Un estudio halla graves índices de cobre plomo y arsénico en la ría de Arousa
Una de las zonas más afectadas es un humedal de importancia internacional
Silvia R. Pontevedra Santiago 18 ENE 2014 - 00:25 CET
Study finds serious levels of lead and arsenic in copper Arosa estuary
One of the most affected areas is a wetland of international importance
Silvia R. Pontevedra Santiago 18 ENE 2014 - 00:25 CET
Yet the cause is not known, although some of the assumptions of scientists are taking shape , but it is proved that the Ria de Arosa suffers contamination by lead, arsenic and copper. And not just in small amounts. Revealed shortly before the end of the year a team of members of the University of Vigo and the Institute of Investigacions Marinas CSIC through a publication in the specializing Microchemical Journal, but now the Galician Society of Natural History who has taken the witness. The collective historical environmental defense has requested an explanation from the Xunta about the impact the news may have on fishing and shellfish sectors and valuable natural habitats and Umia mouth of the estuary. But yesterday also sent all the information about the case to the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention, the agency responsible for ensuring declared wetlands of international importance.
Because one of the areas most affected by these chemicals coincides with the main area of wintering waterfowl of Galicia, very important also in the whole of Spain : the Complexo Intertidal Umia - Grove - Carreirón . There you can see 28 species of birds, half of them waders. Your food will look precisely in the limo left the air at low tide , the same mud where these dangerous metals and metalloids detected by researchers Vigo settle .
The presence of these toxic substances comes in various areas to the level of severe and very severe and even, in the case of lead , reaches the level of deposit , the maximum referred to in scientific study , somewhere located near the shore , between the peninsula of O Grove, la Toja, Cambados and Illa de Arosa .
This part of the map would have worked on which members of the department of Analytical Chemistry and Food University and Marine Biogeochemistry group CSIC appears, on paper, stained black . And that darkest point , denoting higher rate of heavy metal pollution , is very close to the wetland . Within the limits and intertidal complex include fairly large areas painted gray tone indicating severe contamination .
The president of the Galician Society of Natural History, Serafin Gonzalez, CSIC scientist also sends its warning to the Environment Department , headed Agustin Hernandez , but the text suggests that there are other departments of the Regional Government with responsibilities in Case . Severe pollution by these substances is also competition from Mar, the possible impact of fishing operations, the trays that populate the river banks and seafood .
In addition , among the possible causes of such levels of pollution, pointing SGHN a theory that if you come to confirm , also competería the Rural area . "We manage hypothesized that , because of its location on the edge of an important wine region [ most of the Rías Baixas designation of origin ] , the copper and arsenic contamination could come from treatments with fungicides and other pesticides in the vineyards " explained yesterday in a press release the environmental group . On the maps Microchemical Journal published along with the study on coastal sediments of the Ria de Arosa , the concentration of arsenic, but especially copper , is clearly located , in addition to other points on the river in the estuary umia and facing Cambados . The authors of the scientific paper ( Miguel Angel Alvarez -Vázquez , Carlos Bendicho , Ricardo Prego ) believe could also seek answers to contamination by these elements in the paintings of the hulls of boats, but this cause alone can not explain the severe or very severe concentration. In other Galician fishing and also repaired , although fewer , larger ships are built.
The presence of lead, in turn, is most striking in the port and at that point vilagarcía between Cambados Toja and threatening the Complexo Intertidal Umia - Grove - Carreirón . Find alleged explanations for this type of pollution is more difficult. The SGHN requires the Xunta that investigate , to evaluate the effects on waterfowl and take steps to combat this evil , but the group suspects that this cumulative metal ( also present in paints) can be related to " fuel combustion fossils " .
Serafin Gonzalez explains that O Grove is the main wintering area in Spain the Eurasian oystercatcher, and hosts more than 20% of individuals that are registered in the country of big, gray plover plover . It also ranks high among the favorite places of Sanderling and common sandpipers , the godwit and colipinta the Whimbrel , redshank and clear , plus vuelvepiedras place . The Ramsar Convention, an intergovernmental treaty for the conservation and wise use of wetlands, recognizing the values of this intertidal resort Arosa estuary as a Wetland of International Importance. Now, in charge of ensuring that governments fulfill, are already informed.
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