El Ébola se extiende a Malí, el cuarto país afectado
El nerviosismo llega al extranjero: París paraliza dos horas un avión de Guinea. Arabia Saudí adopta medidas extraordinarias
Nuevos casos sospechosos en Malí y Liberia incrementan la alerta ante un brote que ha provocado ya la muerte de 96 personas
Gemma Domínguez (MSF) desde Conakry: “Una ciudad es mucho más difícil de cubrir, la epidemia aún no está contenida”
Los casos de Ébola aumentan un 60% en una semana
FOTOGALERÍA El Ébola avanza imparable
José Naranjo Dakar 4 ABR 2014 - 17:47 CET
Una calle de Gueckedou (Guinea), cercana a las fronteras con Liberia y Sierra Leona y uno de los focos del brote de ébola. / SEYLLOU (AFP)
A street Gueckedou (Guinea), near the borders with Liberia and Sierra Leone, and one focus of the Ebola outbreak. / SEYLLOU (AFP)
リベリア、シエラレオネ、およびエボラ発生の一つの焦点との国境に近いストリートGueckedou(ニューギニア)、。 / SEYLLOU(AFP)
Une rue de Guéckédou (Guinée), près des frontières avec le Libéria et la Sierra Leone, et un foyer de l'épidémie d'Ebola. / SEYLLOU (AFP)
Ebola spreads to Mali, the fourth country concerned
Nervousness comes abroad: Paris paralyzes two hours one tickets Guinea. Saudi Arabia takes extraordinary measures
New suspected cases in Mali and Liberia increase the alert for an outbreak that has killed 96 people
Gemma Domínguez (MSF) from Conakry: "A city is much more difficult to cover the epidemic is not contained"
Ebola cases increased 60% in a week
PHOTOGALLERY Ebola speed ahead
José Naranjo Dakar 4 ABR 2014 - 17:47 CET
The outbreak of Ebola hemorrhagic fever -associated virus , which threatened to western Africa and has already claimed the lives of 96 people ( 87 in Guinea, Liberia and 7 2 in Sierra Leone) has acquired a new dimension on Thursday after that the Government of Mali announced the appearance of three suspected cases that have been put in isolation and that the death of a person in Liberia for the first time , had no apparent relationship to the origin of the outbreak in Guinea was known. The rapid increase of cases in the latter country, where since last January and they go for 137 people affected , of which fifteen have been detected in the capital, Conakry , and its extension to neighboring countries , first Liberia, then Sierra Leone (two unconfirmed cases because they died before having the tests) and now Mali, is blowing up all the health scares in the region and has caused even the extraordinary measures in countries as distant as Saudi Arabia and France, where a plane was detained two hours a false alarm.
In France , the authorities have decided to raise up to P4 ( the highest) level of surveillance at Charles de Gaulle International Airport , including the activation of a security protocol in the event that a passenger arriving from Guinea febrile symptoms present or associated with this disease such as vomiting or body aches. This Friday, a false alarm caused conducting a medical examination to the 187 passengers and 11 crew members of a plane that made the Conakry - Nuachot -Paris route on arrival at the airport . After two hours and since measurements fever were negative , could disembark. Likewise , Saudi Arabia, a country that travel each year hundreds of thousands of Muslims to visit Mecca, has decided to suspend issuing visas to Guineans citizens for fear of Ebola virus.
In Liberia six people have died from the outbreak
On Thursday, the Ministry of Health of Mali announced the existence of three cases of hemorrhagic fever in this country suspected of being caused by the Ebola virus. All three patients were placed in isolation at a facility located on the outskirts of the capital , Bamako, pending laboratory tests of the samples are from them and have been sent to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ) in Atlanta ( USA ), although they are all evolving favorably to the first medical care. The Government has not informed even if they are people who were in the border area next to Guinea, but recommended to avoid this next place the focus shifts to the disease.
Meanwhile , the emergence of a new virulent especially haemorrhagic fever in Liberia, where six people had already died from this epidemic , has replanted the concern among authorities. It is a hunter who fell ill while in the woods near Tapeta , Nimba region in the east of the country, and died half an hour after arriving at the hospital. The striking thing about this case is that it is completely isolated from the chains of transmission of the outbreak. Unlike the other six fatal cases , of which two have been laboratory confirmed as caused by Ebola, this hunter " had no interaction with any person suspected of being a carrier of the virus ," according to AFP Bernice Dahn assure responsible medical service of the Liberian Ministry of health
However, Guinea, where the first cases of Ebola hemorrhagic fevers attributed to in January and 21 March where an outbreak of this disease was officially declared , remains the country with the greatest number of people affected is concentrated and where international organizations such as Doctors without Borders , Red Cross and the World Health Organization are focusing all their efforts. The latest report from the Ministry of Health Guinea talk of 137 cases, of which 45 have been confirmed by laboratory tests, and 87 deaths , ie a fatality rate of 63% . Of these, 71 have occurred in the interior regions and the south where the outbreak originated (especially in the districts of Guekedou , Macenta and Kissidougou ), but no less than 16 cases , of which 5 have died, appeared in Conakry , the capital , a city of two million inhabitants where chains of transmission control is much more complicated .
MSF confirms that the epidemic is not contained
The extent of the outbreak in several regions , including the capital , and its appearance in neighboring countries (Liberia confirmed , Sierra Leone and Mali suspected cases ) is much more complicated containment and led to Doctors Without Borders to speak of " unprecedented epidemic . " From Conakry , Gemma Domínguez , coordinator of MSF- Spain in this country says his main concern right now is capital. " A city is much more difficult to cover. In the field the sick go to the health center and hence are referred to the hospital , but in Conakry supply and public health is varied and there are many people that train . The deployment is more complex. "
Dominguez confirms that " the epidemic continues to progress and is not yet contained," and at this time are focused " in organizing the intervention in Conakry ." But "sooner or later we will finally get it , hopefully it will be soon , the sooner the better . In the south are more optimistic , in Conakry just started , "he reveals . Regarding the population explains that "what is living with psychosis and with some concern that any symptom that appears is as Ebola , is on everyone's lips . The other day a pregnant woman got on a bus to vomit and there was some hysteria , to that extent there psychosis. But it is normal that both here and in neighboring countries is alert and isolate potentially affected to the slightest suspicion . "
Gregory Hartl, WHO spokesman , said that " although it is very difficult to predict the evolution of this outbreak , we have implemented further measures in hospitals and on the trail of contagion ." Adds that " we have to remain very vigilant , not can lower our guard , Ebola is a deadly disease. "
The West African countries are increasingly adopting more measures : Senegal has closed its southern border with Guinea and suspended until further notice the weekly markets in the area, Mauritania has limited land transit with Senegal and Sierra Leone from Guinea trespassing of bodies are taken to bury their relatives. In countries such as Senegal and Gambia have arisen all kinds of rumors in a climate of growing psychosis, but nevertheless , Gregory Hartl, spokesman for the World Health Organization (WHO ) , insists that the agency "does not recommend any restrictions travel " to and from the countries where there have been cases.
Härtl , WHO has been very explicit about the closure of borders : " We do not recommend travel restrictions or border trade , because they continue to be conducted by informal steps. In addition , the controls will not detect people who are already infected but have not yet manifested any symptoms. They cost a lot of money , hurt the movements of citizens and property, and are not effective in identifying people with Ebola. It is much more sensible than surveillance systems , health workers and individuals in general are on alert to take necessary precautions if someone has symptoms . "
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