中国は新型 鶏インフルエンザA H7N9からの2人の感染死亡を確認,5人の感染患者は重症で入院
China notifica dos muertes por un nuevo tipo de virus de gripe
Las muertes no estaban relacionadas por lo que no se sabe cómo se transmite
Hay otras cinco personas gravemente enfermas.
Zigor Aldama Shanghái 2 ABR 2013 - 20:55 CET
China reports two deaths from a new type of influenza virus
The deaths were not related by what is not known to be spread
There are five others seriously ill.
Aldama zigor Shanghai 2 ABR 2013 - 20:55 CET
The Chinese authorities have notified the World Health Organization the death of two men because of a new flu virus, the H7N9. They have also reported that there are five people, four women and one man, critically ill because of the same pathogen. Those affected were unrelated to each other, so we do not know the potential of the virus to spread between humans.
The Center for Disease Control has indicated that Chinese identified after searching the pathogen most often: the H3N2 that has appeared this year, the H1N1 flu call three years ago and the H5N1 avian influenza began to spread already 10. Nor is the last coronavirus, cold virus, which appeared last year in Saudi and goes for 17 cases and 11 deaths.
"What better way to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the outbreak of SARS, SARS-that with a new viral outbreak". Some users of Weibo, the quintessential social network in China, they take it as a joke. But the authorities of the Asian giant's new threat facing not make any grace: a virus of influenza, H7N9, so far affected only birds, has jumped to humans and has claimed the lives of two men in Shanghai.
The first, of 87 years, died on March 4, and the second, a butcher of 27 years, died six days later. Yesterday it emerged that a woman who had been in contact with chickens is in critical condition in the central province of Anhui, and now a doctor in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province, adjacent to Shanghai-has posted on Weibo photograph of the report confirming a new case: another woman was admitted to the intensive care unit on day 24 and was quarantined on the 30th.
moreThe new coronavirus is easily transmitted between humansNews about Flu
The way that has come to light this information raises concerns that the Government's choice of opacity, as it did a decade ago when the SARS epidemic broke out, and the matter is more serious than it seems. In fact, according to the Shanghai Daily, the health authorities, who initially said there was no danger of contagion, have decided to Shanghai hospitals on alert. Thus, health centers have to tell every day of new suspected cases. Experts cited by Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post believe that the virus is less contagious than others of the same family, but more lethal.
Maybe that's why, in the capital Beijing, is also included among the avian flu virus that are monitored regularly and, although not officially registered no patients with this disease in the city, Health has issued a statement asking centers that are prepared for emergencies and to ensure you have enough material reserves. However, there is no vaccine against the virus, the specific treatment of pneumonia.
The World Health Organization is also following the case and yesterday issued a reassuring statement in which he said that none of the 88 people who have been in contact with the diagnosed cases has been infected, nor found any epidemiological link between those affected. "There is very little chance of human infection," said the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Disease China. "For now, it remains an animal virus, nonhuman", the Shanghai Daily said yesterday the dean of the Faculty of Public Health of Fudan University, Jiang Qingwu.
Authorities were searching for the new coronavirus or the H5N1 avian flu that started in 2003
However, Shanghai toilets have been ordered not to comment to the press, and there is growing concern among the population for the different threats to your health. The bird flu is just the latest in a long list. Ten days ago at the Shanghai Huangpu River over 13,000 found floating dead pigs have reopened the debate about the quality of local foods, burdened by numerous scandals ranging from milk powder with melamine to pork iridescent.
"I had stopped eating pork because I think these animals the river may end on my plate. Now I will not be able to eat chicken? Living in China is too dangerous, "complained today COUNTRY Zhang Weixing, a neighbor of the economic capital. "We can not breathe." In fact, yesterday Shanghai decided to launch an ambitious plan to tackle air pollution, according to a report by the Health Effects Institute, causes premature death of 1.2 million Chinese a year. As if this were not enough, the Chinese government has declared 'state secret' the results of a study conducted to determine the extent of soil contamination in the country, a fact that suggests even more apocalyptic data.
The alphabet soup of names flu virus is nothing more than a reflection of the variability of pathogens, and subsequent reports on casualties are associated with extensive control testing is done. The goal is not so much alarm as having a record of potential threats.
The H7N9 is, as most of the influenza virus in birds. In fact, the Chinese authorities have launched a campaign to disinfect farms and other facilities. But, until now, hardly transmitted to humans. The appearance within 48 hours of these cases suggests that something may have changed.
The flu, whose season just ended in Spain, is usually mild illness for most people, but about every 20 years appears particularly dangerous strain, and therefore maintains a special monitoring system.
Not whim. Flu can be a serious complication in some patients (elderly people with various diseases, immunocompromised). For example, in Spain the Instituto de Salud Carlos III indicates that up to the 12th week of 2013 has been reported 366 confirmed hospitalized severe cases of influenza in 16 regions, of which 61% are men, reports Emilio de Benito. There have been 30 deaths directly attributed to the flu, and about 2,000 in which the virus has been an influencing factor. In Spain this winter most flu viruses have been for a type B, which are usually milder.
The Center for Disease Control has indicated that Chinese identified after searching the pathogen most often: the H3N2 that has appeared this year, the H1N1 flu call three years ago and the H5N1 avian influenza began to spread already 10. Nor is the last coronavirus, cold virus, which appeared last year in Saudi and goes for 17 cases and 11 deaths.
"What better way to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the outbreak of SARS, SARS-that with a new viral outbreak". Some users of Weibo, the quintessential social network in China, they take it as a joke. But the authorities of the Asian giant's new threat facing not make any grace: a virus of influenza, H7N9, so far affected only birds, has jumped to humans and has claimed the lives of two men in Shanghai.
The first, of 87 years, died on March 4, and the second, a butcher of 27 years, died six days later. Yesterday it emerged that a woman who had been in contact with chickens is in critical condition in the central province of Anhui, and now a doctor in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province, adjacent to Shanghai-has posted on Weibo photograph of the report confirming a new case: another woman was admitted to the intensive care unit on day 24 and was quarantined on the 30th.
moreThe new coronavirus is easily transmitted between humansNews about Flu
The way that has come to light this information raises concerns that the Government's choice of opacity, as it did a decade ago when the SARS epidemic broke out, and the matter is more serious than it seems. In fact, according to the Shanghai Daily, the health authorities, who initially said there was no danger of contagion, have decided to Shanghai hospitals on alert. Thus, health centers have to tell every day of new suspected cases. Experts cited by Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post believe that the virus is less contagious than others of the same family, but more lethal.
Maybe that's why, in the capital Beijing, is also included among the avian flu virus that are monitored regularly and, although not officially registered no patients with this disease in the city, Health has issued a statement asking centers that are prepared for emergencies and to ensure you have enough material reserves. However, there is no vaccine against the virus, the specific treatment of pneumonia.
The World Health Organization is also following the case and yesterday issued a reassuring statement in which he said that none of the 88 people who have been in contact with the diagnosed cases has been infected, nor found any epidemiological link between those affected. "There is very little chance of human infection," said the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Disease China. "For now, it remains an animal virus, nonhuman", the Shanghai Daily said yesterday the dean of the Faculty of Public Health of Fudan University, Jiang Qingwu.
Authorities were searching for the new coronavirus or the H5N1 avian flu that started in 2003
However, Shanghai toilets have been ordered not to comment to the press, and there is growing concern among the population for the different threats to your health. The bird flu is just the latest in a long list. Ten days ago at the Shanghai Huangpu River over 13,000 found floating dead pigs have reopened the debate about the quality of local foods, burdened by numerous scandals ranging from milk powder with melamine to pork iridescent.
"I had stopped eating pork because I think these animals the river may end on my plate. Now I will not be able to eat chicken? Living in China is too dangerous, "complained today COUNTRY Zhang Weixing, a neighbor of the economic capital. "We can not breathe." In fact, yesterday Shanghai decided to launch an ambitious plan to tackle air pollution, according to a report by the Health Effects Institute, causes premature death of 1.2 million Chinese a year. As if this were not enough, the Chinese government has declared 'state secret' the results of a study conducted to determine the extent of soil contamination in the country, a fact that suggests even more apocalyptic data.
The alphabet soup of names flu virus is nothing more than a reflection of the variability of pathogens, and subsequent reports on casualties are associated with extensive control testing is done. The goal is not so much alarm as having a record of potential threats.
The H7N9 is, as most of the influenza virus in birds. In fact, the Chinese authorities have launched a campaign to disinfect farms and other facilities. But, until now, hardly transmitted to humans. The appearance within 48 hours of these cases suggests that something may have changed.
The flu, whose season just ended in Spain, is usually mild illness for most people, but about every 20 years appears particularly dangerous strain, and therefore maintains a special monitoring system.
Not whim. Flu can be a serious complication in some patients (elderly people with various diseases, immunocompromised). For example, in Spain the Instituto de Salud Carlos III indicates that up to the 12th week of 2013 has been reported 366 confirmed hospitalized severe cases of influenza in 16 regions, of which 61% are men, reports Emilio de Benito. There have been 30 deaths directly attributed to the flu, and about 2,000 in which the virus has been an influencing factor. In Spain this winter most flu viruses have been for a type B, which are usually milder.
中国は新型 鶏インフルエンザA H7N9からの2人の感染死亡を確認,5人の感染患者は重症で入院
アルダマzigor上海2 ABR 2013 - 20時55 CET
アルダマzigor上海2 ABR 2013 - 20時55 CET
最初は、87年の3月4日に死亡し、そして第二に、27年の肉屋は、6日後に死亡した。昨日は鶏と接触していた女性が今では微博に掲載されました - 上海に隣接する南京、江蘇省の省都、中医師安徽省の中央省の危篤状態にあり、ことが明らかに新しいケースを確認する報告書の写真:別の女性は、24日目に集中治療室に入院したと30日に隔離された。
世界保健機関はまた、ケースをフォローして、昨日は、彼が診断された症例と接触してきた88人のいずれもが感染していないことを言っている安心感を与える声明を発表し、また、間に任意の疫学的リンクを発見したそれらの影響を受ける。 "ヒトへの感染はほとんどチャンスがありますが、"疾病管理予防病中国センターは言った。 "今のところ、それは、ヒト以外の動物ウイルスのまま"、上海日報は復旦大学、江Qingwuの公衆衛生学部の学部長は昨日言った。
しかし、上海のトイレはプレスにコメントすることではない注文した、とあなたの健康に異なる脅威の集団の間で懸念がありますされています。鳥インフルエンザは、ちょうど長いリストの最新のものである。 13,000以上の上海黄浦江で10日前フローティング死んだ豚を見つけたメラミン粉ミルクから虹色の豚肉に至るまで、数多くのスキャンダルを抱え、地元の食材の品質について議論をリニューアルオープンしました。
私は、これらの動物は川が私の皿の上に終わるかもしれないと思うので、 "私は豚肉を食べるのを止めていた。今私は鶏肉を食べることができないのだろうか?中国での生活はあまりにも危険です "と、今日COUNTRY張Weixingの、経済資本の隣人は不平を言った。 "我々は、息をすることはできません。"実際には、昨日上海は健康影響研究所の報告書によると、大気汚染に取り組むための野心的な計画を立ち上げることを決め、年間120万の中国の早期の死が発生します。これが十分ではなかったかのように、中国政府は "国家機密 '国の土壌汚染の程度、さらに多くの終末論的なデータを示唆しているという事実を決定するために実施した調査の結果を宣言した。
最初は、87年の3月4日に死亡し、そして第二に、27年の肉屋は、6日後に死亡した。昨日は鶏と接触していた女性が今では微博に掲載されました - 上海に隣接する南京、江蘇省の省都、中医師安徽省の中央省の危篤状態にあり、ことが明らかに新しいケースを確認する報告書の写真:別の女性は、24日目に集中治療室に入院したと30日に隔離された。
世界保健機関はまた、ケースをフォローして、昨日は、彼が診断された症例と接触してきた88人のいずれもが感染していないことを言っている安心感を与える声明を発表し、また、間に任意の疫学的リンクを発見したそれらの影響を受ける。 "ヒトへの感染はほとんどチャンスがありますが、"疾病管理予防病中国センターは言った。 "今のところ、それは、ヒト以外の動物ウイルスのまま"、上海日報は復旦大学、江Qingwuの公衆衛生学部の学部長は昨日言った。
しかし、上海のトイレはプレスにコメントすることではない注文した、とあなたの健康に異なる脅威の集団の間で懸念がありますされています。鳥インフルエンザは、ちょうど長いリストの最新のものである。 13,000以上の上海黄浦江で10日前フローティング死んだ豚を見つけたメラミン粉ミルクから虹色の豚肉に至るまで、数多くのスキャンダルを抱え、地元の食材の品質について議論をリニューアルオープンしました。
私は、これらの動物は川が私の皿の上に終わるかもしれないと思うので、 "私は豚肉を食べるのを止めていた。今私は鶏肉を食べることができないのだろうか?中国での生活はあまりにも危険です "と、今日COUNTRY張Weixingの、経済資本の隣人は不平を言った。 "我々は、息をすることはできません。"実際には、昨日上海は健康影響研究所の報告書によると、大気汚染に取り組むための野心的な計画を立ち上げることを決め、年間120万の中国の早期の死が発生します。これが十分ではなかったかのように、中国政府は "国家機密 '国の土壌汚染の程度、さらに多くの終末論的なデータを示唆しているという事実を決定するために実施した調査の結果を宣言した。
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