Las vacunas de la próxima gripe, más baratas
El acuerdo establece los laboratorios suministradores a los que las Administraciones podrán solicitar las vacunas, mediante la formalización de los correspondientes contratos, de los que ya se ha abierto la negociación.
El ministerio de Sanidad se propone extender este procedimiento de compra centralizada a otros medicamentos y productos sanitarios.
La ministra, Leyre Pajín, ha afirmado que "se trata de una medida de unidad de acción y también de ahorro" y ha expresado su satisfacción por "el proceso que hemos logrado llevar a cabo entre todos"
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The next influenza vaccines, cheaper
The Ministry of Health has signed contracts with four laboratories Framework Agreement suppliers of seasonal influenza vaccines within the centralized joint purchasing process has been launched. The agreed procedure will be more than three million vaccines to be provided by the selected laboratories. You can buy 3,600,000 doses and will save more than 3,200,000 euros (roughly equivalent to what it would cost to purchase 604,000 shots).
In addition, this agreement sets the maximum prices of seasonal flu vaccines that will benefit the Ministry of Defence, Penintenciarias Institutions, the National Institute for Public Health (INGESA) and eight autonomous communities: Madrid, Valencia, Balearic Islands, Castile-Leon , Aragon, Asturias, Cantabria and Extremadura. The rest did not want to join.
The agreement provides for suppliers to laboratories that Administrations may apply vaccines through the administration of those contracts for which have already opened negotiations.
The Health Ministry intends to extend this procedure to other centralized purchasing drugs and medical devices.
The minister, Leire Pajin, said that "it is a measure of unity of action and saving" and welcomed "the process that we have carried out together"
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