スペインとモロッコの国境の街のMelilla メリリャで、モロッコから国境の3重の6mの金網を乗り越えて、さらに214人の西アフリカ人が、スペインに密入国に成功して、不法移民臨時収容所;CETI(Centro de Estancia Temporal)は超満員の1'300人に。この1年で4'000人が国境を乗り越えようとして600人が密入国に成功。
El CETI de Melilla se desborda tras el salto de la valla de otros 200 inmigrantes
Más de 200 inmigrantes llegan al CETI de Melilla tras un salto masivo de la valla
Otro grupo, mientras, intentó entrar a la carrera por el paso fronterizo de Beni-Enzar
El director del centro de inmigrantes de la ciudad dice que este está al triple de su capacidad
Interior envía guardias civiles de refuerzo a la ciudad
GRÁFICO Nuevo salto a la valla de Melilla
Las cifras de la puerta sur de Europa
Más información sobre la inmigración irregular
ESPECIAL Planeta Futuro | Migrantes
El refuerzo de la frontera de Melilla será de solo 18 guardias
Toñi Ramos / J. Jiménez Gálvez Melilla 28 FEB 2014 - 23:50 CET
Dos miembros de Cruz Roja atienden a un sin papeles en el CETI de Melilla. / antonio ruiz
Two Red Cross members serve a paperless CETI in Melilla. / Antonio ruiz
二赤十字メンバーがメリリャでペーパーレスCETIを提供しています。 /アントニオ·ルイス
Deux membres de la Croix-Rouge servent un CETI sans papier à Melilla. / Antonio Ruiz
The CETI Melilla overflows after jumping fence another 200 immigrants
More than 200 immigrants arrive at CETI of Melilla after a massive jump the fence
Another group, meanwhile, attempted to enter the race for the border crossing Beni-Enzar
The center director immigrant city says this is to triple its capacity
Interior reinforcing civil guards sent to the city
New GRAPHIC jump the fence of Melilla
Figures from the south gate of Europe
More information on illegal immigration
SPECIAL Future Planet | Migrants
Strengthening the Melilla border guards will be only 18
Toni Ramos / J. Jimenez Gálvez Melilla 28 FEB 2014 - 23:50 CET
The walls of the Temporary Centre for Immigrants ( CETI ) Melilla not give for more . After the early hours of Friday 214 African immigrants managed to jump the fence separating Morocco from the federal district , the most massive jump of five that have occurred in the first months of this year, the CETI and 1,300 houses people, almost three times its capacity. And it seems that the pressure will loosen . So far this year more than 4,000 immigrants have attempted the jump to Melilla. Nearly 600 achievers . The Home Office will send this weekend 18 civilians riot guards to reinforce the strength of the federal district , and thickened in numbers late last year and early this year.
The attempt was led by a group of over 300 without papers and occurred around 6:30 am in the simple fenced the border with Morocco, Beni - Arroyo Enzar .
moreMelilla and Ceuta postpone the summit to ask the EU aid after TarajalMorocco launches regularization of immigrants and tightens the StraitInternal orders not to shoot balls to immigrants in Ceuta and MelillaOne hundred immigrants manage to enter Melilla after jumping the border fence
While this attempt occurred, according to a note of the Government Office , another group tried to enter the race for the ground crossing , which was closed for half an hour to cut him off . One of the paperless marquee perched on border control and had to be rescued by firefighters. The rest of sub-Saharan Africans could not cross to Melilla is about 30 meters away and try the jump again . They achieved 11.
Several of the entrants to the federal district courts They specified health care for hands and feet caused by the blades of the fence. Migrants themselves said they are from Cameroon and Guinea, for the most part .
Upon entering the city, they went to CETI chanting victory . They even stop cars on the site to request directions to drivers directions to CETI .
The director of the center for immigrants , Carlos Montero, warned that this is almost triple its capacity : accommodates 1,300 people and has 480 pitches . Montero today announced that reinforcements would ask Army and Red Cross to provide more food and ride more tents, even outside of the facility. This Friday and several inmates were transferred to the Peninsula to relieve pressure .
Two Red Cross members serve a paperless CETI in Melilla. / Antonio ruiz
The Government Office reported that throughout the morning there had been threats of entry into the city. "There has been an intense night of border surveillance , during which groups of several hundred immigrants who seemed to approach the fence and then disappeared were detected ," he said in a press release .
In the same letter , referring to the jump was "characterized by the release of all kinds of objects - rocks, sticks and bottles - the agents of the Guardia Civil became. And stated that two officers were injured , "One of them was beaten with a stick ." An immigrant was arrested for the alleged assault . The Government Office also revealed that 30 immigrants needing medical assistance sought by the physician (CETI ) . The Moroccan Ministry of Interior reported 27 wounded 13 policemen and 14 sub-Saharan .
Abubaka slowly CETI doors away last night . Lameness was visible . He dragged his right leg to stand about 20 feet from the entrance , where the wind was not running , and there began to narrate how he entered Spain . "Finally," says lead after year and three months in Morocco. This 19 years old, 1.80 tall and athletic Mali jumped from the fence -hence the wound in the foot - note in the morning. " I do not remember when . The head fails me , "says the boy , wearing a blue sweatshirt fine selection of Italian , sweatpants and a pair of green socks on sandals . "I'm tired . I have no more strength to speak , "he adds . On Wednesday slept in the woods of the neighboring country and slept in on Friday Melilla.
The transfer of SSA is constant around the CETI . At 19.30 a dozen crowded into the window of the control and documentation showing the guards. " Many, many , many people inside ," says Assan Ali , 22 . Dressed in a hoodie , bearing in mind the facility two weeks, since I also jumped the fence. It comes from Cameroon, spent a year and a half in Morocco and now wants to reach Madrid. " There have a brother ," he says.
Al Young observes a few meters Makasso Ibrahim . He also wants to make the jump to the Peninsula, but knows it is not easy . "It's very complicated. I am here for six months , "said the 38 Malian . Your goal is to France, where two of his brothers live .
Like him, more than a thousand people spent the night in the CITE saturated, where the army has deployed tents. "I always have them prepared , but has now come strong ," reveals a center worker . With the night and closed the facility perimeter illuminate streetlights . Inside you will see how sub-Saharan kill the hours. Seated at tables chatting , catching water from a sink and talk about football. Abubaka hard inside.
The above massive influx of immigrants came last Monday, when hundreds of sub-Saharan gained access to the autonomous city after jumping the border fence . The Ministry of Interior released a video in which immigrants hurling rocks and also a pair of armed agents of throwing them to the sub-Saharan institute was observed.
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