
Gynecologists recommended that pregnant women get vaccinated against influenza

Gynecologists recommend that pregnant women get vaccinated against influenzaThe baby reaches four times the risk of complications from the virus
E. DE B. - Madrid - 19/11/2009
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The Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) recommended "vaccination [against the new flu] to all pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy." That's how sharp is the point 6 of a document referred, and which is signed SEGO president, José Manuel Bajo Arenas, and the Perinatal Medicine section of society, Martínez-Astorquiza Txanton.

* 65 million doses, 325 serious reactions investigated
* New flu slows its expansion in Spain
* Discovered in Norway a mutation of H1N1
* European Microbiologists, in favor of the new flu vaccine

* Document: Document of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics
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The basis for this recommendation is manifold. On the one hand, experience from previous years. It states that "The condition of seasonal influenza during pregnancy is associated
of increased morbidity and mortality compared to non-pregnant women. "And" the risk of disease after seasonal influenza disease is increased with advancing pregnancy. "Specifically, the principle is almost equal in weeks 37 to 42, is multiplied by 4.7.
On the other hand, since no data of this year. "In the current pandemic pandemic virus among pregnant women have a 4.3 relative risk of hospitalization compared to the general population," says the document.
Finally, as already done by professional associations, gynecologists recommend "strongly, vaccination to all health professionals to assist pregnant women."

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