
opinion abput influenza A by the microbiologist doctor

Flu A
SANTIAGO GARCIA Carbajo - Segovia - 20/01/2010
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Sorry, but I find it unfortunate the last editorial of the country referred to the new influenza A. I am a physician microbiologist at the Hospital of Segovia. If you have read the statements of Dr. Wodarg the newspaper L'Humanité that is easily understood that an epidemiologist at the European Union into question is the change in definition of a pandemic entirely incomprehensible, and the vaccination campaign, unnecessary for now. I see things is that this is a minor, no mutation, viral strain with a more mild. It seemed clear to the technicians with the information it had from the beginning. The current definition of a pandemic causing it to be declared by the appearance of a couple of cases of communicable disease among people in every country in the world. That is absurd. WHO, perhaps overzealous, has once again generated a false alarm. And you, the media, perhaps for sensationalism, forgive me, have been commissioned to extend it. Vaccination and antiviral oseltamivir were administered with no warranties or of their effectiveness or their safety, as has become common lately. Do not talk about how expensive and even ridicule of other preventive measures taken. The population has been tampered with or without intention, perhaps because of incompetence, but, despite its natural scary for most people the common sense has prevailed. WHO and failed politicians. Have worked the "media." As for the economics, the questions are: Can you leave the public health in the hands of investors? Why do we shut the scientists? How long.

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