COUNTRY - Madrid - 05/01/2010
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A man of 31 years died in Andalusia D222G complications from a mutation of the influenza virus A. It is the second died in Spain by this alteration of H1N1. A mutation that has caused more deaths in countries like Norway, which was first detected last month and a half, and the Netherlands. Data from the National Epidemiological Surveillance Network of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, the reference of influenza, reveal that the deceased had no medical history and who died of multiple organ failure.
The pandemic threat
Influenza A
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Officials are still analyzing the mutation of H1N1 now located in Andalusia. Carlos III experts argue that impairment might favor the virus more easily found to infect lower respiratory tract areas. Last month it was detected the first fatality in the D222G mutation in Spain. It was a 35 year old woman who died in Catalonia. Furthermore, the alteration of the virus was detected in three people in Spain have managed to recover after being admitted to serious.
Besides mutation, H1N1 has claimed 247 lives in Spain. The peak of the pandemic and has already submitted, however, the vaccination campaign is not over yet. Health is now looking, as the minister reiterated Trinidad Jiménez, what to do with leftover vaccine. Of the 13 million served by the laboratories (bought 37, but it was agreed not to send all) were only used two. Thus, Jimenez said, the doses are not used could be sold to other EU countries like Poland or Bulgaria, or given to developing countries. A formula is also studying the U.S..
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