イギリス政府は、鶏インフルエンザ風邪や豚風邪の治療薬のTamiflu, Relonzaを治療効果の検証なしに677'8000'000ユーロ(6億7780万ユーロ)の在庫を抱えると非難
Londres gastó millones en el antigripal Tamiflu sin pruebas de su eficacia
España también acumuló millones de antivirales. Su utilidad, dudosa según un estudio apoyado por el 'British Medical Journal'
REPORTAJE: Larga vida al Tamiflu
Agencias / Emilio de Benito Londres / Madrid 10 ABR 2014 - 14:49 CET
London spent millions on flu Tamiflu without evidence of its effectiveness
Spain also accumulated millions of antivirals. Its usefulness, dubious as a study supported by the 'British Medical Journal'
FEATURE: Long live the Tamiflu
Agencies / Emilio de Benito London / Madrid 10 ABR 2014 - 14:49 CET
The British government squandered 677.8 million euros in Tamiflu and Relenza in the past decade , antiviral drugs allegedly used to combat avian and swine flu, but its efficacy has not been proven . Has the Guardian published Thursday following a report from the Cochrane Foundation with support from the British Medical Journal.
The paper, based on medical evidence internal British government itself , doubts that these drugs combat the disease and also publishes antivirals have some harmful side effects such as nausea and vomiting. Document authors complain that in 2009 , the lack of data hindered the work of the foundation to " verify the effectiveness and safety of Tamiflu ."
The researchers have posted the results on the Web so that they can be verified independently , and the nature of the claim against the reports allegedly funded by large pharmaceutical companies. Fiona Godlee , editor of the British Medical Journal, which published studies Foundation , believes that the decision to buy large amounts of drugs in 2009 was logical because of the risk of a pandemic but told The Guardian says he would have preferred that the money is invested in the national Health System .
Spain amassed 15 million treatments of this type, particularly between 2005 and 2006, preventing a possible pandemic of swine and avian of which used several thousands flu. The scientific committee of the European Medicines Agency (EMEA ) , constituted by the national agencies of the member countries , ruled in 2009 that the useful life of the drug Tamiflu, manufactured by Roche Laboratories, the " health emergency be extended public related to the risk of an influenza pandemic . "
Tom Jefferson , an expert in epidemiology Efe quoted , says that to relieve flu symptoms prescribe paracetamol, and not a flu .
The laboratory Roche maintains that the report is wrong , and that medicines are vital for flu patients . "The methodology is unclear and the findings could have potentially serious implications ," said the Guardian the medical director of the company in the UK Daniel Thurley .
Tamiflu was a drug very little used in Spain until the alarm was triggered by the H5N1 avian influenza in 2003 , a pathogen that is circulating among poultry in Asia and continues sporadically causing fatalities (van 664 of the 391 are deceased , as the last count of the World Health Organization ) , and had a second heyday with H1N1 ( the so-called swine flu or influenza a). At first the Spanish government bought 10 million doses , and in 2009 came to pass that the military service pharmacy Burgos as encapsulated, increasing reserves in five million .
There has always been controversy about its effectiveness. So, last March 18 , The Lancet published a meta-study on 29,000 severe cases of influenza in demonstrating that among hospitalized adults (ie , severe cases of influenza ) during the outbreak of influenza A ( H1N1) 2009 -2010 mortality was reduced by 25 % when they began to give neuraminidase inhibitors ( a group of drugs to which Tamiflu belongs) in the first two days .
This is consistent with the observations of the Spanish doctors , as the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery ( separ ) , which, retrospectively , because it can not be otherwise - has found that influenza A ( H1N1 ) ( the new call flu or influenza a) was , for most people , as mild as seasonal flu ( and indeed , the virus is still circulating now), but , instead, was worse in severe cases , which also used to be younger .
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