



Shanghái se prepara para una epidemia de gripe aviar

Las Autoridades comienzan a administrar un medicamento que consideran efectivo, pero el temor entre la población continúa

Zigor Aldama Shanghái 7 ABR 2013 - 19:26 CET

Shanghai is preparing for a bird flu epidemic

The authorities began to administer a drug that considered effective, but the fear among the population continues

Aldama zigor Shanghai 7 ABR 2013 - 19:26 CET

China Eastern has brought heavy artillery to fight the new avian flu has banned the trade of live birds, has ordered the closure of all outdoor markets, which have sacrificed more than 21,000 chickens and ducks, maintains hospitals on high alert, and sent the substances necessary to perform tests to 409 laboratories all over the country. In addition, health authorities have approved this Saturday in patients using injections of a drug-peramivir-effective considering to deal with the strain of virus that has the country in check.
But, although the rate at which new cases appear has been reduced and there has been no more deaths since Friday, in total, six-, Shanghai authorities say it will be difficult to avoid an epidemic in the country's most populous city -24 million inhabitants, which has the largest number of H7N9 virus infections, the total has now risen to 21.
The concern is that chickens have tested positive in the economic capital of China. Specifically, eight of the 19 samples collected on Saturday in Shanghai three markets were contaminated by the new strain of bird flu. Therefore, the government has decided to maintain the ban on trade in live birds, a measure that also adopted neighboring capitals Hangzhou and Nanjing, and is compensating salespeople whose animals have sacrificed at least 50% of the market price. "Very little", criticizing several traders who spoke yesterday with the country on condition of anonymity. "It is normal that some colleagues are trying to stop them from killing birds and look for another channel to sell".
That is precisely what causes the fear of the population. The World Health Organization, which is not recommended at the moment no special control borders or restrictions on travel plans, it does confirm that you should not eat sick animals, although theoretically the virus dies at high temperatures. "First came thousands of dead pigs in the river, then ducks were, today were 600 kilos of fish floating. And then there are the new chickens with bird flu. With morality with our entrepreneurs and the lack of government control, ending insurance on our plate, "lamented Minglei Cao, a housewife Shanghai.
It is the only one who is suspicious of vaunted transparency by the Government. Japan has asked Beijing Saturday to send samples of the virus as soon as possible to continue working on a vaccine. And Hong Kong decided to dust off the 1,400 isolation beds installed following the outbreak of atypical pneumonia-SARS-a decade ago. "Be prepared for H7N9, because the virus can get to Hong Kong," said the head of the Health area of ​​the autonomous government of the former British colony, Ko Wing-man.
Not surprisingly, 62% of respondents to a survey by the South China Morning Post this week expected to come to light first patients with the virus in Hong Kong. The newspaper also expressed concern in an editorial titled Beijing has to give the world complete information about the avian flu outbreak. The truth is we still do not know the source of infection, although it is speculated that it is in the poor conditions in which birds malviven farms in the more developed areas of the country.



アルダマzigor上海7 ABR 2013 - 午前19時26分CET
懸念は、鶏は、中国の経済的資本に陽性反応をしているということです。具体的には、上海の3つの市場に土曜日に収集された19サンプルの8は、鳥インフルエンザの新型インフルエンザによって汚染されていた。したがって、政府は、生きた鳥の貿易の禁止も、近隣の首都杭州と南京を採用した措置を維持することを決定し、かつ、その動物が市場価格の少なくとも50%を犠牲にした補償営業担当者でもあります。匿名を条件に国と昨日話した何人かの貿易業者を批判し、 "非常に小さな"。 "これは、いくつかの同僚が鳥を殺すからそれらを停止しようとしている普通の状態で、販売するために他のチャンネルを探して"。
それは人口の恐怖を引き起こすまさにです。瞬間に旅行計画には特別なコントロールの境界や制限をお勧めしませんされ、世界保健機関は、それは理論的には、ウイルスは高温で死ぬが、あなたが病気の動物を食べてはいけないことを確認します。 "ファーストカモがいた後、川で死んだ豚の数千人を来て、今日は魚の浮遊の600キロだった。そして鳥インフルエンザを持つ新しい鶏があります。我々の板の上に、保険を終了私たち起業家や政府のコントロールの欠如、との道徳では、 "Minglei曹操、主婦上海は嘆いた。
これは、政府による自慢の透明性の疑わしいです唯一のものです。日本はワクチンで作業を継続するできるだけ早くウイルスのサンプルを送信するために北京土曜日に求めている。そして香港は非定型肺炎SARS-一昔前の勃発後にインストールされている1,400隔離ベッドほこりを払いすることを決めた。 "ウイルスが香港に行くことができるので、H7N9のために準備することが、"コ·ウィング·マン旧英国植民地の自治政府の保健領域の頭部を言った。

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