


La alarma por los pepinos desborda las fronteras de Alemania
· Madrid se plantea exigir responsibilidades por el daño causado al sector agrario
- Berlin - 30/05/2011

The crisis of contaminated cucumbers Alarm over cucumbers overflows the borders of Germany Madrid intends to require accountability for the harm caused to the agricultural sector JUAN GOMEZ - Berlin - 30/05/2011
The alarm over the outbreak of such infectious bacteria Escherichia coli (EHEC) has spread from Germany to neighboring countries Austria, Denmark and Czech Republic and Sweden. Czech Republic, the authorities yesterday seized a batch of 120 Spanish cucumbers organically grown suspected of being contaminated with EHEC. According to the Czech agency for food control, cucumbers are part of a consignment exported from Spain by German wholesalers to the Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxembourg, Denmark and Austria. In the latter withdrew yesterday from 33 stores all the cucumbers, tomatoes and eggplants grown by Frunet Spanish company, whose products were found on Thursday, evidence of bacterial contamination. In Denmark, the authorities asked retailers to withdraw from supermarkets a heading from Spain. Both in Sweden and Denmark, UK and Austria have been diagnosed by the same bacteria infections. In almost all cases it has been found that the patients were recently in Germany.
The Spanish government does not preclude accountability for the "tremendous damage" that "speculation" by the German authorities about the source of contaminated cucumbers are causing in the agricultural and food sector. The Secretary of State for Rural Water, Josep Puxeu, denounced the "barriers" that some countries and operators, such as Austria, are putting on exports as a result of information "untested" made from Germany.
EHEC bacteria can cause the dangerous hemolytic uremic syndrome, known by its English acronym HUS. Since the onset of the wave of infections in mid-month, in Germany 10 people have died because of this renal syndrome, which affects about 300 patients. About 1,000 people suffer EHEC infections throughout the country.
The federal Minister of Consumer Affairs, the Social Christian Ilse Aigner Bavarian (CSU) yesterday defended the government's information policy and maintained the recommendation to avoid fresh vegetables. Faced with criticism of the German association of growers, Aigner noted that "consumer protection takes precedence over economic interests." As for the supposed origin of evil, Aigner said that "while German and Spanish scientists have not found the source of infection, the alert remains in force." On Saturday, scientists from the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin, responsible for the prevention and control of diseases in Germany, explained that they still can not speak of an epidemic of EHEC. The disease outbreak is too located in northern Germany and has not lasted long enough to be considered epidemic.
For the agricultural industry, consumer fear of infection is already having an economic impact. The confederation of farmers in Schleswig-Holstein speaks of "senseless damage" to the German peasants, "not to sell or a cucumber" and call for lifting the warning against the country's products. For its part, the Andalusian companies that grew cucumbers contaminated talk between seven and eight million daily losses.
Both to address the outbreak and to settle liabilities, the question is where the plant were contaminated. If you were in Spain, during transport or during handling in Germany. Berlin tabloid tabloid B.Z. claimed that the "Spanish farmers water their vegetables with fecal water." The tabloid Bild, however, a report published yesterday on a surprise visit to a company whose cucumbers Almeria were positive: "Everything looks squeaky-clean, not smell or no smell cucumber." On Thursday, Senator (Minister) of Health in Hamburg, Cornelia Prüfer-Strocks, announced that its scientists had found evidence of contamination in three Spanish cucumbers. The next day, the same Hamburg Institute for Hygiene announced that it had fourth contaminated cucumber from the Netherlands.
On Saturday killed four people in northern Germany for renal complications caused by HUS syndrome. Experts do not believe it has yet reached the height of the wave of infections and hospital prepare for an influx of patients.
Among those hospitalized in Hamburg is the athlete Elena Espeso Valladolid, who ran the marathon there on 22. Yesterday said the agency Efe that he has not eaten a single cucumber, but "raw tomatoes" before the race. The bacteria is affecting women more than men.

 汚染されたキュウリの危機 ドイツのアラームキュウリのオーバーフロー上の境界線 マドリードは、農業セクターへの被害について責任を必要とするようにしようとする フアンゴメス - ベルリン - 30/05/2011
どちらも流行に対処するために負債を解決するために、問題は工場が汚染されていた場所です。あなたは輸送中やドイツでの処理中にスペインでは、されている場合。ベルリンのタブロイド紙のタブロイドB.Z.主張している"糞便水とスペインの農民の水が野菜。"しかし、タブロイド紙ビルトは、きゅうりアルメリア陽性会社を突然訪問で昨日発表されたレポート:"すべてがきしむ、クリーンでにおいや臭いのキュウリに見えます。"木曜日に、上院議員(大臣)は、科学者たちは3つスペインキュウリの汚染の証拠を発見したと発表したハンブルグでの健康、コーネリアPrüfer - Strocksの。翌日は、衛生と同じハンブルグ研究所は、オランダから第四汚染されたキュウリを持っていたことを発表しました。

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