El Ébola se ha cobrado ya 111 víctimas mortales
Son 101 en Guinea y 10 en Liberia
La OMS descarta casos sospechosos de Sierra Leona y Malí
Los héroes africanos del Ébola
No podemos dejarles solos
Emilio de Benito Madrid 8 ABR 2014 - 19:24 CET
Ebola has claimed 111 deaths
They are 101 in Guinea and Liberia 10
WHO rules out suspected cases of Sierra Leone and Mali
African heroes Ebola
We can not leave them alone
Emilio de Benito Madrid 8 ABR 2014 - 19:24 CET
Accounts grow Ebola victims : 111 deaths are attributed as the disease, according to the last count of the World Health Organization ( WHO). They are 101 in Guinea and Liberia 10 . The two cases of Sierra Leone were discarded because they were due to another virus, Lassa , which is endemic to the country. Nor are confirmed deceased Mali . The number of suspected cases and up to 187, between Guinea, Sierra Leone and Mali.
This is a swing of figures over the uncertainty of this outbreak shows , "one of the most dangerous " in the world , according to WHO. Ebola symptoms are often nonspecific ( pain, vomiting , diarrhea , fever) , and the attribution to a pathogen or other to in principle by the history of those affected. Only then , and not in all cases are related analysis to confirm the killing agent .
Adhering to the confirmed cases, the number of affected down to 72 (67 in Guinea and Liberia 5 ) , has said Keiji Fukuda, deputy director general of WHO. But he believes that, rather than the data , what matters is the trend continues and notes that the risk of transmission to other countries .
Fukuda also noted that at least 20 of the cases are located in Conakry , the Guinean capital . This urban nature of the disease is new , and one of the most concern to experts , because difficult tasks isolation and identification of people who have been in contact with the sick, rather than in a rural village is much more easy . In fact , the number of people requiring special supervision because they have been very close to the sick and about the 600 .
The WHO, which published daily updates of the status of the disease, would emphasize the general features of this and the efforts being made rather than the numbers themselves , which may vary as they are having laboratory results . For the organization , the important thing is that it is the first time a case of Ebola Zaire virus type detected in the region . Only the names can be seen that there has been a journey of the pathogen from their original areas in eastern Congo and Uganda. And this has health implications : the population has been exposed before , so no acquired immunity ; also not aware of the disease and its symptoms, and does not understand equally well the importance of basic measures that may conflict with the customs, such as isolating the sick or get rid of the utensils and even the bodies of the deceased by burning .
エミリオ·デ·ベニート·マドリード8 ABR 2014 - 午後07時24分CET
Ils sont 101 en Guinée et au Libéria 10
Règles de l'OMS sur les cas présumés de Sierra Leone et du Mali
Héros africains Ebola
Nous ne pouvons pas les laisser seuls
Emilio de Benito Madrid 8 ABR 2014 - 19:24 CET
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