120 expertos mundiales alertan del precio de las terapias contra el cáncer
Advierten de que están amenazados el acceso a los tratamientos y la sostenibilidad sanitaria
El gasto de las terapias se ha doblado en los últimos diez años
Fármacos a precio de oro, solo si funcionan
Jaime Prats Valencia 26 ABR 2013 - 16:34 CET
120 world experts warn the price of cancer therapies
They warn that threatened access to treatment and health sustainability
Therapies spending has doubled in the last ten years
Drug price of gold, only if they work
Jaime Prats Valencia 26 ABR 2013 - 16:34 CET
The antitumor prices are "too high", "unsustainable", so that "jeopardize access to drugs by patients who need" and "threaten the viability of health systems" . This warning includes the feel of 120 oncologists from around the world who specialize in chronic myeloid leukemia and refers to new therapies related to the disease. But reflection includes all other drugs used against malignancies in general and the "price spiral" that affects especially the new molecules that are released.
To translate their opinion and make it public, specialists have chosen the journal Blood, American Society of Hematology. The author of the article reference Hagop Kantarjian, the prestigious MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston (USA). Kantarjian tells this newspaper via email that the idea of the article came from the discussions raised in discussion groups on "the high price of cancer drugs and how detrimental to patients." From that moment, relates, "we contacted CML specialists, they moved the initiative and asked if we wanted to support it."
"The cost of drugs has almost doubled in the last decade," experts warn that indicate how the 12 compounds approved cancer last year by U.S. health authorities-FDA-, 11 have a higher cost to $ 100,000 (77,000 euros) per year per patient. From an average expenditure of $ 5,000 (3,800 euros) per month per patient has risen over ten years to more than 10,000, they add.
"We have reached a time when we have extremely powerful weapons to fight cancer," says Eduardo Olavarria, chief of hematology at the Hospital of Navarre, one of the two Spanish authors of the study, along with Francisco Cervantes, his counterpart in the Clinic of Barcelona. "But we are faced with the paradox that if prices continue to rise we can not afford." In fact, the Ministry of Health last year rejected funding from the public in two tumor by its high price.
A spokeswoman for Farmaindustria, which brings together pharmaceutical companies, prefer not to assess whether the price of the tumor is high. It aims to develop a new drug around 1,000 million euros and 40% of the increase in life expectancy between 1986 and 2000 is due to new drugs appeared at the time.
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The article makes the story category. The story (actually, much more than that) reviews the evolution in the treatment of a type of leukemia that until 12 years ago was fatal, the chronic myeloid. The emergence of imatinib (Glivec by trade name, developed by Novartis) revolutionized the treatment as rarely happens in the complex world of the fight against cancer. From a life expectancy of four years spent to control (more chronic) disease in 90% of cases.
When the product is approved in the United States, in 2001, the annual cost was $ 30,000 (23,000 euros) per patient. The figure has soared to $ 90,000 (69,000 euros). Revenues from Novartis, which recently lost the battle he had with India by the patent of this drug-linked to Glivec in 2012-4700 asciendieron billion (3,600 million euros), according to Bloomberg.
The impact of the price of drugs in patients health differs by model. In systems in European universal coverage is the government who bears the cost. In the United States, depending on the type of insurance, patients have to take part of the treatment. Oncologists reflected in the article how this circumstance is a barrier in access to treatment by the less affluent patients who can not afford them. And that is the U.S. where prices are more expensive because of the inability of the government and insurance companies negotiate down the tumor. In Spain, treatment with Glivec is just over 30,000 euros a year-which assumes the public health, compared to € 69,000 in the U.S..
That the situation in Europe is not as dramatic, at least apparently, does not mean that countries with universal coverage as Spain are safe from trouble. "The difference here is that those who can not pay are not the patient, but the Government, and the end result will be the same if the health system does not have money," says Olavarria.
What would be an appropriate price for these drugs? Olavarria, who assumes the need for the industry to further investigate a profit, a figure slides: "The Glivec patent expires in three years. Generic and its price will be around 10% of the current. Still, these companies will make money. "
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