Un brote de Ébola mata a 14 personas en Uganda
No existe cura ni vacuna para la fiebre hemorrágica causada por este virus
José Miguel Calatayud Nairobi 29 JUL 2012 - 15:32 CET
An outbreak of Ebola kills 14 people in Uganda
There is no cure or vaccine for haemorrhagic fever caused by this virus
Jose Miguel Calatayud Nairobi 29 JUL 2012 - 15:32 CET
It is one of those viruses whose very mention causes terror and recalls sci-fi movies in which men insulate entire buildings Government and dress suits almost astronauts. Is the Ebola virus , one of the deadliest and fastest action this can kill a person within days and horribly , in which the victim suffers from diarrhea , vomiting, and can bleed through the skin.
In recent weeks , at least 14 people have died in Uganda and a total of 20 have been infected due to an outbreak of the disease caused by this virus , as confirmed during the weekend the Ugandan government itself and the World Organization (WHO) . The virus causes the call Ebola hemorrhagic fever , for which there is no cure or vaccine . In addition , the mortality rate is very high: between 25% and 90 % of those infected die, according to the different strains of the virus.
An emergency kit , consisting of government officials , WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC , in English ) , has traveled to the affected area in order to control the outbreak and try to establish its origin.
The Ebola virus has a mortality rate of over 25%
Only since 2000 , and including the present , have been recorded 11 outbreaks of Ebola in the world , all in sub-Saharan Africa , according to the CDC. With this , four have been in Uganda , three in the Republic of Congo , two in the Democratic Republic of the Congo , one in South Sudan (then still part of united Sudan ) and one in Gabon. Of the 1,170 people infected with HIV during these outbreaks, 729 were killed , which is a very high rate of 62.3 %. Since the discovery in 1976 , it is estimated that some 1,200 people have died from the Ebola virus , all in Africa.
Ironically , outbreaks usually arise from medical centers themselves when a patient infected with the Ebola virus is not recognized. Because of the ease with which it spreads , the disease spreads rapidly until the outbreak is identified and it drops .
more" The virus infects the caregiver "A new drug is effective in monkeys
Statistically, the number of people affected by the virus is very small, but it is as lethal pathogen that some fear that even can be used to build biological weapons. Although this point still belongs to science fiction , it is also true that we do not know enough about the Ebola virus to be able to get it under control.
Scientists do not know the origin of the Ebola virus and its natural reservoir or host , the body that contains and transmits the virus but is not affected by the disease. He believes it could be called fruit bat , found in some tropical regions of Africa , Asia and Oceania.
Among humans, the virus is easily spread by direct contact with blood or other body fluids and even contact with clothing or bedding . In addition , there have been cases of people infected chimpanzees , gorillas or other animals , and it is believed that the virus may also be transmitted through the air.
Although there is still no treatment , U.S. scientists found a possible cure for two years. Researchers injected fragments of genetic material into infected with doses 30,000 times more potent than the most lethal strain of Ebola, which itself is fatal in 90% of human cases monkeys . This injection was intended to stop the multiplication of cells the virus and heal all the monkeys. Yet even be missing several years before we can know whether this cure might work in people .
As for a vaccine , until recently all developed consisted of injecting into the individual particles of the virus harmless . The problem is that these drugs could not be stored because the virus eventually lost its effectiveness. But in December last year, another group of researchers from the United States created the first vaccine that not only managed to protect 80 % of mice but , crucially , can be stored and remains effective . The next step is to test with a strain more similar to the virus infects humans and, again , in the best years still would lack power to have an effective vaccine for people .
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