Cada año desaparece un millón de golondrinas en España
En 2004 había 30 millones de ejemplares, ahora hay 20
La organización Seo/Birdlife alerta del uso intensivo de insecticidas y del despoblamiento rural
"En las ciudades se les derriba su nido y esto hace mucho daño", apunta un experto
Un clima cada vez más extremo
Manuel Viejo Madrid 27 MAR 2014 - 15:31 CET
Un nido de golondrinas en el municipio madrileño de Hoyo de Manzaneres / Seo/Birdlife
A nest of swallows in the Madrid town of Hoyo de Manzaneres / Seo / Birdlife
Every year a million swallows disappears in Spain
In 2004 there were 30 million copies, there are now 20
The Seo / Birdlife alert the intensive use of insecticides organization and rural depopulation
"In the cities they are knocking their nest and this makes a lot of damage," says an expert
An increasingly extreme weather
Manuel Viejo Madrid 27 MAR 2014 - 15:31 CET
They say that the arrival of spring usually announces a flock of swallows. As a trail . Tens of thousands return to Africa after its winter shelter, and spread their nests and song , the station has reached halftime . But this is changing. The Barn Swallow ( Hirundo paperback) is in danger. According to the scientific and conservation society SEO / Birdlife in Spain had , in 2004 , about 30 million copies. Since then, they have gone one in three , one million per year .
SEO / BirdLife
" The intensive use of insecticides in agriculture ," says the coach of the Spanish Ornithological Society Blas Molina, "kill their main food : aphids and flying insects ." Now , he says, and not the land is tilled as before : to save costs, the grounds are sprayed insecticides and herbicides. "It kills everything : no plants, no insects, and if there are no insects , no birds." He adds that " in cities these species are knocking the nest because their dirty droppings , and this causes a lot of damage because their preferred breeding sites are abandoned or destroyed ." In addition , he stressed that the lack of suitable sites for nesting in modern buildings also contribute to deterioration.
The swallow is a bird with a very short life cycle , typically live about four years. In his case , unlike large birds, has a very high reproduction. Thus , indicating the body is the lack of generational renewal , not his death .
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" But not only swallows down ," said the coordinator of the Study Area and Monitoring Birds of SEO / BirdLife , Juan Carlos del Moral , " also birds like sparrow and partridge . And these birds do not migrate , are here . so we see that something happens to the field. "
The dossier of the organization, released Thursday , also notes that the brutal decline of swallows is a symptom of the deterioration of our landscapes and the decline in our quality of life . Moreover, according to data tracking , 125 common species since 1998 , there is a pronounced in species linked to agricultural environments , such as bobwhite quail , Western Jackdaw, the little owl and the turtledove , among other descent.
Therefore, on the 60th anniversary of Seo / Birdlife , have named the swallow Bird of the Year , because experts insist that it is very important to create social awareness . Maybe so, as they narrated the poet Gustavo Adolfo Becquer, dark swallows will return ...
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