
鳥 インフルエンザA H7N9ウイルスは急速に耐性を取得する


鳥 インフルエンザA H7N9ウイルスは急速に耐性を取得する

El H7N9 adquiere rápidamente resistencias a los antivirales

El dato sería preocupante si no fuera porque la OMS no registra casos desde el 7 de mayo

Emilio de Benito Madrid 28 MAY 2013 - 16:58 CET


El cierre de los mercados de aves vivas en China se considera clave para cortar la transmisión del H7N9. / PHILIPPE LOPEZ (AFP)

The H7N9 rapidly acquires resistance to antiviral

The data would be worrisome if it were not for the WHO no cases since May 7

Emilio de Benito Madrid 28 MAY 2013 - 16:58 CET

The H7N9 virus easily acquires resistance to antivirals. This confirms a study published in The Lancet with 14 cases. In these, three had mutations that made the virus immune to common drugs (oseltamivir and zanamivir). Of these, two died.
The news would be alarming if not combined with another: not sure how or why, the virus seems to have disappeared. After causing the alarm three months ago, the last case registered by the World Health Organization (WHO) is May 7.
The combination of news is a sign of how important it is monitoring these outbreaks of novel pathogens. And how sensitive is the issue of handling. WHO is clear: give all available information and accelerate research. At this time, 131 cases are registered (assuming that only the most severe of the thousands of you have probably been infected) with 36 deaths. This gives a mortality rate of 27.5%, very high for what is a flu virus.

moreThe first virus of the new eraH7N9: Flu Shanghai
In the study, Chinese researchers, who have assumed the leadership of the work on a virus that has not left its borders (there has only been one case in Taiwan, but ill in China), studied 14 people admitted. All had developed pneumonia and half needed assisted ventilation. The group was sampled respiratory system, from the upper to the lower tract. In three cases, the most serious, and found a mutation known to confer antiviral resistance. Is believed that at least one of which had acquired resistance after being treated.
This facility to mutate is potentially very dangerous. As conventional flu viruses cause mild disease, there is almost specific drugs, and the development of resistance to the existing two patients were unarmed. The result was that two died.
This feature, together with the ease of the pathogen to be transmitted in ferrets (the model used to predict what might happen in humans) have been very alarming were it not offset by other information: In May, Chinese authorities have only identified two cases, compared to 87 in April. It seems that the pathogen is on the wane. No clear explanation for this, but no longer, if confirmed, a relief.



エミリオ·デ·ベニート·マドリード28 MAY 2013 - 16時58 CET
別のと組み合わされていない場合、ニュースは憂慮すべき次のようになりますわからない方法か、なぜ、ウイルスが消えてしまったようだ。 3ヶ月前にアラームを引き起こした後、世界保健機関(WHO)によって登録された最後のケースでは、5月7日です。
ニュースの組み合わせは、それが小説の病原体のこれらの発生を監視しているどのように重要なのサインです。とハンドリングの問題いかに敏感である。 WHOは明確である:すべての入手可能な情報を提供し、研究を加速させる。この時点では、131例が登録されて36人が死亡(だけの何千もの最も深刻な、おそらく感染していることが前提です)。これはインフルエンザウイルスである何のために、非常に高い27.5%の死亡率を提供します。


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