Guinea prohíbe la venta y consumo de murciélagos para evitar el Ébola
El Gobierno hace el anuncio tras la muerte de 62 personas y la infección de otras 24 más a causa de un brote del virus
El Ébola más letal sacude Guinea
Elizabeth Ramírez Restrepo Madrid 26 MAR 2014 - 13:40 CET
Un congolés infectado de Ébola es tratado por profesionales sanitarios en un brote anterior de la enfermedad. / Christopher Black (AP)
A Congolese infected with Ebola is treated by health professionals in a previous outbreak. / Christopher Black (AP)
Un Congolais infectés par le virus Ebola est traitée par des professionnels de la santé dans un épisode précédent. / Christopher Black (AP)
Regiones afectadas por el virus de ébola en Guinea. / World Health Organization Africa
Regions affected by Ebola virus in Guinea. / World Health Organization Africa
ギニアのエボラウイルスの影響を受ける地域。 /世界保健機関アフリカ
Régions touchées par le virus Ebola en Guinée. / Organisation mondiale de la santé en Afrique
Guinea bans the sale and consumption of bats to avoid Ebola
The Government made the announcement after the death of 62 people and infecting 24 others more because of an outbreak of the virus
The most lethal Ebola shakes Guinea
Elizabeth Ramirez Restrepo Madrid 26 MAR 2014 - 13:40 CET
Guinea 's government has announced a ban on the sale and consumption of bats to try to prevent the spread of Ebola , after the death of 62 people and infecting 24 others more because of an outbreak of the virus in recent weeks . This contagious disease is transmitted among humans through contact with organs, blood, secretions or other body fluids , and comes to humans by eating chimpanzees , gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys , antelopes and porcupines , according to data from the Organization World Health Organization ( WHO). Until now it had been detected only in Democratic Republic of Congo , Uganda , South Sudan and Gabon.
moreEbola , the fundamentalThe most lethal Ebola shakes GuineaAt least 31 killed by Ebola in the Democratic Republic of CongoUganda asked to avoid physical contact with EbolaAn outbreak of Ebola kills 59 people in Guinea
The Minister of Health of Guinea Rene Lamah has indicated that bats , considered a delicacy by the locals seem to be the " key players " of the outbreak, as reported by the British broadcaster BBC. Lamah announcement was pronounced during a visit to the forest region of the country, between the districts of Guekedou , Macenta and Kissidougou , which is the epicenter of the epidemic.
Guinea began last Sunday to take concrete measures to combat the epidemic , such as the distribution of specialized medical equipment, ban bury any infected (to avoid handling dead bodies ) and initiatives to prevent panic among the population . The NGO Doctors Without Borders has airlifted several tons of medicines and medical equipment, including isolation units and uniform protection for healthcare personnel.
Four health professionals working with victims . The World Health Organization (WHO ) has highlighted that have been detected in the border region of Sierra Leone the same symptoms as in Guinea: hyperthermia , diarrhea , vomiting and bleeding. Last Saturday the authorities in Sierra Leone reported that they were already conducting tests to determine whether these cases are the same epidemic that of Guinea. Brima Kargbo , director of Health of the Government of Sierra Leone , said they are investigating a 14 year old boy died in the town of Buedu , near the border with Guinea. The teenager traveled to Guinea to attend the funeral of one of the casualties of the epidemic.
Regions affected by Ebola virus in Guinea. / World Health Organization Africa
The Ministry of Health of Guinea has activated emergency equipment at local and national level to coordinate rapid response to the epidemic. While WHO advises people to report any symptoms associated with Ebola .
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