ドイツ政府は、ドイツ西部のALTENBEKENの学校で、3人の生徒と 3人の調理人が病原性大腸菌O104号H4型に感染したので、学校を1週間閉鎖した。
Las auroridades alemanas cierran una escuela tras varios casos de E.coli
· Ya son 48 los muertos a causa del brote de la bacteria.
_ Rusia levanta el veto de importaciones a Holanda y Belgica y deja a Espanya en espera
Berlin / Moscou - 28/06/2011
The German authorities closed a school after several cases of E.coli You are 48 dead because of the outbreak of the bacteria. - Russia lifts ban on imports to the Netherlands and Belgium and leaves Spain on hold EFE - Berlin / Moscow - 28/06/2011
The German government has closed a school located in Altenbeken, west of the country, after three students and three workers who prepare the food fell ill with E. coli strain that has killed 48 people.
The school will be closed for one week - about the time of incubation of the bacteria, in order to prevent the spread of infection as has been explained to local authorities. Responsible health authorities have found that poor hygiene of the school and canteen staff have contributed to the spread of bacteria. The cause of the infection, once again, were the plant shoots.
"It could be very possible that the children were infected with contaminated food," said the health official in the area, George Allen, but added that could also be due to workers or students did not wash their hands after using the toilet.
To date, over 4,000 people in Europe and North America are infected with the bacteria in all cases after traveling, living or leaving Germany. The infection rate has dropped significantly since reaching its peak last May.
Russia leaves Spain on hold
Russia has lifted the ban on vegetable imports from two European Union countries, the Netherlands and Belgium, and left Spain and four other members of the EU on the waiting list to access its market. "After an evaluation by experts Today we have allowed imports from Holland and Belgium, "announced the head of the Epidemiological Service of Russia, Gennady Onischenko, quoted by Russian news agencies.
The first imports authorized after nearly a month ban come from countries with which Russia has held bilateral discussions on the safety of its production. The Russian official explained that the decision to allow the entry of products from Holland and Belgium due to "instill confidence that their laboratories" and the absence of patients in these two countries.
The veto was the cause of disease outbreak that began in Germany has already claimed over 40 dead. The first Russian-restrictive measures affecting vegetables from Spain and Germany due to false information from the German authorities on the origin of the infection, which initially was attributed to the Spanish cucumbers.
The prohibition of entry of Spanish and German supplies was delivered on 30 May, veto three days later was expanded to the entire European Union. The head of the EU mission in Moscow, Spanish Fernando Valenzuela, has been surprised by the statements of the chief Russian sanitary. The EU ambassador said "if a shipment arrives with the agreed documentation, has to go, because that's the deal."
ドイツ当局は、大腸菌のいくつかのケースの後に学校を閉鎖 あなたのためバクテリアの発生は48死んでいる。 - ロシアは保留にオランダとベルギーと葉スペインへの輸入の禁止を持ち上げる EFE - ベルリン/モスクワ - 28/06/2011
学校は1週間閉鎖されます - 細菌のインキュベーションの時間については、地方当局に説明されているように感染症のまん延を防ぐために。責任ある保健当局は、学校や食堂のスタッフの劣悪な衛生状態が細菌の広がりに寄与していることを発見した。感染の原因は、再び、植物のシュートだった。
拒否権は、ドイツで始まった病気の発生の原因はすでに死んで40歳以上主張していた。最初にスペイン語キュウリに起因した感染症の起源をドイツ当局からの虚偽の情報によるスペインとドイツからの野菜に影響を与える最初のロシア - 制限措置、。
スペイン語とドイツの消耗品のエントリの禁止は、5月30日に配信された、拒否権は3日後に全体の欧州連合(EU)に拡大した。モスクワでのEUのミッションの頭、スペインのフェルナンドバレンズエラは、チーフロシア衛生の文で驚いている。 EU大使は、"それは契約だから出荷が合意されたドキュメントが届いた場合、、読まなければならない"と述べた。
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