インフルエンザ A(H7N9)は、人間の間での感染が心配·懸念される
Crece la preocupación sobre el contagio del H7N9 entre humanos
El caso de una pareja infectada por la nueva gripe aviar abre las sospechas
Emilio de Benito Madrid 15 ABR 2013 - 22:47 CET
Growing concern about the spread of H7N9 between humans
The case of an infected partner opens new suspected bird flu
Emilio de Benito Madrid 15 ABR 2013 - 22:47 CET
The new bird flu, caused in China by a new H7N9 virus, approaches the border of the first shock. So far, the 63 documented cases (14 of them died) as the Chinese authorities attributed them all to a direct transmission between birds and humans. But the case of a marriage of Shanghai, in which man has fallen ill after the death of his wife, according to the Shanghai Daily, open the suspicion that the scenario is different, with human transmission. This step is key to the possible spread of the disease: live bird markets can be closed forever, as discussed Shanghai authorities, for example, and the affected animals and all those around them are candidates to be sacrificed. But such measures are, for obvious reasons, applicable to people. "It's that clear. What worries us is the transmission between humans, although there is no evidence of that, "said Michael O'Leary Beijing, China representative of WHO.
The authorities of the Asian giant the only country affected so far, also defend that version. The explanation for the case of marriage of Shanghai is that both lived closely with birds, as they had a market stall where they sold. Will have to see if there are more cases in outbreaks among people close to confirm whether the virus is transmitted only from bird to person, or has taken the next step, which "would weigh the concern" about the situation, WHO supports. In this sense, there is more information to be considered good news: a thousand health center workers who have cared for the sick are being investigated, and all seem healthy.
While waiting for events, builds knowledge about the virus. It is not the first time a H7 is transmitted to humans, but it was not an H7N9. Studies have shown that it is precisely the H (hemagglutinin protein of the cover) that has mutated to make the virus more readily infect humans.
On the side of the bad news, the variant seems to not affect a worryingly to poultry. This means that, unlike the H5N1 circulating carrying a decade, is more difficult to detect a priori: the animals do not get sick and die, and if they do analytic all suspects is expensive and complex, much more so the birds poultry, which are many more.
On the other hand, it seems that the girl who fell ill in Beijing, surnamed Yao, local newspapers as evolves favorably. But just another child of her neighbor, surnamed Zhu, got sick, so that's two cases in Beijing. Thus, the two largest cities in the country have affected.
The situation keeps you guessing to major global health agencies, who do not want to fall into alarmism as those caused by H5N1, which is present in a dozen countries or so-called swine flu (H1N1 virus), which after a quick not justified the alert propagation and forced the WHO to change its definition of pandemic. For example, the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) said that "it is possible that the rapid increase in the number of cases" is because there are more controls. The attitude is to monitor time. The WHO warns that if all goes well, will inform daily. It will be the best signal.
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