

欧州委員会の保健当局は、エジプトから2009年/2010年に輸入されたFENOGRECO(アルファルファ?)の種がドイツの猛毒·致死性·病原性大腸菌らしいと発表、ドイツ、フランス、イギリス、オランダ、オーストリア、スペインの6カ国が、2009年/2010年に エジプトから輸入したFENOGRECO, ALHOLVAの種が病原性大腸菌感染に関係しているらしい?それで欧州保健当局は、野菜の新芽を自家栽培したり、種や豆の新芽を十分に料理しないで食べたり、生で食べないように勧告している。

Bruselas atribuye ahora la "E.coli" a semilla de Egipto
· El brote letal, vinculado a importaciones de fenogreco
- Bruselas - 01/07/2011

Brussels now attributed the 'E. coli to seeds in Egypt The deadly outbreak linked to imports of fenugreek MISS ANDREU - Brussels - 01/07/2011
Outbreaks of the bacteria E. coli detected in Germany and France are associated with imports of fenugreek seeds and fenugreek imported from Egypt in 2009 and 2010, according to sources of Health of the European Commission. They came to Europe through Italy from where he apparently would have been distributed also to Spain, UK, Netherlands and Austria, besides the two countries that have been outbreaks of the bacteria.
The spokesman for Health Commission, Frederic Vincent, made it clear that "E. coli is not Spain", but said it was one of seven countries in which these seeds were distributed. The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) recommended, however, as a precaution not to eat these seeds or, in any case boiled.
The warnings to the countries concerned were transmitted by the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RAFF) after the EFSA and the Center for Disease Control (ECDC), distributed a report which identified the seeds of fenugreek to cause infection.
The official report indicates that both entities infections in Germany would be related to imports in 2010, while in the case of France correspond to purchases last year. Anyway, the report of the EFSA and ECDC prudent use language to establish relationships of cause and effect, stating that the departure of fenugreek seeds "seems to be related to the outbreak in France."
Community spokesman said: "We have not implemented the warning mechanism" that would force the withdrawal of the product market, "because the seeds entered the EU for several months." "What we want is to avoid what happened with the Spanish cucumbers." Vincent said that "so far only been found infected in Germany and France."
The research now carried out the authorities of the countries concerned seek to determine the route and destination of shipments of these products. For the European health authorities "is very important to clarify what happened," said the spokesman of Health. The European Commission maintains permanent contact with the seven European countries affected while there are exchanges with Egypt.
Analyses so far by the experts working with this outbreak have failed to clarify the case of infection detected in Sweden.
Accurate identification of the causes is complicated because the seeds are sold in packages containing mixtures of different varieties, which could favor contamination between them.
Fenugreek Fenugreek is a legume or used in cooking activities attributed to the slimming and restorative powers of sex.
During the month of May, an outbreak of E. coli in Germany, focused on the area of ​​Hamburg, which killed hundreds of sick and almost fifty deaths. The German authorities incorrectly attributed the source of the bacteria to a game of Spanish cucumbers causing heavy losses. To compensate farmers for damage caused unfair, the EU agreed a compensation of 210 million euros. Producers believe that aid only cover 50% of the damage. Prince Felipe recalled yesterday in Hamburg, where he inaugurated a Cervantes Institute, the Spanish horticultural products retain their quality.

 ブリュッセルは今"E.を起因エジプトの種子への大腸菌 フェヌグリークの輸入にリンクされている致命的な流行 MISSアンドリュー - ブリュッセル - 2011年1月7日
コミュニティのスポークスマンは言った:、製品市場の撤退を強制する"我々は警告メカニズムを実装していない""種子が数ヶ月間、EUに入ったので。" "我々が欲しいのは、スペインのキュウリで何が起こったかを避けるためです。"ヴィンセントは"これまでドイツやフランスで感染のみ発見されている"と述べた。


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