Los casos de Ébola aumentan un 60% en una semana
La enfermedad se ha cobrado ya 90 víctimas mortales
Según datos de la OMS, los casos han subido de 86 el 26 de marzo a 137
"Cuando llegamos a Gueckedou el director del hospital acababa de morir. Era una persona muy querida, y eso crea un trauma", cuenta el Luis Encinas, de Médicos Sin Fronteras
El Ébola se extiende a Malí, el cuarto país afectado
FOTOGALERÍA El Ébola avanza imparable
L. Rivas / E. de Benito Madrid 4 ABR 2014 - 17:52 CET
Ebola cases increased 60% in a week
The disease has claimed 90 fatalities
According to the WHO, cases have risen from 86 to 26 March 137
"When we got to the hospital director Gueckedou just died. It was a very dear person, and that creates a trauma," says Luis Encinas, MSF
Ebola spreads to Mali, the fourth country concerned
PHOTOGALLERY Ebola speed ahead
L. Rivas / E. Benito Madrid 4 ABR 2014 - 17:52 CET
"When we arrived there were already many cases Gueckedou . Hospital director had just died of Ebola . Was a very dear person, and that creates a trauma for both colleagues and family members and the population." Luis Encinas, Spanish nurse and regional coordinator of Doctors Without Borders , wants to talk about people dealing with daily in this city near the border with Liberia. Want to talk about the trauma of being cured and must return to their normal life after losing several members of his family. Or the frustration of health professionals that must go completely covered with several layers to the isolation zone and they can not shake hands with the sick "and unable to accompany him in his last moments ."
It is the first Ebola outbreak occurring in Guinea, and the effect is being devastating. In just one week , the cases in that country and in neighboring Liberia and Sierra Leone have increased by 60 %, from 86 patients on 26 March 137 confirmed Wednesday by the World Health Organization . 90 people have died in the three countries . The Malian government has also confirmed Friday three other suspected cases within their borders .
The disease has no vaccine or treatment . " The social aspect is very important to see people saying to you . ' If I'm going to heal, so I can not to try an artisan medical treatment? " . Encinas, a professional who has worked with six outbreaks of this disease is quite clear: " And why not , if that alleviates the fear both for him and for the family? " . Workers must keep a cool head . " One day we came to a suburb of the city where they had killed four members of a family in less than a month. 's Father , the head of the family, was also sick." And in that scenario , the only thing to do is get to work .
The main focus , the price of chlorine to disinfect almost doubled in just a few weeks
"The main focus is on Guinée Forestiere ( The Guinean Rainforest ) ," explains by phone Susana Dos Santos , director in Guinea for Action Against Hunger . Their partnership, which is in the country with their own projects , has mobilized tens of workers to inform schools , mosques and markets. "Right now the average Guinean bought disinfectant like chlorine or bleach ," essential to remove the virus from the clothes and the houses of the sick, " but in Guinee Forestiere chlorine prices gained 4,000 to 7,000 Guinean francs ." Ie , 43 to 74 cents , in a country where the per capita income of 396.8 euros ( in Spain is 23,209.5 euros).
"What is most needed is a great awareness campaign " preventive methods , says Dos Santos . When an outbreak of this disease have not occurred before in the country there is a lack of awareness among the population on how to avoid infection. And as the main symptom is fever , the disease can be confused with another . In the forest area where the main focus is to the southeast of the country ( extends into Sierra Leone) , the people hunt to eat . The disease supposedly transmitted by bats and monkeys passes . The latter ill, and when handling the meat for cooking , people , as the mere contact with an infected secretion (either blood or sweat) is also spread dangerous. The Government banned the sale and consumption of bats last week. "It is their custom and is normal. Besides, people need to eat protein, can not eat just vegetables and legumes ," he reasons Dos Santos .
" People are very worried," said the aid worker from the field . " One of our main jobs, together with the Ministry of Health, is to reassure people . Inform everything that involves the disease." According to Dos Santos , the greatest barrier to contain the epidemic is the lack of infrastructure: "There are financial and human resources , soap , palliative medicine and protective equipment for professionals ."
In Guinea, when someone falls ill is taken to hospital and placed in isolation . Doctors who treats you should cover the entire body , as the mere contact with clothing can spread . So the Red Cross disinfects patient homes once they leave them , and clothes and sheets are burned. "Patients have contact with each other ," says Holm . " In one room we have a couple together, in another two ladies ... try to separate them by sex , because the cultural factor is very important."
In an article published by The Lancet, a specialist MSF explains that a major difficulty in this outbreak will be coordinated with the three governments involved (Guinea , Sierra Leone and Liberia) . To curb the spread of the virus must follow the chain of transmission in the opposite direction , explains the expert. A doctor of your organization walked for 8 miles through the rural South to locate a prospective patient . The lack of doctors is serious: not even enough to deal with common medical diseases . According to WHO, there is one doctor for every 10,000 people in the country. "The situation in Sierra Leone is even worse ," said the expert. And while there is something better infrastructure in Liberia, none of the three national health systems are prepared to control an outbreak of Ebola .
The most lethal Ebola epidemic in history was that of Uganda in 2000 , which caused 425 cases and 224 deaths, but the strain was not the same as that now spans Guinea. The current corresponds to the Zaire outbreak , the deadliest of which no strain , and the current outbreak is the fifth incident in the history of this particular mutation . The hardest wave of the Zaire strain occurred in 1976 , with 318 cases and 280 deaths. With her humanity knew of the existence of this threat.
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