El Ébola se confirma en Liberia
Los exámenes clínicos han confirmado dos casos
27 personas que han tenido contacto con enfermos están bajo vigilancia médica
Senegal cierra su frontera con Guinea para evitar la llegada del ébola
Agencias / El País Ginebra 31 MAR 2014 - 09:42 CET
Trabajadores de Médicos Sin Fronteras cargan material sanitario en el aeropuerto de Conakry. / AFP
Workers loaded MSF medical supplies at the airport in Conakry. / AFP
Les travailleurs chargés de fournitures médicales de MSF à l'aéroport de Conakry. / AFP
Ebola confirmed in Liberia
Clinical tests have confirmed two cases
27 people who had contact with patients are under medical supervision
Senegal closes its border with Guinea to prevent the arrival of Ebola
Agencies / El País Geneva 31 MAR 2014 - 9:42 CET
The World Health Organization has reported that the Ebola outbreak , which so far had been confined in Guinea has extended to Liberia, where clinical tests have confirmed two cases.
moreSenegal closes its border with Guinea to prevent the arrival of EbolaEbola first arrive to a big city townEbola , the fundamental
Seven samples from patients suspected all Foya District ( Lofa County , Liberia ) have been laboratory tested and among them were two deaths, but in only one case coincided with one of the people infected by the virus. The Liberian Ministry of Health has advised the WHO to 27 people who have had contact with patients under medical surveillance.
The outbreak of this disease in Guinea has led to 112 patients , of whom 72 have died, as reported by the chairman of the sub-Saharan country , which is a mortality rate of 62.5 %. WHO has noted that two of the new cases are health workers, a situation that highlights the need to strengthen the prevention and control of infection.
In Sierra Leone, Liberia 's border as the region of Ebola outbreak in Guinea Conakry, we have identified two other deaths caused by the virus. All confirmed and suspected cases had traveled to Guinea, according to the organization before the onset of symptoms of Ebola , and highly contagious disease for which there is no vaccine or effective treatment.
The first symptoms are sudden fever, altered intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat, followed by vomiting , diarrhea , rash , renal and liver functions and intense internal and external bleeding . The virus is transmitted by direct contact with blood and body fluids and tissues of infected humans and animals.
The arrival of a city like Ebola Conakry , capital of Guinea, two million people has an international airport with connections to other countries in the region has returned to alarm the population of West Africa. Health authorities in the affected countries try to contain the epidemic by isolating the sick with the help of the World Health Organization and organizations such as Doctors Without Borders. WHO has reiterated Monday that , for now, does not consider recommending any restraint of trade or travel to Guinea Conakry , Liberia and Sierra Leone. Senegal , meanwhile , has closed its border with Guinea to prevent the outbreak from spreading.
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