
the flu rate in Andalsia grow 200 cases per 100-00 population, coinciding with the cold wave

La tasa andaluza de gripe se dispara por encima de los 200 casos por 100.000 habitantes, coincidiendo con la ola de frío

09/02/2012 - 13:34h

The rate Andalusian flu shot above 200 cases per 100,000 population, coinciding with the cold snap

09/02/2012 - 13:34 pm


The rate Andalusian flu has jumped this week 5 and 2012, latest data available and including January 30 to February 5, up to 216.57 cases per 100,000 population, above the state average and in line of Last weekend, with the arrival of the first cold snap that has swept the whole country.

Reveals the Spanish surveillance network analyzed by Europa Press, the 216 infections per 100,000 Andalusian flu spreading lies in the community for segunada consecutive week at an "epidemic" of this virus activity and above 212.36 cases per 100,000 of Spanish average for this week, although the intensity in Andalusia is coded as "average" compared to other regions that have already reached levels of "high".

In fact, statewide reported incidence rate of influenza also reveals an intensity of influenza activity average, a level of epidemic spread and an upward trend. Furthermore, according to their distribution by age group, the network of epidemiologists reported a "significant increase" in rates of incidence of influenza "in all age groups", although a trend towards "stabilization" in children under 15 years.

Since the beginning of the 2011-2012 season, the Spanish network has reported 118 cases of flu confirmed severe hospitalized in 12 communities, of which 52 percent has fallen to men and 48 percent women.

The largest number of cases occur in people over 64 years (36%), followed by children under 5 years (32%). 97 percent (115) of cases were infected with influenza virus A and 3 percent (3) to B virus

With the information available to date shows that 68 cases (84%) had other risk factors for complications of influenza and 29 (25%) were admitted to the ICU. In addition, 70 percent (48) of cases with risk factors were older than 44 years.

Among the most common risk factors include chronic lung disease (COPD), with 30 percent of cases (34), and diabetes, with 22 percent (25). Those belonging to the groups eligible for vaccination and information is available, 26 of them (45%) had received a flu shot this season.
Since the beginning of the 2011-12 season have also been reported a total of eight deaths in severe cases of flu confirmed hospitalized, all over 44 years.

According to the surveillance network, seven cases (87%) had a risk factor for complications of influenza and five cases (63%) had received a flu shot this season.



ヨーロッパを押して、このウイルスの活動の "流行"でと212.36上記segunada週連続でコミュニティの嘘を広める10万アンダルシアインフルエンザ当たり216感染によって分析したスペインの監視ネットワークを明らかに今週のスペイン平均の10万人当たりの場合、アンダルシアの強度が既に "高"のレベルに達している他の地域に比べて "平均"として符号化されていますが。

実際には、州全体にもインフルエンザの活動平均の強度、流行の広がりと上昇傾向のレベルを明らかにインフルエンザの罹患率を報告した。さらに、年齢別の分布によると、疫学者のネットワークが "安定化"の傾向が、 "すべての年齢層では"インフルエンザの発症率の "有意な増加"を報告し15歳未満の子供インチ






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