
decline of influenza infection in Spain

he collapse of the new flu stops in Spain
E. DE B. - Madrid - 24/12/2009
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The rate of new cases of influenza per 100,000 population has slowed the decline that began on 21 November. The last week were 78.55 cases virtually the same as above (77.72). In his note, the Ministry of Health gives no explanation for this behavior. But compared with the evolution of influenza in previous years, is that you would expect now to begin a gradual increase, reaching a new peak later this year or early weeks of January, boosted by the cold virus, that makes us more vulnerable.

* The incidence of influenza A in Spain drops to August

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Influenza A

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In fact, the abnormal is what has happened this year. The new flu began to spread very quickly, and in mid-November and had an infection rate that was higher than the worst flu season last year. Then he began to decline. The explanations for this behavior are many: to be a new virus affecting a different population group, are transmitted differently. The start of school was a trigger (the children have been the most affected population group). Then, after exhaustion of that niche, coinciding with an unusually warm autumn and the beginning of vaccination, the virus back. Now, cold reactive process.
The death toll is already more than 256.23 the previous week. The fatality rate is already 20 per 10,000 people affected, the highest since the pandemic began.

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