
The vaccination campaign of influenza A starts on Monday in Spain 11/11/2009

he vaccination campaign of influenza A starts on Monday
P. LINDE - Santiago - 11/11/2009
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Already in Galicia 262,000 flu vaccine A. Monday will begin the first phase of injections, which are aimed at risk groups, 22% of the population. For them reach the community with a total of 632,000 doses.
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The Department of Sanidade recommends vaccination for health workers in essential public services and those over six months with cardiovascular disease, respiratory conditions, diabetes treatment, kidney failure, hemoglobinopathies and anemia, asplenia, chronic liver ailments advanced neuromuscular disease severe patients with immunosuppression, morbid obesity and children receiving prolonged treatment with acetylsalicylic acid. Pregnant women also have recommended the vaccination, but no specific doses have come to them.
The Regional Minister of healing, Pilar Farjas, said yesterday that the campaign has no specific end date and will be completed with the measures in accordance with the provisions of the national framework. The objectives are to "decrease the incidence and severity" of the pictures of the flu.

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