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Home > Fluwatch > Weekly Reports 2010-2011 season > October 17 to October 23, 2010 (Week 42)
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October 17 to october 23, 2010 (Week 42)
カナダの2010年第42週10月17日ー10月23日の風邪インフルエンザによる医師の診察率は、1000人の患者に付き19'1件だった。最も高かったのは、5歳以下の子供たちで40'6件/1000で、次に5歳以上19歳以下の若者で29'7件/1000だった。第42週の10/17ー10/25の間に検査された1565件(1'565)の患者の試料のうち、1'02%の16件が インフルエンザ陽性反応がでた。そのうちすべての16件は、インフルエンザA型未分類(未確認)だった。42週中に、低い割合で検出されたのは、3'3%のパラインフルエンザや、2'2%のアデノビールス、1'0%のRESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS(RSV)、0'2%のHUMAN METAPNEUMOVIRUSが報告されている。2010年08月28日から10月23日の合計では、47件のインフルエンザ陽性反応のうち、31件は、インフルエンザA(H3N2)で、14件は未分類で、1件は新型インフルエンザで、1件はインフルエンザB型だた。31件のインフルエンザA(H3N2)のうち、50%の17件は65歳以上の患者だった。
International influenza update
Global information
WHO: This winter's influenza season in the temperate countries in the Southern Hemisphere has peaked and is declining in most areas. In the tropical areas of the world most countries are reporting decreased influenza activity, but some countries in Southeast Asia, Central and South America are experiencing an increase in transmission intensity due to mainly influenza A/H3N2. Influenza virus A/H3N2 continued to be the most frequently detected virus worldwide. Most of the influenza A/H3N2 viruses were A/Perth/16/2009-like, which is the virus strain included in the seasonal vaccines for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.Geographic update
Northern hemisphere
United States: During week 41, influenza activity remained low in the United States. The geographic spread of influenza in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and 24 states was assessed as sporadic, Guam and 26 states reported no influenza activity. 92 (3.6%) specimens tested were positive for influenza this week. The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) was below the epidemic threshold. No influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported.Latin America: In Central America influenza activity was declining, with influenza A/H3N2 being the most frequently reported virus since August 2010. In the Caribbean, Jamaica reported an increased number of severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) with influenza A/H3N2 being the most predominant virus detected. Mexico had an earlier start than normal for the influenza season, with most of the viruses being influenza A/H3N2. The activity peaked in August-September and both influenza like-illness (ILI) and severe acute respiratory disease (SARI) were still declining. In South America, Colombia was currently reporting increased influenza activity due to mainly A/H3N2 viruses, with co-circulation of pandemic H1N1 2009 and some influenza B.
Europe: Rare sporadic detections of influenza virus along with sporadic detections of respiratory syncytial virus in a number of European countries suggest that the reported influenza-like illness and acute respiratory infection activity was likely due to respiratory pathogens other than influenza. 14 specimens were tested positive for influenza virus this week. Ten of the 14 influenza viruses detected in sentinel and non-sentinel specimens were type A, and three of the four viruses subtyped were pandemic H1N1 2009.
Asia: In South Asia, India's country-wide outbreak of mainly pandemic H1N1 2009 has peaked and there was now a lower incidence of new cases and deaths in all regions being reported. In South East Asia, neighboring countries Thailand and Cambodia were currently reporting an increased number of influenza virus detections. In Thailand, pandemic H1N1 2009 viruses were dominating but there was also an increasing number of influenza A/H3N2 detections and a lower number of influenza B. In Cambodia influenza A/H3N2 was the predominant influenza virus circulating. In China, since mid August, both Northern and Southern region have had predominantly influenza A/H3N2. In Hong Kong Special Administrative Region the sentinel surveillance system for general practitioners showed a decreasing ILI activity during the last weeks.
Southern hemisphere
Australia and New Zealand: During week 41 in Australia the influenza surveillance indicated a decrease in the activity compared to the last reporting period. In recent weeks there has been an increase in the proportion of influenza type B in Western Australia but they are still experiencing a co-circulation of mainly pandemic H1N1 2009 and influenza B. New Zealand's influenza activity has decreased since late August and was now under baseline for the third consecutive week. The most common influenza virus detected this season in New Zealand was pandemic H1N1 2009.South America: Chile continues to report high transmission of influenza but since mid September the activity has declined. The predominant virus circulating in Chile has been A/H3N2 with co-circulation of pandemic H1N1 2009 in lower numbers. Detections of other respiratory viruses such as respiratory syncytial virus are also declining. Argentina and Uruguay have both had a season with mostly influenza type B, and are now reporting a decrease in number of virus detections.
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