El nuevo coronavirus se transmite fácilmente entre humanos
Dos brotes familiares confirman la capacidad de transmisión del patógeno
Hasta ahora, solo hay 12 casos documentados, con seis fallecidos
Un microorganismo de la misma familia causó el brote de SARS de 2002
Emilio de Benito Madrid 19 FEB 2013 - 16:10 CET
The new coronavirus is easily transmitted between humans
Two family outbreaks confirm the transmission capacity of the pathogen
So far, there are only 12 documented cases with six deaths
A microorganism of the same family caused the 2002 outbreak of SARS
Emilio de Benito Madrid 19 FEB 2013 - 16:10 CET
Studies on the new coronavirus increase. The pathogen was first identified in the UK in a patient transferred from Saudi in September last year, but has since been able to identify 12 cases of affected hands (in Jordan, Saudi, Qatar, Pakistan and the UK, according to the European Centre for Disease Control, ECDC), of which half have died. In such a short time has been much research, and it begins running. Today, the magazine mBio, American Association of Microbiology, does one who claims it is a pathogen (called HCoV-EMC9) "well adapted to humans". This is but laboratory confirmation of the data that have been collected to observe patients: there are at least two affected family groups, with six members involved, confirming that transmits well among people.
The mBio article has compared the new coronavirus activity with another of the same family, the cause of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) that between 2002 and 2003 caused 765 deaths and constipated virus (another coronavirus). And have seen that is equally adapted to infect humans. Using bronchial tissue, the researchers, led by Volker Thiel, the hospital of St. Gallen, Switzerland, have found that "grows faster than the cause of SARS."
moreUnited Kingdom a new virus associated with SARSA virus "never seen in humans" is the cause of SARSAnother three patients died and the new coronavirus
"Our second finding is that viruses (HCoV-EMC, SARS, and the common cold) produced a similar response in the host: Do not make a huge immune response," said Thiel.
They have also pointed to a possible first treatment with interferon.
Currently no global authority (or the ECDC or World Health Organization) and national (Protection Agency Health, HPA, UK, which is the virus that has been identified and treated cases referred to it) has decreed any warning. Simply, is tracked and counting of cases to see if it spreads and if the spread is accelerating, with the memory of the SARS epidemic, which began in Hong Kong and came to Canada. The figures do not justify something. But these may be "just the tip of the iceberg, and if there are many more cases that we have not detected because they are not serious," said Thiel.
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