


Bruselas revisara como actuar durante las crisis almentarias
- Madrid - 20/06/2011

Brussels will review how to act in Food Crisis
KILLED VIDAL - Madrid - 20/06/2011

The European Commission will review existing mechanisms for the regulation of agricultural markets, especially in situations of crisis or food production, in order to achieve greater efficiency in solving them. These changes are contemplated in the forthcoming reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), as reflected in the positions held by community representatives at meetings this month in Poland.

Secretary of State for Rural Affairs, Josep Puxeu, claiming the need to maintain and, above all, to review and adapt existing mechanisms for the regulation of agricultural markets. Puxeu believes it needs to advance further streamlining, simplifying and updating existing systems for maximum efficiency in the shortest possible time. The Spanish government believes that crises such as the E. coli underscore the importance of such instruments

ヴィダル強制終了 - マドリード - 20/06/2011


農村地域省ジョセップPuxeuのための国務長官農産物市場規制のために既存のメカニズム検討し、適応するすべての上記維持する必要性を主張して Puxeuそれが最短時間で最大限の効率を得るために既存のシステム簡素化し、更新しさらに合理化を進めるために必要があると考えていますスペイン政府は、例えば大腸菌などの危機と考えている大腸菌は、そのような楽器の重要性を強調する

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