Deux infirmière propagation du coronavirus en Arabie Saoudite
Two nurse coronavirus spread in Saudi Arabia
Dos sanitarios se contagian de coronavirus en Arabia Saudí
La OMS ha confirmado los primeros casos en los que la enfermedad se ha transmitido de los pacientes al personal sanitario
La OMS advierte del contagio del nuevo coronavirus
16 MAY 2013 - 09:39 CET
Imagen microscópica del coronavirus que se extiende por Arabia Saudí. / Uncredited (AP)
Two nurses are infected with coronavirus in Saudi Arabia
WHO has confirmed the first cases in which the disease has been transmitted from patients to health workers
WHO warns of spread of new coronavirus
16 MAY 2013 - 9:39 CET
WHO has confirmed the first cases in which the disease has been transmitted from patients to health workers
WHO warns of spread of new coronavirus
16 MAY 2013 - 9:39 CET
The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed on Wednesday the first case of infection of the new coronavirus, similar to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in medical patients in Saudi Arabia, as reported by the U.S. television network CNN.
The two cases have been detected between two nurses working with patients infected with this virus. WHO has indicated that one of them is in critical condition after the May 2 sick and the other is in stable condition after the May 8th sick.
"Although the transmission of the disease previously seen in this disease (in April 2012 in Jordan), is the first time that nurses are diagnosed after being exposed to treat patients," stated the organization.
On Sunday, the Saudi authorities said the number of confirmed cases since coronavirus was identified in 2012 was 24, of which 15 were fatal. In the latest outbreak, there were 15 confirmed cases in the Eastern Province, of which nine had died. On Monday, some WHO experts claimed that "most troubling" is that the virus can spread between people, but the organization said there was no evidence yet of widespread at this point.
The new virus can cause coughing, fever and pneumonia. A virus like SARS in 2003 caused the death of 775 people in different parts of the world.
Also Sunday, the French authorities announced that this new coronavirus has infected two people in France and is analyzing the health status of another 124, who had contact with the first affected who had recently visited the Middle East.
The two cases have been detected between two nurses working with patients infected with this virus. WHO has indicated that one of them is in critical condition after the May 2 sick and the other is in stable condition after the May 8th sick.
"Although the transmission of the disease previously seen in this disease (in April 2012 in Jordan), is the first time that nurses are diagnosed after being exposed to treat patients," stated the organization.
On Sunday, the Saudi authorities said the number of confirmed cases since coronavirus was identified in 2012 was 24, of which 15 were fatal. In the latest outbreak, there were 15 confirmed cases in the Eastern Province, of which nine had died. On Monday, some WHO experts claimed that "most troubling" is that the virus can spread between people, but the organization said there was no evidence yet of widespread at this point.
The new virus can cause coughing, fever and pneumonia. A virus like SARS in 2003 caused the death of 775 people in different parts of the world.
Also Sunday, the French authorities announced that this new coronavirus has infected two people in France and is analyzing the health status of another 124, who had contact with the first affected who had recently visited the Middle East.
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