are enough beds to accommodate them. It is a vicious circle.
One of the basic problems, according to Martin is the shortage of hospital beds in Galicia. "We have two-plus or three per thousand inhabitants, while in Europe there are five or six," he says. This means that when there are epidemics are filled. "The government does not want to have more beds because it is expensive, but every year we have the flu virus, which causes an imbalance in cardiac patients and the immunocompromised have to enter. Also collapse emergencies and can not refer the patient to bed occupancy, so they have to be hospitalized in a bad way in the corridors and to postpone attention to other people, "he adds. On the other hand, blames the overcrowding of quotas in delays in primary care clinics.
Another reason that adds to conjunctural the above can be, according to Clara Corpas, CSIF union that Sergas staff must settle their own affairs days last year before 22 January. Some do not spend and take advantage of these dates. "How many casualties are not being met, that makes some doctors have to care for their patients and their partners," added Manuel González Moreira, CIG.
Moreover, the partnership of the Patient Advocate yesterday submitted a letter to the Regional Minister Pilar Farjas in asking you to take "immediate steps" to resolve the collapse of the pediatric service at the Hospital of Ourense (Chou). The situation is "particularly worrying" as agreed to confirm this service professionals. Two pediatric emergencies seen daily at the same time take care of the children admitted to the ICU and hospital plants. Have guards ranging from three in the afternoon until eight in the morning and in the days of major conditions of flu, the two doctors serving half "of 180 emergency departments in the guard, so that we can do comprehensive monitoring of inpatients, "says Cristina Huete.