Unicef pide 1,8 millones de euros para frenar el Ébola en África occidental
Servirán para proporcionar desinfectantes, medicamentos y apoyo a las comunicaciones en los países vecinos a Guinea, donde apareció el brote original
El Ébola se ha cobrado ya 111 víctimas mortales
EFE Dakar 11 ABR 2014 - 13:18 CET
Empleados del puesto de control sanitario en el aeropuerto de Conakry (Guinea) realizan pruebas a pasajeros antes de que salgan del país. / CELLOU BINANI (AFP)
Employees disease control since the airport of Conakry (Guinea) to perform tests passengers before leaving the country. / Cellou Binani (AFP)
Contrôle de la maladie d'employés depuis l'aéroport de Conakry (Guinée) d'effectuer des tests de passagers avant de quitter le pays. / Cellou Binani (AFP)
Unicef calls for 1.8 million euros to stop Ebola in West Africa
Will they provide disinfectants, medicines and communications support in neighboring Guinea, where the original outbreak appeared
Ebola has claimed 111 deaths
EFE Dakar 11 ABR 2014 - 13:18 CET
Unicef Friday asked the international community to 1.8 million euros (2.5 million dollars) to combat Ebola epidemic that has caused more than 100 deaths in Guinea and Liberia. The aim is to prevent the disease from spreading to neighboring countries in West Africa.
According to the international organization , 800,000 euros are needed to address the situation in Guinea and 900,000 to prevent the arrival of the virus , which has no vaccine or treatment , to neighboring countries . The money will be used to provide disinfectants workers , essential drugs, basic equipment and communications support in neighboring Guinea and Liberia , Sierra Leone , Senegal , Guinea Bissau , Ivory Coast and Mali.
We are in a race against time
Guido Borghese, UNICEF consultant in West and Central Africa
In Guinea, UNICEF has distributed 77,400 bottles of liquid chlorine used as a disinfectant, soaps 300,000 , 150,000 pairs of gloves, sprayers 670 and 1,650 kilograms of calcium hypochlorite , another disinfectant to combat the epidemic. It has also sent medical teams prevention Sierra Leone , Ivory Coast , Senegal and Mali.
"We are in a race against time to prevent the virus from spreading ," says Guido Borghese, UNICEF adviser for child development in West and Central Africa, in the statement released by the international agency. "Most people in this part of the world had never heard of the Ebola virus ." The buds have so far been given in this part of the continent ; strain first emerged in the now Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) in 1976. "In this context, unfounded rumors have spread rapidly . 's more important than ever that families are provided with adequate resources and information needed to protect themselves and to avoid dangerous misunderstandings " Borghese says.
The disease has killed 111 people in Guinea and Liberia, and there are 178 suspected cases, according to the international organization.
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