
Vaccination against swine flu in Spain was abput half that of a normal year

Vaccination against swine flu was about half that of a normal year
EMILIO DE BENITO - Madrid - 29/04/2010
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The misgivings about the new flu vaccine has been prolific. Compared to the nine million vaccines that are made in Spain each winter flu season, the latter only decided immunized against H1N1 approximately 4.5 million people, 10% of the population. The data gave yesterday the president of the Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration (SESPAS), Andreu Segura.

* 20% of newborns do not receive all vaccinations
* WHO hid their flu experts pharmaceutical receivables
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The doctor said that among the risk population, the percentage of recipients was 20%. Taking into account that the flu vaccine every winter usually reaches more than 65% of those over 65 years, the main group affected, the coverage rate was very low. This shows the "mistrust" of the population to how it has handled the pandemic and messages, sometimes contradictory, the experts, Segura said during a conference on the new influenza organized by the Medical College in Madrid.
At the meeting held on two fronts that have been in continuous confrontation this year on the extent of influenza and the possible need for special measures, demonstrating that even the experts agree. Erratum
The actual vaccination against swine flu was the fourth of which is recorded each winter (more than two million doses), not half.

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