

el Pais



El Gobierno restringe el acceso a la sanidad a los inmigrantes irregulares

Los extranjeros que no residan legalmente solo tendrán acceso a urgencias y maternidad


The government restricts access to health care to illegal immigrants

Aliens not lawfully resident will only have access to emergency and maternity

24.06.08. Immigrants rely less on public health than the Spanish.

Jaime Prats / Emilio de Benito Madrid / Valencia 20 ABR 2012 - 23:02 CET
In economic crisis, the main victims of the measures intended to combat the abuse that some foreign nationals make the Spanish public health may be the most vulnerable immigrants. Health Minister Ana Mato, has announced that it is sufficient to be registered to obtain a health card, but the tax residency is required. This means that people who are illegally staying only have access to the emergency, maternity and child care, basic care is guaranteed to anyone.
The Government shall amend the Aliens Act to implement new restrictions. "The standard will not suffice," said Mato, who explained that to provide health card shall be ensured that those who request it "real" live and "work like us and pay their taxes." That is, they have legal residence in Spain. Mato justified this change on the grounds of abuse of those who bring their families to receive medical treatment only. The result of these changes is that those who are illegally staying only have access to the emergency, maternity and child care, basic care is guaranteed to anyone.
The population of foreign residents in Spain is 5,711,040 people, according to the National Institute of Statistics, and the number of legal aliens amounts to 5,251,094, according to the Ministry of Employment, bringing the number of citizens 'paperless' likely to be affected by these changes would be around half a million people, in the absence of any duplication in the debug register that support the experts.

Government sources stated that only recognize the right of access to health insurance card to those foreigners with "legal residence" in Spain, which involves having a valid residence permit, and their immediate families also regularized. Is deciding how to address the situation of thousands of illegal residents who already have health insurance card in Spain.

more informationHealth raises the co-lowering drug consumptionHealth estimates that the new copay will provide only 165 millionThe healthcare industry sees problems to implement the payment as income
Health's announcement represents a radical departure from the policy implemented in 2000, in full flood under a government immigration and also the PP-then headed by José María Aznar, the Immigration Act opened the door to legal migrants irregular health card with the only requirement that they were registered. The law, last reformed in 2000, established at this time that foreigners in Spain are registered in the register of the municipality in which they reside "are entitled to healthcare under the same conditions of the Spanish." Those who have neither the register are entitled to emergency, maternity and child care.
Until 2000 only recognized the right to free health care and without red tape for foreigners in emergency care, either by accident or severe illness until the patient receives discharge. Alongside this, considered as a humanitarian aid, assistance also tended to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, and care for children.
In reviewing access to healthcare for undocumented immigrants, Mato aims to save 500 million euros. The minister also announced that his department will take further initiatives to combat the so-called medical tourism. In this regard, she announced the intention to review various international conventions, he said, have not proven effective. Also, he explained, require reciprocity to countries so that in Spain only provide care that the Spanish can receive within their borders. With that and more control of the care received by foreign residents, is expected to save another 971 million, said the minister.
Mato detailed a wide range of measures that the department aims to cut € 7,000 million in health spending. These include, in addition to combat health tourism, the creation of a central pharmaceutical purchasing, transferring chronic patients from hospitals to nursing homes or fringe benefits adjustments.




ハイメPrats/エミリオ·デ·ベニート·マドリード/バレンシア20 ABR 2012 - 23時02分CET
政府はエイリアンが新たな制限を実装するために法改正するものとします。 "標準は十分ではありません、"健康カードを提供することを説明したライブ、それが "本物"の希望者とが保証されなければならないマットによると、 "私たちのように動作し、それらの税金を納めます。"つまり、彼らはスペインの法的居住しています。マトは、治療を受けるために家族を持った人々の乱用を理由にこの変更を正当化した。これらの変更の結果、不法滞在している人は緊急時のみ、母子医療へのアクセスを持っているということです、基本的なケアは誰にも保証されています。
スペインでの外国人の人口は数をもたらし、雇用省によると、5711040人、国家統計研究所によると、5251094に法的エイリアン金額の数です。これらの変更によって影響を受ける可能性が市民のペーパーレス化 "はサポートしている専門家をデバッグレジスタ内の任意の重複がない場合には、50万人前後になるだろう。

政府筋は、有効な居住許可を持って関与し、その家族もまた正則スペインの "法的な居住"と健康保険証にこれらの外国人にアクセス権のみを認識することを述べた。すでにスペインの健康保険カードを持っている不法滞在者数千人の状況に対処する方法を決定しています。

健康の発表は、政府の移民の下に完全な洪水では、2000年に実施政策からの根本的な出発を表し、また、PP-その後ホセ·マリア·アスナール率いる、移民法は、法的な移民への扉を開い彼らが登録された唯一の要件は不規則な健康カード。スペインでの外国人は彼らが住んでいる自治体のレジスタに登録されていることをこの時点で確立され最後に、2000年に改正法が、 "スペイン語の同じ条件の下で医療を受けることができます。"どちらのレジスタを持っている人は、緊急時、出産と育児を受けることができます。

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