世界保健機構は、今までに18人がcoronavirus(コロナビールス)で 感染死亡し、感染しやすいと警告。コロナビールスに感染すると、重症の肺炎や軽症の風邪気味になる。
La OMS alerta de que el nuevo coronavirus podría ser contagioso
Francia anuncia el primer caso de la enfermedad por contacto
El compañero de habitación del primer infectado el país es también portador del virus
Agencias / Emilio de Benito Paris / Madrid 13 MAY 2013 - 13:01 CET
WHO warns that the new coronavirus could be contagious
France announced the first case of the disease through contact
The first roommate infected the country is also carrying the virus
Agencies / Emilio de Benito Paris / Madrid 13 MAY 2013 - 13:01 CET
The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the new coronavirus, which has killed 18 people since the beginning of the outbreak, could be transmitted between humans by prolonged contact, although some experts believe that sufficient minimal contact. The announcement comes after the French authorities communicated yesterday that the first roommate infected in the country (who had gotten sick from a trip to Saudi) is carrying the virus.
This new virus is active since 2012, has no known origin, though the first cases emerged in the Middle East. What we do know is that it develops "as severe pneumonia in many of those affected, and in others as a mild cold" indicate from WHO. Most infected so far have been older men generally suffering "other medical conditions," they said, while acknowledging not know if the pattern will change.
"The concern is that the virus could spread among people, as is being asserted in different countries," WHO specialists declare to Europa Press. So the body needs to be made "urgent action" to increase public awareness and levels of infection surveillance. The most striking case is that of a health center in Saudi Arabia, where there have been 15 patients who have died eight.
Previously it had detected two family groups in the UK. However, in these early cases there was no infection to health workers, which is generally the most reliable indicator of the ability of the pathogen transmission. The degree of ease of transmission is key to determining the risk of an agent along with causing lethality. The latter is high (currently 53% of the confirmed cases), but missing a really important, WHO warns: we do not know at all how many people have been able to be infected without having had to go to hospital . For example, the regular flu has caused this year alone in 517 hospitalized Spain grave who died 50 (9.7% lethality), but that does not ditch because it is assumed that there have been tens of thousands of sick this winter.
The infected shared a hospital room in Valenciennes for four days, from 27 to 29 April with the first infection, while still not know it was the coronavirus, as confirmed yesterday by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health French.
The man, who is in the ICU was one of the 124 individuals who had contact with the first patient. Authorities opened an investigation that found two suspected cases: that of a relative of the patient, which was isolated in his house and did not develop the disease, and infected, admitted to the Infectious Diseases Unit, University Hospital of Lille.
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has explained that continuing its epidemiological investigation to identify people who have been in contact with this new case of infection with the new coronavirus. Finally, he made it clear that the French authorities are monitoring the situation very carefully and communicate to the public the new information on cases of coronavirus.
Although this coronavirus is new, there is another cause for concern: it is a microorganism of the same family as the SARS outbreak caused 10 years ago, which resulted in over 800 deaths, says WHO. Not the same, but this case weighs in memory of specialists.
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