
U.S. advises flu vaccination to the all population 02/09/2010

U.S. advises flu vaccination to the entire population
E. DE B. - Madrid - 02/09/2010
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The U.S. health authorities advise that this winter flu vaccine to the entire population of more than six months. And older people, above all, do so as soon as the drug is available. The CDC (Center for Disease Control, scientific advisor to the equivalent of the Ministry of Health) considers that the benefits of immunization are clear and that is easier to campaign in this sense to walk apart by groups of people (in Spain, example, it is recommended to elderly and chronically ill, mostly). The drug to hit the market this winter is already prepared to prevent infection with influenza A.

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But is not the only intensify the movement for vaccinations. The American Society of Epidemiology and Health Care has made a hard recommendation: that all medical staff are vaccinated, and that which does not, do not let you work. Care for patients without immunize "is like allowing doctors and nurses entering the operating room without washing before," experts say in an article published in Healthcare Epidemiology and Infection Control.
In Spain, health staff led the boycott of the flu vaccine last winter. The Public Health Act provides that prepares Health is not required to be vaccinated, but to inform their patients if they have not done.

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