スペインのカタルーニャ地方のLlerida県のGimenelles i el Pla de la Font市の13'000羽の養鶏場で、1013年05月14日に鳥インフルエンザA(H7N1)が発生し、133羽が感染死して、残りの12'225羽は殺害処分に。12'000羽は卵を産むニワトリで、1'000羽は雄のニワトリ。
Detectado un brote de gripe aviar en una granja de gallinas de Cataluña
El grado de afectación se considera bajo
Los animales han sido sacrificados y las instalaciones desinfectadas
Emilio de Benito / Lluís Visa Barcelona / Madrid 21 MAY 2013 - 19:34 CET
Detected an outbreak of bird flu at a chicken farm in Catalonia
The degree of impact is considered low
The animals were slaughtered and the premises disinfected
Emilio de Benito / Lluís Visa Barcelona / Madrid 21 MAY 2013 - 19:34 CET
The Government has confirmed the existence of an outbreak of H7N1 bird flu virus in a chicken farm breeding of Catalonia, the first in Catalonia, which has forced the slaughter of all animals (12,000 breeder hens and 1,000 roosters) and disinfection facilities. The authorities insist that there is a public health issue or food.
The outbreak was detected on 14 May by the farm veterinarian under Surveillance Plan Avian Health of Catalonia. "The farm has acted with great professionalism. The vet detected a small increase in mortality of hens and decreased egg laying. Took samples sent to the laboratory of the department," says Joaquim Xifra, deputy general manager and head of livestock animal health in the Generalitat.
After the first analysis and suspecting that it was the H7, we proceeded to take more samples, which were sent to the reference laboratory of the Ministry of Environment in Algete. Confirmed that there was an outbreak of H7N1 with a degree of involvement considered low, according to the report on the same found on the website of Department of Agriculture of the Government. That is, "there is little pathogenic to birds," adds Xifra.
Health stresses that only affects birds
The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality stressed that the H7N1 virus affects only birds. Sources Ana Mato department heads have pointed out that this type of virus is of low pathogenicity, there is no evidence of infection in humans and that it bears no relation to the H7N9 bird flu strain, which has caused some thirty dead in China.
The case of this virus, H7N1, that affects birds and unlikely to be transmitted to humans, has affected nearly 13,000 farm birds Gimenells i Pla de la Font (Lleida) and the symptoms subsided two days activated afternoon preventive protocol for these cases.
The Organization for Animal Health (OIE) considers the outbreak ended with the death of the 133 animals affected and the sacrifice of 12,225 farm shared with them. Also destroyed the eggs and feed. The Agriculture Department says there is no farm animals in a kilometer radius of the farm avian perimeter in any case be under supervision for the next 30 days.
The H7N1 is a virus that usually is not transmitted to humans, so that the population has not been at risk. nor has there been any farm employee affected. This is common to almost all H7, although precisely such a virus, the H7N1, is what has caused the last outbreak in China, and there they have been transmitted to people (with a mortality of over 50% between the persons identified as infected).
In Gimenells, where many cottage pork and beef, poultry farms are insignificant for the dimensions that are working in the sector, as stated by Mayor Albert Aldavert. "The council does not officially told us nothing about the outbreak, indicating that it was nothing serious," said Aldavert.
In the town there are two companies that are dedicated to raising chickens. The supposedly affected by the H7N1 virus has two farms, one at each end of the municipality. "We have nothing to say about the case," said a relative of the owner of this farm.
In the wake of the case, Hong Kong has announced temporary BAN importing poultry and poultry products, including eggs, from Catalonia, reports 324.cat.
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