2010年第43週10/24ー10/30の検査所での1598件(1'598)の検査のうち、0'88%の43件がインフルエンザ陽性反応が出て、これは前回の2週間より ちょっと高い。例年のこの時期の割合より高いが、新型インフルエンザ流行期よりぐっと低い。14件のインフルエンザ陽性反応のうち、11件はインフルエンザA(H3N2)で、1件は、インフルエンザB型で、2件はインフルエンザA型未分類(未確認)だった。43週の10/24ー10/30の間に低い割合で、パラインフルエンザは 2'7%、ADENOVIRUSは、2'2%、RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS(RSV)は 1'3%が報告され続けている。風邪インフルエンザ流行期が始まってから、患者の試料のうち、RHONOVIRUSの検出の割合が43週は21'9%とずうっと高くなっている。54件のインフルエンザ検査結果の詳しい報告を受けた物のうち、37件はインフルエンザA(H3N2)で、14件は未分類(未確認)で、2件は新型インフルエンザで、1件はインフルエンザB型だった。37件の検査所で確認されたインフルエンザA(H3N2)のうち、50%の20件は、65歳以上の患者だった。
2010年08月29日から2010年10月30日までのインフルエンザ陽性反応の結果の合計では、85件のうち、インフルエンザB型が3件で、インフルエンザA型は 82件で、そのうち、インフルエンザA(H3N2)は 30件で、新型インフルエンザは 02件で、いんふるえんざ A型未分類(未確認)は 50件だった。
カナダでの2010年43週に、18歳以下の未成年の、初めての風邪インフルエンザ感染確認入院患者が報告された。5カ月以下の患者で、インフルエンザA型未分類だった。18歳以上の成人では、2件のインフルエンザ感染確認入院患者がでた。45歳から64歳以下の女性の入院患者で、65歳以上の男性入院患者で、インフルエンザA型未分類(未確認)だった。この風邪流行期が始まってから7件のインフルエンザ感染患者の入院が報告されている。そのうち、1件は風邪A(H3N2)で、1件は 新型インフルエンザで、5件はインフルエンザA型未確認だった。すべての患者は50歳以上で、7人のうち、5人は男性入院患者だった。
2010年09月01日から、国立細菌研究所は15件のインフルエンザヴィールスの抗原(抗体)検査をして、13件はインフルエンザA(H3N2)で、1件の新型インフルエンザで、1件のインフルエンザB型だった。これらは、すべて 今年の予防注射の抗原(抗体)に指定されているヴィールスだった。
今年の2010年ー2011年の風邪流行期が始まってから、タミフルの効かない新型インフルエンザは報告されていない。今流行期の今までには14件のインフルエンザA(H3N2)と 1件の新型インフルエンザを検査したが、すべてのヴィールスはAMANTADINEが効かない。また、13件のインフルエンザびーるすで、11件のインフルエンザA(H3N2)と 1件の新型インフルエンザと、 1件のインフルエンザB型を検査したが、すべてインフルエンザヴィールスは、タミフル(OESLTAMIVIR)とZANAMIVIRが効く。
International influenza update
Global information
WHO: last international update published on October 20, 2010): This winter's influenza season in the temperate countries in the Southern Hemisphere has peaked and is declining in most areas. In the tropical areas of the world most countries are reporting decreased influenza activity, but some countries in Southeast Asia, Central and South America are experiencing an increase in transmission intensity due to mainly influenza A/H3N2. Influenza virus A/H3N2 continued to be the most frequently detected virus worldwide. Most of the influenza A/H3N2 viruses were A/Perth/16/2009-like, which is the virus strain included in the seasonal vaccines for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.Geographic update
Northern hemisphere
United States: During week 42, influenza activity remained low in the United States. The geographic spread of influenza in Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands was assessed as regional; two states reported local influenza activity; the District of Columbia and 22 states were assessed as sporadic; 26 states reported no influenza activity, and Puerto Rico did not report. 48 (3.0%) specimens were tested positive for influenza this week. The proportion of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) was below the national baseline. The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) was below the epidemic threshold and no influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported.Europe: Rare detections of influenza virus along with sporadic detections of respiratory syncytial virus in a number of European countries suggested that the low influenza-like illness and acute respiratory infection activity currently observed was likely due to respiratory pathogens other than influenza. The large majority of countries continued to report low rates and unchanging trends in sentinel physician consultations for influenza-like illness and acute respiratory infection. Six (1.7%) of 355 sentinel specimens tested positive for influenza virus. Seven of nine influenza viruses detected in sentinel and non-sentinel specimens were type A, and of the three subtyped, two were A/H3N2 and one was pandemic H1N1 2009. Three SARI cases not related to flu were reported during week 42.
United Kingdom: During week 42, influenza activity was very low across the UK. The weekly influenza/influenza-like illness (ILI) consultation rates increased slightly in England, Wales and Scotland and decreased in Northern Ireland. Three specimens have been reported as positive for influenza through sentinel GP surveillance in week 42 in England (one pandemic H1N1 2009, one influenza A unsubtyped and one influenza B). The number of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) detections was low while the proportion of specimens positive for rhinovirus remained high. By week 42, the proportion of people in England aged over 65 years who had received the 2010/11 influenza vaccine was currently 40.4%, while it was 22.5%. in those in a risk group aged under 65.
Southern hemisphere
Australia and New Zealand: During week 41 in Australia the influenza surveillance indicated a decrease in the activity compared to the last reporting period. In recent weeks there has been an increase in the proportion of influenza type B in Western Australia but they are still experiencing a co-circulation of mainly pandemic H1N1 2009 and influenza B. New Zealand's influenza activity has decreased since late August and was now under baseline for the third consecutive week. The most common influenza virus detected this season in New Zealand was pandemic H1N1 2009.Chile: Since week 31 in Chile there has been an increase in respiratory consultations. However, during week 41, the influenza activity in all regions decreased. The predominant virus circulating in Chile has been A/H3N2 with co-
circulation of pandemic H1N1 2009 in lower numbers.
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