El brote más extenso de Ébola
La OMS envía 3,5 toneladas de material de aislamiento a África occidental
Médicos Sin Fronteras: "La escala de la epidemia no tiene precedentes"
El Ébola se confirma en Liberia
Emilio de Benito Madrid 1 ABR 2014 - 22:04 CET
The largest outbreak of Ebola
WHO sent 3.5 tons of insulation material to West Africa
Doctors Without Borders: "The scale of the epidemic is unprecedented"
Ebola confirmed in Liberia
Emilio de Benito Madrid 1 ABR 2014 - 22:04 CET
Three West African countries (Guinea , Liberia and Sierra Leone) have confirmed Ebola cases in the largest outbreak of which the news of the disease. If until now the cases are concentrated in villages in the African jungle , it stays in rural Guinea ( 122 suspected cases with 80 deaths) , Liberia (eight) and Sierra Leone (six ), with the aggravating circumstance that is secured Conakry (capital of Guinea) , where there are already 11 cases . 20 patients remain in isolation.
It is in the city where the virus shows its potential danger : 11 affected are medical personnel who are infected to care for the sick or manipulate the bodies of the deceased . That's an added risk of this hemorrhagic virus , for which there is no treatment or vaccine , which is spread by contact with the fluids and secretions of the affected . So the funeral rituals are a focus that must be eradicated , even at the expense of sparing them act radically with traditional honors corpses .
To prevent these infections , the World Health Organization ( WHO) has sent to the area 3.5 tons of insulation material, basically astronaut costumes for health workers , but also bags to handle the bodies. Also NGOs like MSF teams have moved , and other institutions such as the U.S. CDC or the Pasteur Institute staff.
For now, the main task is , aside from caring for the sick and isolate , locate the contacts you have had . Currently 400 people are under medical supervision . Only in Conakry , a city of about two million people, the list of possible affected already exceed 130 people, which gives an idea of the main novelty of this outbreak : having come to a densely populated area identification tasks contacts and isolation of suspected cases are especially important. But it is not the only task. The bulk of the outbreak continues in rural areas , but it has spread well .
There is, at present, an estimate of what this episode can last . In 2000, an outbreak in Uganda with over 425 affected and 224 dead. But this time it was the Sudan strain of the virus , less deadly than Zaire , which is what has been found in Guinea and neighboring countries .
The largest of which no record , according to WHO , it was the first, 1976 in Congo. Then 318 affected were identified , of which 280 died . This gives a mortality of 88%, which is what has remained more or less so far in successive outbreaks of this strain of the virus . One of them has lasted several months. We now know more about the infection, but not easy to stop it .
WHO does not recommend , for now, that restrictions on travel or trade in Guinea , Liberia and Sierra Leone are applied. The risk of infection for travelers is very low , according to the latest report of the organization, as the majority of human infections result from direct contact with body fluids or secretions from infected patients , especially in hospitals , and due to unsafe procedures as the use of contaminated medical devices.
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