Public Health Agency of Canada
カナダでは、2010年第48週11/28ー12/04には、3地域のMB、 ON、 QCで 地域的な風邪感染が発生して、13地域の BC、 AB、 SK、 ON、 QCで 散発的な風邪感染発生があった。
/1000人で、次に 5歳ー19歳の21'0件/1000人です。
カナダの2010年第48週11/28ー12/04の風邪細菌検査の陽性反応率は倍増して、検査された2728件(2'728)の患者の試料のうち、8'25%の225件が風邪陽性反応した。そのうちの46'2%の 104件は、風邪A(H3N2)で、49'4%の111件は 風邪A型未分類で、2'2%の5件は 新型風邪[A(H1N1)2009]で、2'2%の5件は 風邪B型です。けれども この風邪流行期間中に検出された大部分の風邪細菌は、風邪A型細菌で、541件のうちの95%の515件ですが、風邪b型も26件で増加しています。風邪流行期が始まって以来風邪A型で分類検査されたうちの 96%の219件は 風邪A(H3N2)です。新型インフルエンザ風邪は 08件で、風邪A型未分類は 287件です。
2010年48週11/28ー12/04には、詳細な報告を受けた風邪A(H3N2)患者の24件の報告のうち、25%の6件は 65歳以上の患者です。いっぽう 風邪季節の始まった2010年08月29日以来 153件の患者のうち、38%の58件の患者は65歳以上です。
48週11/28ー12/04には、7件の風邪集団発生があり、2件は 養護施設以外で、1件の仕事場を含む風邪A(H3N2)で、2件は 長期養護施設での 風邪A型未分類で、3件は学校での集団風邪発生だった。
2010年48週11/28ー12/04には、18歳以下の未成年の感染確認入院患者は、 8人が報告されて、1人の未成年の風邪感染確認死亡患者がでた。7件は風邪A型未確認で、1件は 風邪B型です。1人の未成年の風邪感染確認死亡患者は、年齢は6カ月ー23カ月の間で、新型インフルエンザで、ON地域からです。この風邪季節が始まってから、21件の未成年の風邪感染 入院患者が、BC、AB、ON、QCから報告されて、そのうち、19'1%の4件は 風邪A(H3N2)で、 9'5%の2件は 新型インフルエンザで、57'1%の12件は風邪A型未分類で、14'3%の3件は 風邪B型です。未成年の入院患者のうち、年齢層別でみると、0ー5カ月は、14%で、6ー23カ月は 29%で、2歳ー4歳は 24%で、5歳ー9歳は33%です。
48週11/28ー12/04には、16?歳以上の成人の風邪感染確認入院患者は15人で、そのうち、73'3%の11件は 風邪A型未分類で、46%の7件は 風邪A(H3N2)で、20%の3件は 新型インフルエンザです。風邪季節が始まってから34件の成人の入院患者が報告されて、7件は 風邪A(H3N2)で、3件は 新型インフルエンザで、24件は 風邪A型未分類です。この34件の成人の入院患者のうち、71%の24件の患者は60歳以上で、59%の20件の患者は男性患者です。
Antigenic Characterization
Since September 1, 2010, National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) has antigenically characterized 51 influenza viruses (42 A/H3N2 from BC, AB, MB, ON & QC, 3 pandemic H1N1 2009 in ON and 6 B viruses from BC, AB, ON & QC) that were received from provincial laboratories. The 42 influenza A/H3N2 viruses characterized were related to A/Perth/6/2009, which is the influenza A/H3N2 component recommended for the 2010-11 influenza vaccine. The three pandemic H1N1 2009 virus characterized were antigenically related to the pandemic vaccine virus A/California/7/2009, which is the recommended H1N1 component for the 2010-11 Northern Hemisphere influenza vaccine. The six influenza B viruses characterized were antigenically related to B/Brisbane/60/08 (Victoria lineage), which is the recommended influenza B component for the 2010-11 influenza vaccine.
Antiviral Resistance
Since the beginning of the 2010-2011 season, NML has tested 33 influenza A/H3N2 and two pandemic H1N1 isolates for amantadine resistance and found that all isolates were resistant to amantadine. 41 influenza isolates (33 A/H3N2, 2 pandemic H1N1 and 6 B) were also tested for oseltamivir and zanamivir resistance and found that all isolates were sensitive to both antivirals.
International influenza update
Global information
WHO: Worldwide, influenza activity remained low, except in areas of South Asia and central and western Africa, which have seen recent surges in pandemic H1N1 2009 virus detections. As the northern hemisphere winter approaches, with few exceptions, most countries in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere continued to report low levels of ILI and influenza virus detections. Except for a few countries in Southeast Asia, most countries in the tropics of the Americas and Asia have recently reported low levels of influenza activity. Globally, there continued to be co-circulation of pandemic H1N1 2009, A/H3N2, B viruses, with the latter two being predominant.Geographic update
Northern hemisphere
United States: During week 47, influenza activity remained relatively low overall, but increased slightly in the Southeast. The geographic spread of influenza in one state was reported as regional, Puerto Rico and nine states reported local activity; the District of Columbia, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and 33 states was assessed as sporadic; and seven states reported no influenza activity. 366 (10.7%) specimens tested positive for influenza this week. 49.5% of positive influenza specimens tested in week 47 were influenza A and 50.5% were influenza B. Of the influenza A positive specimens, 70.2% influenza A/H3, 3.9% pandemic H1N1 2009 and the rest were unsubtyped. The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) was below the epidemic threshold. No influenza-associated peadiatric deaths were reported.Latin America: In the tropical zone of the Americas, overall influenza activity remained low to sporadic in most areas. Some countries continue to report circulation of A(H3N2) and influenza B. Columbia reports small numbers of pandemic H1N1 2009.
Europe: During week 48, all 27 reporting countries experienced low intensity influenza activity. However, an increasing trend was notified by 11 countries including the UK (England). Finland, Norway and UK (England) reported local outbreaks. UK (England) also reported some severe cases, including several deaths, in young adults requiring intensive care. In week 48, an increasing percentage (10.1%) of sentinel specimens was positive for influenza compared with previous week. Of the 176 influenza viruses detected, 105 (60%) were type A and 71 (40%) were type B. Of the 52 sub-typed influenza A viruses, 48 (92.3%) were pandemic H1N1 2009 and four (7.7%) were A/H3N2 virus. The number of detected respiratory syncytial virus infections continued to show steady increase.
Asia: In East Asia, overall influenza activity remained low across China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. In South Asia, only Sri Lanka reported a recent surge of pandemic H1N1 2009 virus detections during mid-October through late November 2010, however, to date there have not been reports of unusual clinical severity of cases. Several countries of Southeast Asia continued to report low to moderate levels of influenza A/H3N2 virus detections.
Southern hemisphere
South America: Overall, little influenza activity is being reported as the summer months approach in countries of the temperate Southern Hemisphere. Late season and regionally variable epidemics of influenza A/H3N2 virus in Chile and Argentina now appear to have largely subsided.
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