
How to prevent tne influenza?

Between September and March, should take extra measures to prevent the flu How to prevent the flu?
A study shows that milk fermented with L casei may improve the immune response after influenza vaccination in elderly
To avoid infection, this fall we take extra precautionary measures. The most effective is vaccination, accompanied by a healthy lifestyle, based on a balanced diet to strengthen our defenses
2 votes 3 comments Decrease font fuenteAumentar Will print-mail L. Garcia | 28/09/2010 | Updated at 16:53 pm | Citizens
The flu, as explained by the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, is an acute infectious disease of the airways caused by a virus with a large transmission capacity. It is estimated that in large populations, when a flu epidemic, between 5 and 15% of people are affected, a figure which rises to 50% in closed populations (such as boarding schools or homes for the elderly .)
Because of its high level of infection and variation, the seasonal flu virus is a major health problem in our society. And, "the high rate of mortality that can lead directly or indirectly, are added to the complications it can cause and the economic and social costs incurred," said the ministry. For this reason, during the months of increased activity and movement of virus-between September and April, with special emphasis during the winter season, "it is advisable to exercise caution and to establish the necessary measures to prevent spreading the flu.
Preventive measures To prevent the spread of the virus is essential to follow certain standards of hygiene, like washing hands with soap and water frequently, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing, ventilate the rooms, clean surfaces often furniture, doorknobs, objects ... And if you're sick, avoid spreading it to others by following the advice of health professionals.
Influenza vaccine Among the most effective prevention is vaccination. Therefore, the government annually, launched a campaign promoting the administration of influenza, a vaccine that is effective in 70% of the cases and protects against the disease for about a year.
The vaccine. "The virus causes the flu has a high ability to undergo changes involving the emergence of new influenza viruses, against which humans have no protection. There are currently influenza vaccine with high effectiveness and safety, but because of this high ability of influenza viruses vary from year to year, the vaccine must be updated each season and given annually, "says the Ministry of Health.
Risk groups. Health recommends vaccination for people with a high risk for complications from influenza, such as those over 65, children over six months, pregnant women, adults with chronic metabolic diseases or lung diseases or cardiovascular and people who are in contact with these groups.
Food A healthy balanced diet is the basis for preventing disease and promoting health. The European Council Food Information (EUFIC) ensures that, in cold weather, pay special attention to diet, which are essential foods that contain nutrients such as zinc, selenium, vitamins A, C and E and beta carotene, protectors of our defenses and immune system.
Moreover, according to a study by the Institut Pasteur, published in the journal Vaccine, presented at the XIV International Congress of Immunology, certain foods could improve the immune response after seasonal influenza vaccination in elderly people. It is as Actimel probiotic foods (milk fermented with L casei), as has been observed that consumption helps improve the immune response, increasing the specific antibodies against influenza in individuals over 65 years (data from Health, in these cases the effectiveness of the vaccine is only 30-40% due to the natural aging process of the immune system).

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