
Influenza infection of 47th week (Nov.16-nov.22) 2009 in Hungary

The National Centre for Epidemiology Information
influenza surveillance data
2009th 47th seven
Strong sød? Influenza activity
2009th November 16 to 22. between the continuation of the flu symptoms due to physician rounds
increase in the number, 47 week watching? service participants? medical reports,
estimated that 34,100 flu? disease turned out?, 55% more than the
it? z? week.
The it? Z? week compared to the Central and Western Transdanubia double n? before the
flu? disease incidence (269 beteg/100 000 inhabitants, or 484 beteg/100
000 inhabitants), however, 47 week in the Central Hungarian region was the most affected (525
beteg/100 000 inhabitants). The Northern Plains region of 100,000 inhabitants were 281, in North Hungary
region 232, the South Plains region 189, the South Transdanubian region 178 patients turned to a doctor
flu? symptoms.
The flu? diseases in? turning frequency on the basis of Pest (866.2% ooo)
Gy? R-Moson-Sopron (735.4% ooo) and Heves (627.1% ooo) County, high quality? Noun? the
influenza activity. Seven area [Baranya (229.2% ooo), Fejér (261.5% ooo), Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok
(312.8% ooo), Komárom-Esztergom (467.0% ooo), Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (357.2% ooo), Zala
(382.3% ooo) counties and in Budapest (331.0% ooo)], the influenza activity is low, the other
County remains low.
47 a week? z? week due to the doctor turned to patients n? before the children
rate: 35.9% of patients under the age of 15 were children. Almost a quarter of the patients (23.5%) 15-24
year-olds, 18.3% of 25-34 was among. The 35-59 year-olds 17.9%, while the 60
years or older to 4.4%.
47 weeks, 508 patients with suspected influenza? l test substance was sent for virological examination,
15% more than you? Z? week (441). The sentinel physicians, the actual visit by the Department of Respiratory Virus
78 posts in respiratory samples, 39 were influenza A positive (NT 6, 33 H1N1v), influenza
positivity rate of 50.0% corresponds to. Submit the traditional framework of received 430
sample of 196 (45.6%) were positive for influenza A (NT 4, 192 H1N1v). A total of 235 patients
confirmed influenza infection? ling the 225 cases, the RT-PCR analysis of influenza A (H1N1) v, 10
can not be typed influenza A viruses identified.
2009th November 16 to 22. gyermekközösséget another 46 were affected? influenza epidemic
were reported. The two epidemics wise? Det, 14 primary schools, 24 kindergartens, 3 and 2 high school
Mixed schools (primary school in one place) are concerned. The 10 county and local epidemics
f? City area? l have been reported, most from Budapest? l (14). Three counties (Fejér, Jasz-
Nagykun-Szolnok Komárom-Esztergom and) 5, and three counties (Gy? R-Moson-Sopron, Budapest,
Veszprém) 4 Community outbreaks have been registered. An additional 4 counties (Hajdú-Bihar, Nógrád, Tolna and
Zala) 1-2 in an epidemic occurred in the Community?. Central Hungary and Central Transdanubia
recorded in the region of two-thirds of the institutions involved in the disease. The
geographical interest in it? z? week was similar. 33 in an epidemic of viral
sampling, 22 November until 11 cases confirmed the A (H1N1) virus v pathogenetic role. The
large-scale disease or infection? 6 in order to limit the spread of infection establishment (5
kindergarten, a school) has ordered the institution leadership stood on its own nursery or school breaks.
47 234 weeks f? is cared for in hospital influenza, or flu? disease
due to one-third more than it? z? week, with 20 f? receiving intensive care. The
Patients referred to hospital for 43.6% of 0-14 year old child, 17.9% of young people aged 15-29, 30.3% of 30-64 year
, while 8.1% belonged to the over 65 age group. The 100 000 inhabitants per hospital
number of shots of babies under 1 year? for reading was the highest (15.6% ooo) and the 1-4 year olds
(10.6% ooo) and the 5-14 age group (4.5% ooo) is higher than the national average
(2.3% ooo). A diabetic man 65 years of influenza A (H1N1) infection v? Soils bacterial infection
can you? inflammation dead.
Conclusion: The clinical and virological data evaluation can be established that
Hungary 47 er week? specialized in influenza activity. The National Morbidity
341.7% ooo has proved to be the basis of which the population is judged to be least affected? Noun?. The
legintezívebben pandemic virus in Central Hungary, Central and Western Transdanubia spread.
A 21-47. weeks of 3673 patients with influenza A viral detection test
purposes. 47 weeks to confirm? qualified 225 new cases of a pandemic caused by H1N1 variant,
cumulative number of 706 known diseases has increased, so far a total of eight
patients died with evidence of A (H1N1) influenza A result.
Actual visit Epidemiology Division

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