中国では、鶏インフルエンザA H7N9 ビールスで、現在6人の鶏風邪感染死亡者が確認され、14人の鶏風邪感染患者が確認される。上海市場では養鶏を屠殺処分し、市場を閉鎖
Shanghái sacrifica aves y cierra mercados ante la proliferación del virus H7N9
El número de muertos se eleva a seis
No se han dado aún casos de contagios entre humanos, aunque crece el temor
En Estados Unidos buscan ya una vacuna.
La gripe aviar sobrevuela China otra vez
China notifica dos muertes por un nuevo tipo de virus de gripe
Zigor Aldama Shanghai 5 ABR 2013 - 12:52 CET
Shanghai markets closed sacrificed birds at the proliferation of H7N9 virus
Death toll rises to six
There have been no further cases of infection among humans, but the fear grows
In the United States and seek a vaccine.
China Bird flu flies again
China reports two deaths from a new type of influenza virus
Zigor Aldama Shanghai 5 ABR 2013 - 12:52 CET
The trickle of sick continues. Slow, but unstoppable. The list of deaths from the new strain of bird flu H7N9 virus-sum and six names, the last confirmed this morning, and Shanghai listed as the worst hit with four deaths. Authorities have issued an order that no live birds are sold and closed outdoor markets. It also asked the public not to sacrifice animals on their own. Last night in Shanghai decided to sacrifice thousands of birds in markets of this megalopolis of 24 million people after a pigeon give H7N9 positive. It is the first time the virus is found in a living animal, and scientists believe that the finding is good news to understand how well the avian flu strain. Meanwhile, in the U.S. start looking, as a preventive, a vaccine.
The 14 affected cases confirmed to date in the east of the country, including a four year old boy who is the first to evolve favorably, are concentrated in the neighboring provinces of the economic capital of China, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but the government taking no chances and has put all hospitals on high alert. "We will put all the resources of the national health system to fight the virus," said yesterday the National Health Commission in a statement.
Not surprisingly, circulating and Chinese social networking information-quickly removed by censors, who say the virus has already reached the political capital, Beijing, Hong Kong and a 7 year old could also have tested positive. To avoid these rumors, many of which have been confirmed hours later, authorities have pledged to act "with complete transparency to the World Health Organization and the international community." However, the population is wary and Shanghai and is common to find supermarket clients who approach the carnage mask.
"We do not feel safe because we believe that information is hidden from us", explained today to the country a young couple masks protected with 3M brand in a commercial establishment. "Before we used them against pollution, but now we also bring to the supermarket. It is reported the deaths of patients who were diagnosed with the virus for some time, and we fear it may be many more, "he assured her, surnamed Xu.
Outside the supermarket, pharmacy mall Hongkou Plaza, north of Shanghai, recognizing that they have exhausted all types of masks, and that providers have even more. The claim by some Chinese leaders that traditional Chinese medicine can prevent infection also triggered sales, although there is scientific evidence about it. "Someone is making a lot of money with this," says the clerk.
Certainly does not help reassure the public that the emergency order issued today Shanghai authorities banning the sale of all kinds of live birds and demanding, starting tomorrow, closing all open-air markets. In addition, they asked the public not to kill chickens on their own, a tradition common in some areas of a country that celebrated yesterday, and tomorrow, the Qingming festival, equivalent to All Saints.
For its part, the United States has already begun to find a vaccine that could be mass produced in about six months. While this is happening, "just as a precaution", according to a spokesman for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a commission of virologists has shown "considerable concern" by the new virus, as reported by The New York Times . The creation of the vaccine will take at least a month, even though federal health authorities are speeding up the process to build synthetic DNA through rather than wait for a sample of the virus in China, as explained by Michael Shaw, associate director of the CDC's influenza division.
Until then, in many places in China are being vaccinated birds Drug-Shanghai also ensures that the virus yields to Tamiflu, and it is possible that the Chinese people have to get used to images like those experienced last night, when veterinary staff, dressed in costumes reminiscent of the SARS epidemic, SARS, a decade ago, began to kill chickens and ducks and disinfect the markets traded without any standard toilet.
Authorities seek to avoid further infections from birds to humans, before the virus acquires the ability to spread among people, a turning point that nobody wants to go it could mark the start of the dreaded pandemic. WHO maintains that risk is still "low", and that, although it is unclear the source of infection could be found in secretions and droppings of birds, with which many are in contact in markets and slaughterhouses.
Although all the information coming through official channels seeks to reassure the population, business suffers. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange closed today at least the last four months, and Chinese airlines have made around 10% of its value in the park. "Avian influenza is now the top priority in the minds of the people", he told Reuters one of those responsible for the investment agency Cheer Pearl Investment, Alfred Chan. "No panic, but caution and care. We do not want to be the next on the death list "sentence the young couple will mask the supermarket.
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