
More hospital admissions


More hospital admissions E. G. S. - Madrid - 05/01/2011
Several recent studies have addressed the effect they have suspended particulates less than 2.5 microns in health. One of the last, funded by the Carlos III Health Institute and published in February 2010 in the International Journal of Environmental Health Research, showed that high levels of contamination by PM2, 5 in Madrid were linked with increases in hospital admissions .
The authors, Cristina Linares and Julio Diaz, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, collected the total number of emergency room admissions in the Gregorio Maranon hospital between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2005, less trauma and childbirth . For the same period consulted pollution data network of the City of Madrid. They used the daily average concentrations of several pollutants: PM2, 5, PM10, nigrógeno dioxide, ozone, etc. They also discussed the concentrations of pollen, noise, epidemics of influenza ...
Of all the variables, the PM2, 5 was the only primary pollutant showed a "statistical association" with hospital admissions in Madrid, concludes the work. The correlation appears for the variable of all causes and for specific circulatory and respiratory diseases. In both cases, increased revenue coincided on the same day the increase in particle pollution, which indicates "an immediate biological response of the human body to exposure to PM2, 5."
The study says that the annual maximum value recommended by WHO doubled in Madrid during the study period, so that "the association between PM2, 5 and cardiovascular disease was expected." The results, the authors argue, "serve to underscore the need to adopt measures to reduce concentrations of this pollutant in Madrid."


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