La vacunación contra la gripe se recupera del ‘efecto pandemia’
La tasa de inmunizaciones supera el 67% entre los mayores de 65 años
De momento ha habido 574 ingresos y 36 defunciones por la enfermedad en España
The flu shot is retrieved from the 'effect pandemic'
The immunization rate exceeds 67% among those over 65 years
So far there have been 574 deaths and 36 income the disease in Spain
Emilio de Benito Madrid 12 ABR 2012 - 13:04 CET
The immunization rate exceeds 67% among those over 65 years
So far there have been 574 deaths and 36 income the disease in Spain
Emilio de Benito Madrid 12 ABR 2012 - 13:04 CET
The rate of flu vaccinations in Spain has recovered from the smear campaign raised during the H1N1 pandemic in 2009. Gripómetro data, a service of the Study Group on Influenza, indicate that 67.6% of those over 65 years have been immunized this year, representing more than 10.9 points in 2010, said Ramón Cisterna , coordinator of the group and head of the Microbiology Unit of Basurto Hospital (Bilbao).
The figure assumes that recovers the upward trend was cut short when, due to the H1N1 flu that began in North America in 2009, groups opposed to vaccines gained strength. In Spain that was reflected in the rate of vaccination among the elderly population, the most appropriate and which is suffering the worst consequences of infection-increased 63.9% in 2009 to 56.7% in 2010.
However, as noted Tank, yet this percentage reaches 75% recommending the World Health Organization and the EU. This ratio does not mean you have 25% do not have to be vaccinated, said the doctor. What it indicates is that from this figure is a "barrier effect": people who are vaccinated to protect those without.
more informationHow much does a flu?The flu shot from under fourFlu News
Of course this phenomenon has a large crack: older people do not live alone, and the vaccination rate among children is very low at 13.7%. In this case, moreover, the proportion has not recovered from the smear campaign against this drug. In 2010 the same percentage were vaccinated, while in 2009 it was 19%.
For sanitary conditions, it appears that there is more willingness to be vaccinated among those with risk factors (chronic diseases, asthma, cardiovascular, respiratory failure, obesity and pregnancy, among others). Among those over 65 years the proportion reaches 75.2%. In contrast, among those under that age is just 5.5%, indicating said Tank, who needs to be done.
Vaccination campaigns against influenza are not a whim. "It's not a trivial disease," he said Cisterna. In Spain, the record created in the wake of the 2009 pandemic picks this winter has been hospitalized at least 574 serious this infection, of whom 36 have died. And these numbers refer only to those where the flu has been considered a determining factor in your state, and which have been reported as such.
The immunization rate is less than recommended by WHO
Various epidemiological studies indicate that this year has been quite mild flu. Of the different types of virus, in Spain has dominated an A, but not the H1N1 two years ago. It is the H3N2. Today, with the end of flu season, is becoming a predominant type B.
In the world there have been situations to suit all tastes. Interestingly, only in Mexico, the second country to detected cases is still majority-H1N1. Tanker opinion that may be because you have found more reservoirs.
For next winter already decided which three strains constitute the vaccine. The H1N1 is still one of them. Tanker said that vaccinations reduce between 60% and 90% of complications in healthy people. The efficiency is not 100% by the variability of the virus, and the different response of each person. Furthermore, as indicated by the doctor, immunization has a temporary effect limitad (six months to a year). So even though the viruses that circulate each season were the same, should be re-vaccinated.
The figure assumes that recovers the upward trend was cut short when, due to the H1N1 flu that began in North America in 2009, groups opposed to vaccines gained strength. In Spain that was reflected in the rate of vaccination among the elderly population, the most appropriate and which is suffering the worst consequences of infection-increased 63.9% in 2009 to 56.7% in 2010.
However, as noted Tank, yet this percentage reaches 75% recommending the World Health Organization and the EU. This ratio does not mean you have 25% do not have to be vaccinated, said the doctor. What it indicates is that from this figure is a "barrier effect": people who are vaccinated to protect those without.
more informationHow much does a flu?The flu shot from under fourFlu News
Of course this phenomenon has a large crack: older people do not live alone, and the vaccination rate among children is very low at 13.7%. In this case, moreover, the proportion has not recovered from the smear campaign against this drug. In 2010 the same percentage were vaccinated, while in 2009 it was 19%.
For sanitary conditions, it appears that there is more willingness to be vaccinated among those with risk factors (chronic diseases, asthma, cardiovascular, respiratory failure, obesity and pregnancy, among others). Among those over 65 years the proportion reaches 75.2%. In contrast, among those under that age is just 5.5%, indicating said Tank, who needs to be done.
Vaccination campaigns against influenza are not a whim. "It's not a trivial disease," he said Cisterna. In Spain, the record created in the wake of the 2009 pandemic picks this winter has been hospitalized at least 574 serious this infection, of whom 36 have died. And these numbers refer only to those where the flu has been considered a determining factor in your state, and which have been reported as such.
The immunization rate is less than recommended by WHO
Various epidemiological studies indicate that this year has been quite mild flu. Of the different types of virus, in Spain has dominated an A, but not the H1N1 two years ago. It is the H3N2. Today, with the end of flu season, is becoming a predominant type B.
In the world there have been situations to suit all tastes. Interestingly, only in Mexico, the second country to detected cases is still majority-H1N1. Tanker opinion that may be because you have found more reservoirs.
For next winter already decided which three strains constitute the vaccine. The H1N1 is still one of them. Tanker said that vaccinations reduce between 60% and 90% of complications in healthy people. The efficiency is not 100% by the variability of the virus, and the different response of each person. Furthermore, as indicated by the doctor, immunization has a temporary effect limitad (six months to a year). So even though the viruses that circulate each season were the same, should be re-vaccinated.
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