El brote de Gripe A es normal y de las mismas cepas que todos los años
Los fallecidos pertenecían a la población de riesgo: con patologías respiratorias o ancianos
Laura Rivas Madrid 15 ENE 2014 - 14:56 CET
The outbreak of influenza A is normal and the same strains every year
The deceased belonged to the population at risk: elderly with respiratory diseases or
Laura Rivas Madrid 15 ENE 2014 - 14:56 CET
This Wednesday is deceased woman of 48 years in Madrid due to a complication of his lung disease with influenza A. Catalonia has also recorded a death - patient of 98 years for a similar reason. This brings to five the number of deaths from the flu this year , along with cases of Murcia , Cantabria and Aragon. In all of these patients belonged to the population at risk (elderly or diseases that may be complicated by the flu , such as respiratory ) . The Medical Association has stated that "the only exceptional " having the flu this year is that " is being told ."
Is there anything to be alarmed ?
No. " The outbreak is normal ," said Wednesday Miguel Angel Gil , professor of preventive medicine at the University Rey Juan Carlos . Strains that are currently outstanding are the usual : B virus , the H1N1 and H3N2 , report to the Ministry of Health , the same that circulated during the last two winters. The majority strains this year are influenza A, while last winter (2012-2013) were of the B.
Deaths are caused by the same strains of each year and is considered a seasonal virus for the ministry . Furthermore, levels of infection and disease are within the usual: the average of deaths directly attributed to the disease is between 200 and 300. 214 were counted in 2011 , but falelcimiento where flu has been an influential factor are around 3,000 a year , according to the INE.
What these cases it may be suddenly arise ?
The small rise of infections that can occur vaccination coverage in Spain have dropped , in part because the debate that arose after the 2009 pandemic , and also because " we flu less importance than it has ," says Gil de Miguel .
Why so many cases have sprung up in the same place ?
Gil de Miguel unknown why the cases have occurred suddenly in Aragon , according to the latest data , there are 65 people hospitalized of which 22 are in intensive care , but perhaps in the region have vaccinated a little less than usual adventure this expert . " Note that most cases of influenza is risk population has not been vaccinated ."
Are you at a risk of seriously ill people ?
Healthy people (adults or youth) are not at risk of dying from the flu , but populations with comorbidities or advanced age should be vaccinated. " At least 75 % of the population at risk should be vaccinated according to the World Health Organization . Currently in Spain we are at about 64%. "
How to prevent swine flu?
To prevent this expert recommends vaccination. " It's okay to get vaccinated now , because we are just starting the epidemic band . Though keep in mind that the vaccine does not protect until after about 15 days or so , which is what it took to produce antibodies."
In addition to the vaccine , doctors recommend the usual hygienic measures to prevent respiratory diseases : wash your hands often , cover your sneezes with your elbow instead of your hand ... "These must always be taken into account , not just now . "
Does the current vaccine contains the strain that is causing the disease?
The vaccine never contained the exact strain that is in circulation , because you can not predict mutations . "In the most aggressive vaccine strain known so far includes " so that every year there is a " small change " . For example , after the 2009 epidemic of H1N1 virus injected the "California 2009 " .
Ministry sources explained that WHO each year determines which strains to include in vaccines northern hemisphere based flu has circulated last winter in the southern hemisphere . But , although the vaccine may not protect 100 % protection level remains high.
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