

El Gobierno aprueba la compra conjunta de 5,2 millones de vacunas contra la gripe

Las comunidades ahorrarán 6,4 millones de euros

El número de comunidades adscritas ha pasado de 8 a 14

Cataluña, Andalucía y País Vasco no participan

The Government approved the joint purchase of 5.2 million flu shots

The communities will save 6.4 million euros

The number of attached communities has increased from 8 to 14

Catalonia, Andalusia and the Basque Country are not involved

Emilio de Benito Madrid 13 ABR 2012 - 19:31 CET
Few ideas to save on health have more consensus than that of using the purchasing power of the Administration. But three years after the process began, the results seem poor. For now, the only agreement is reached, and has been approved today by the Council of Ministers, is to acquire 5.22 million doses of flu vaccine next year.
The system will save 1.2 euros per unit, or, which is the same, 6.4 million euros. Health agencies dependent on central government (Ingesa, which manages Ceuta and Melilla, Prisons, Army), and most communities are already embedded in the system. Missing Catalonia, Basque Country and Andalusia, presumably because they have beneficial agreements with suppliers. Last year, only eight communities involved, it saved 3.8 million euros.
The initiative, however, open to extensions. And the previous minister, Leire Pajin (PSOE) proposed to the communities that their suggestions, and that the system is not used only for drugs but also for other health supplies such as adult incontinence underpads (diapers). And in the Finally Interregional Council, chaired and its successor, Ana Mato (PP) agreed to extend the system to the other vaccines, the children commonly used (though not yet in a single calendar).

more informationAuction of drugs in AndalucíaTwo million more to buy the same drugsThe next influenza vaccines, cheaper
Despite its short-range-of-time the measure has the support even of suppliers, usually critical of how difficult it is for them to cope with 17 different buyers (or more if you consider that sometimes the partner is not counseling, but the management of a hospital). And although sometimes it profit, and get up to 10 times difference in the price of a product according to who the buyer, as has been reported several times the office of the Ombudsman. The idea seems preposterous, so three of the most economically powerful have been left out.
It also seems a little savings compared to other measures which, however, has proved a major question: the Dutch auction of drugs that partially developed Andalusia. The central government has resorted to large laboratories pressure that had been submitted (and retired happy, because that would undercut avoided) and has opened a file on providers who came to offer the same price to all communities, although it is very small laboratories so that the penalty may be mostly symbolic, as they have limited capacity to supply all of Spain. And less than that price. The PSOE took the opportunity to insist that the Government took advantage of the advantage of the measure (savings) while the resort, and to extend the auction throughout Spain would save 1,500 million.




エミリオ·デ·ベニート·マドリード13 ABR 2012 - 午前19時31 CET
システムは同じです。1.2単位あたりのユーロ、または、6.4万ユーロを節約できます。 (セウタとメリリャを管理Ingesa、刑務所、軍)中央政府に依存し、ほとんどの地域がすでにシステムに組み込まれている保健機関。彼らはサプライヤーとの有益な契約を持っているので、おそらく、カタルーニャ、バスク地方とアンダルシアが欠落しています。昨年、関与してわずか8コミュニティが、それは3.8百万ユーロを保存します。
イニシアチブは、しかし、拡張子に開きます。と前大臣、彼らの提案と、その、システムが薬のためではなくまた、成人用失禁underpads(おむつ)などの他の健康の供給のためにのみ使用されていないことを社会に提案したLeire Pajin(PSOE)との最後に、地域間理事会は、議長及びその後継者、アナマット(PP)は、子どもたちは一般的に(まだできていない単一のカレンダーでも)使用されている他のワクチンにシステムを拡張することに合意した。

部分的にアンダルシアを開発した薬のダッチオークション:それはまた少し節約しかし、主要な問題を証明したその他の措置に比べてと思われる。中央政府は、提出された(とアンダーカットを避けることになるので、満足して引退した)とすべてに同じ価格を提供するようになったプロバイダ上のファイルを開いているされていた大規模な研究室の圧力に頼っていますコミュニティ、それは彼らがスペインのすべてを供給する限られた能力を持っているとしてペナルティは、ほとんど象徴になるように、非常に小さな研究室ですが。その価格よりも少ない。 PSOEはリゾートしながら、政府が対策(貯蓄)の利点を活用していたと主張し、スペイン各地のオークションを拡張する機会を得たことは1,500百万円の節約になります。

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