AGUSTÍN BENITO Director del Instituto de Enfermedades Tropicales
“Afortunadamente, cada vez que el virus se reproduce pierde virulencia”
El Ébola llega por primera vez a una gran ciudad: Conakry, de más de dos millones de habitantes
El director del Instituto de Enfermedades Tropicales considera que las condiciones de hacinamiento pueden hacer que haya más infectados
El Ébola llega por primera vez a una gran ciudad
Emilio de Benito Madrid 28 MAR 2014 - 20:35 CET
AUGUSTINE BENITO Director of the Institute for Tropical Diseases
"Fortunately, each time the virus reproduces loses virulence"
Ebola first arrive to a big city: Conakry, over two million people
The director of the Institute for Tropical Diseases finds that overcrowding can make more infected
Ebola first arrive to a big city
Emilio de Benito Madrid 28 MAR 2014 - 20:35 CET
The director of the National Institute for Tropical Diseases , Agustín Benito , has experienced first hand the fight against an outbreak of hemorrhagic viruses: Marburg in Angola in 2005. " Although it was not Ebola , are first cousins ," he says apologetically. That episode ended with more than 150 deaths. This is close to 80 .
moreEbola first arrive to a big cityEbola , the fundamental"The first thing is to isolate the sick"
But the news is that , for the first time , Ebola has come to a big city ( Conakry , more than two million inhabitants) . "That undoubtedly will complicate things ," admits Benito . " Ebola is spread by direct contact , and it is normal that the zero case that concerned which migrated from rural areas to the city , is a suburb , in a suburb ," he says . There, overcrowding can make more possible infected . " But the process is the same. Start by watching the family and go to the closest contacts , "says Benedict. The trouble is that in large areas of the capital , their number can be very high .
" There's another factor , taboos . Diseases are quite spectacular , and you have to eliminate foci of infection as soon as possible . When these are dead collides with the cultural barrier . People do not understand that some foreigners arrive , they removed the corpse of his family and take him to burn and bury in quicklime. In Angola, when the outbreak of Marburg, technicians CDC [ Center for Disease Control ] U.S. it went really bad. Others had to intervene because the townspeople wanted to lynch them , "says Benedict.
"The risk isin regional flightson trucks "
However, the expert believes that the virus has reached a city can have , paradoxically , some advantage . " In Africa , cities are places with better health systems in rural areas. There are National Institutes of Health, Public Health Services "lists . Another advantage , if you can call it that , is " the transmission path , which is in contact with fluids fortunately not in the air ," said Benito . In addition, the city includes not diet exotica as bats, monkeys or rats, whose intake is at the origin of each outbreak.
The doctor says that Ebola has reached a major city , with international airport , you should not worry too much. In principle, one might think that the virus would be closer to finding a form of global transmission. " But the profile of the person who comes from a rural setting is not that of a traveler from intercontinental flights ," says Benedict. " Another thing is the regional flights , smaller planes make journeys within the country or neighbors . And the trucks. In Africa everything is going by road , "says the researcher. "The risk , therefore, is at the regional level." For this trip possible the virus , the incubation period is an asset that plays in their favor : they are up to 21 days in which affected not just feels wrong. Too long , you can scroll and contact hundreds.
But this risk Benito puts a twist. " One thing we know for some time is that each time the virus replicates in each cycle , it loses virulence becomes less pathogenic. Normally there is a huge peak and then begins to subside. If not , it would be very complex to stop it , "he admits .
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