
The affected rate of influenza A is lower than common influenza

Affected the rate of influenza A is lower than common
AGENCIES - Sevilla - 12/01/2010
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Only 277,349 flu shots have been dispensed in Andalusia in 2009, representing 16.7% of people included in the risk groups, totaling 1,652,325 Andalusians. According to the Health Minister, Maria Jesus Montero, the hit rate in Andalusia amounts to 52 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, a figure "lower than the seasonal flu."

* Chan: "We were lucky with the flu"
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The most affected peak occurred between 22 and 28 November, when the infection rate stood at 315.1 Andalusia cases per 100,000 population. Malaga, with 58,937 shots (21.25%) and Seville, with 58,576 doses (21.12%) are the provinces where more doses were given.
The Minister said that currently the health services "are subject to reduced workload." In terms of volume of calls, said that until last December 31 had attended Health Responds some 77,000 calls, "mainly for information on the symptoms displayed by people and whether or not to go to medical services."
Regarding the fate of surplus immunized, the Minister of Health referred to a future meeting of the Ministry of Health with the autonomous communities to adopt a decision in a "joint and collegial."
"Hopefully in the coming weeks we convene in the Inter-Territorial Board of Health for the schoolgirl making a decision regarding the fate of this vaccine," he said.
The Minister reiterated his support for a tougher law against snuff, but defended the possibility of "helping establishments have complied with the regulations."

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