
どこで スペイン産のキュウリは、猛毒·出血性(病原性)大腸菌に感染したのか?

どこで スペイン産のキュウリは、猛毒·出血性(病原性)大腸菌に感染したのか?

"La causa puede estar en el manipulado"
ENTREVISTA : La crisis de los pepinos contamibados ROBERTO SABRIDO : Director de la Agencia de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricion
- Madrid- 30/05/2011

INTERVIEW: The crisis of contaminated cucumbers ROBERTO SABRE Director of the Agency for Food Security and Nutrition "The cause may be in the manipulated" EMILIO DE BENITO - Madrid - 30/05/2011
The mystery is still not clear. Where were contaminated cucumbers? The director of the Spanish Food Safety Agency (AESAN), Roberto Sabrido, not close any possibility, although the choice of the bacterium Escherichia coli was not in force takes Spanish plantations.
Question. If I had to bet, where would most likely to occur and pollution?
Response. All scenarios are open. Still no reliable notification by the German authorities of what is the serotype that caused the infection, and without that we can not conclude the analysis. But the fact that there seems to cucumbers contaminated from other sources, such as Holland and Denmark, indicating another source of the bacteria.
P. If contamination had not occurred at home, where would it be?
R. Not be ruled out that it was in the handling. We expect the analytical.
P. You have complained about the performance of the German authorities.
R. We learned from the press. When a country detects a problem it has to inform the Commission, and this network is communicated to the Member States. Information from the Hamburg Institute analyzed the cucumbers came on Thursday morning, and network communication was not until late afternoon Thursday.
P. What inspections are done on the farm?
R. Companies were visited and samples taken from water, fertilizer and cucumbers that were in them. Also talked to farmers who supply them and gone to their farms, and all this has been sent to Germany so they can check. All lots involved are in Germany.
P. Have you tested the trucks that transported the cucumbers?
R. That is the responsibility of Germany, you have to see if they were used exclusively for these products, but had recently transported contaminated if any other factor that may ...
P. It is said that the bacterium could be a fertilizer on farms.
R. We are analyzing a precaution, but logic tells us should use the same fertilizer for all its products, and if there had been problems with the fertilizer would have appeared in other bacteria.


インタビュー:食料安全保障と栄養庁セイバー監督ロベルト汚染されたキュウリの危機 "原因は、操作のかもしれない" エミリオデベニート - マドリード - 30/05/2011


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